This is Dave Hahn calling form Mt. Everest, and again tonight we are at Advance Base Camp. Our Plan had been to move up to the Lhotse Face and we tired we went out this morning with that as the goal, but unfortunately with Dan’s cough has not gone away and it has turned out to be debilitating as far as preventing us from going higher. It is not a danger to him, but going higher with it would be a problem. So, quick change of plans Dan is going to head down to Base Camp in the morning with Lama Babu, and Seth and I are going to try and keep up Tshering, Gyaljen and Kaji and our plan is to go all the way to high camp tomorrow and attempt the summit on the 23rd. The complication is that the weather forecast is kind of breaking down for those days and might be kind of dicey weather – We will have to see. We figure that will be our one chance and so it is up or down for all. Things should be moving around a fair amount for these next couple of days…we will see what happens. We are going to miss Dan as he heads back down to Base Camp, Lama Babu is happy to guide him down and we are expecting they will have a smooth descent and will be in Base Camp about the middle of tomorrow morning. That’s what’s going on here at Everest.
We watched a lot of people tired people coming down from the Summit and from the Lhotse Face again today but it has starting to get though crowd a little bit, we have noticed traffic slacking a bit and that works in our favor.
That’s all for now, Bye!
RMI Guide Dave Hahn
Dan, sorry to hear you had to turn back. You did extremely well to make it so far. Look forward to hearing about your trek when you return. Be safe!
Posted by: Steve on 5/24/2013 at 5:49 am
You made a good choice in trekking with RMI. Your safety is the most important thing here and it’s great to hear that you’re in responsible hands and will be coming back in one piece.
Safe travels and don’t fret. There are plenty more mountains in your future.
This is Dave Hahn calling down again from Camp 2, ABC, on Mount Everest, 21,300'. We took a rest of day here today as plan, tried to catch up on our hydration and rest obviously. We were pretty much observers today watching a lot going on, watching a lot of climbers coming down from the top and a lot going up. Easy to look out at any time today and see over 100 climbers on the Lhotse Face. We were particularly interested in the efforts of Lam Babu, our Sirdar, who went up in the middle of the night last night and led a team of Sherpas that were determined to help a man high on Lhotse who had been in distress for a couple of days. They did a great job getting up there. They were up there at Lhotse Camp 4 by out about 4 in the morning, or I'm sorry by about 6 in the morning. But sadly it was just a little too late for the man who'd been through too much. But very proud of Lam Babu and the team that he led up there. He's back safely at camp now. And we're getting ready for our efforts at moving up tomorrow, moving to Camp 3 tomorrow on the Lhotse Face. So that's certainly occupying all our thoughts as we go to bed. Hoping everything's in order and that we have a good day tomorrow. Bye for now.
RMI Guide Dave Hahn
Dave Hahn calls in from Everest Advanced Basecamp.
Hello, this is Dave Hahn calling from Camp 2 on Mount Everest, 21,300'. All is well. We moved up this morning from Camp 1 in perfect weather conditions, actually a little bit hot in the Western Cwm. Very much aware of the dramas playing out above us on the mountain. A number of our friends went to the summit safely and returned in these last couple of days. But, there's also been some problems up high and much of the mountain was pre-occupied these last couple of days, especially today with trying to help a climber, incapacitated high on Lhotse. And the drama is still playing out. Lam Babu, our Sirdar, is putting together a team of Sherpas who will go up tonight and try to get that individual down the Lhotse Face. So we're certainly concerned and going to be tuning in to try and back up Lam; meanwhile, trying to continue our own climb. We're all doing fine here at Advanced Basecamp. Our intention is to stage out of here tomorrow to rest and recuperate from our climb up and get ready for a climb higher. Anyway, lots of exciting times now on Mount Everest as everybody is in motion going for the top and coming down. All good for us and stay tuned. Bye for now.
RMI Guide Dave Hahn
Update 6:30 a.m. PST
Hey, this is Dave Hahn calling from Camp 1 with Seth Waterfall and Dan Johnson. We finally got out of Basecamp. We're on our way down for our summit bid. A beautiful day today for the start of it at least. And then about the time we were about mid morning or so when we were getting up here to Camp 1, the wind clouds and cloud caps started forming over the high peaks. Made us a little bit worried for our friends who were going to the summit today but sounds like things went well for the folks we know up there. And we know a number of people that left for the summit today so that is encouraging. In fact, with some of the cloud play up there, we were able to actually see people on top which I don't remember being able to do from Camp 1 before so that was pretty exciting. And neat to go through the Icefall again, actually very frightening to go through the Icefall again, but neat to work our muscles and get up here close to 20,000' again. Lam Babu and Yubaraj are up at Camp 2 tonight. And they're getting Camp 2 ready for our arrival tomorrow. That's our hope is to get up early in the morning tomorrow and move what should be a relatively easy day up to Camp 2. But like I say nice to be up here. We've been talking to Mark Tucker down at Basecamp. Sounds like all is going well and the forecast is still looking good for when we want to get close to the top in four days or five days, something like that. And so keep following along. And hopefully we'll keep making upward progress. Bye for now.
RMI Guide Dave Hahn
Update sent 4:59 a.m. PST
Off we go! Seth the Sherpa man left Everest Basecamp early with Lam Babu to retrieve gear from Camp 2 and bring down to Camp 1. They met up with Dave and Dan then Lam Babu went back to Camp 2 for the night. The team decided to make use of Camp 1 on this rotation for ease of travel. A good number of climbers summited today under nice conditions most of the time. Three remaining Sherpa here at Basecamp will go up to Camp 1 tomorrow and bring all equipment down to Basecamp except rescue and medical. Getting a head start on clearing the mountain.
Forecast is still looking good. Dave and crew report all is well at a very quiet Camp 1.
RMI Everest Basecamp Manager Mark Tucker
Bags are packed and the Everest team is ready! We have been busy with last minute sewing and labeling of food and gear for each camp. Checked re-checked. All systems are go. Weather has been a bit tough right now, but the forecast is good for the planned summit day. A couple of showers to help with soon to be shared tents. All good.
Sad to report the Khumbu Country Club golf course is now closed for the season. The fairways are a bit to hollow and wet. We still have our horseshoe pit in great shape, and guess who had a double ringer to end the game today?
Up early tomorrow, let the summit bid begin!
RMI Guide and Everest Basecamp Manager Mark Tucker
We held a strategy session this morning and we set the date for a try on the summit. Weather is expected to improve as the next week goes by, but that was little consolation for those who were at the South Col last night and trying for the top this morning. Our sources tell us it was a no-go day due to high winds.
We are looking for a shot on the top somewhere in the May 22 to May 23 range, which will mean that we have one more day down in Basecamp to pack, sleep and eat.
Each day at the bottom of the mountain has started out with plenty of sun, so it seemed a little unfair that we sipped coffee in a damp, cold cloud this morning. It burned off before long though and we were treated to warm and springlike conditions with ice melting everywhere.
Camp seems very quiet at the moment as many people are already up the mountain and getting in place for their attempts on the top.
Best Regards,
RMI Guide Dave Hahn
We enjoyed another sunny day at Base Camp and thus a few more rounds of horseshoes. Our team is getting rested and well fed - two important "to do" items prior to starting our big push for the summit of Mt. Everest. The team has been finalizing their equipment, deciding on the food items they will take, adjusting their boots, etc. etc. There are more teams on the upper mountain getting in position for their summit attempt. We are expecting some teams will make the summit tonight. It is always hard to be an observer but we are banking with the old saying "good things come to those who wait".
I guess that goes for you too, since you will have to wait for our next dispatch. ..
RMI Guide Mark Tucker
It didn't appear to be a great day for going to the top of Mount Everest, but it was a perfect day for the top of Kalapathar. Dan and Seth and I went back down-valley to Gorak Shep and then hung a right to do the classic hike. Everest still had a jetstream plume of cloud and snow blowing from her upper reaches. But about 10,000 feet lower down we enjoyed sunny and calm spring weather. It was good to be out of base for a bit and away from the all consuming obsession with weather forecasts and picking summit days. We'll get worked up about it all, soon enough.
For now it is still a matter of getting the team healthy and strong.
Best Regards,
RMI Guide Dave Hahn
You all are looking good and healthy. Stay healthy and strong for your summit. Looking forward to reading about it. Blessings for a safe summit.
AQ Uptown#985 NM/AZ/CO
Posted by: Rachael C. Lujan on 5/15/2013 at 10:17 am
Love the beard buddy. Looks like your having the time of your life. Good luck everyone at work and myself are rooting for you. Be Safe! Look forward to your return and your stories.
We took advantage of a beautiful morning for a day of tough competition around the horseshoe pit. After some close games, lots of fun and prizes for all, we awarded our winners. Congratulations to Dave & Pranav - our 2013 RMI Expeditions Horseshoe Tournament Winners! We also played an inter camp Sherpa Tourney which was won by Jeta. Thanks to all the participants for a fun day of friendly competition.
There were a few more teams that reached the summit of Mt. Everest today. The weather is still a bit unpredictable but a few strong and smart teams have reached the top. There are many teams leaving from Base Camp today and heading to higher camps. This will put them in position for their summit bids later this week. We are sitting tight at Base Camp for a bit longer as the weather forecasts are showing some heavy snow arriving soon. We are continuing to watch the weather patterns and predictions and will move up hill when the timing looks good for us.
As the afternoon clouds rolled in the snow began to fall at Base Camp. We will keep you posted.
RMI Guide & Everest Base Camp Manager Mark Tucker
Dan, sorry to hear you had to turn back. You did extremely well to make it so far. Look forward to hearing about your trek when you return. Be safe!
Posted by: Steve on 5/24/2013 at 5:49 am
You made a good choice in trekking with RMI. Your safety is the most important thing here and it’s great to hear that you’re in responsible hands and will be coming back in one piece.
Safe travels and don’t fret. There are plenty more mountains in your future.
Your friend - Jake
Posted by: Jake on 5/22/2013 at 10:08 pm
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