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Mt. Baker: Wedel & Team Reach Summit via Easton Glacier!

Monday, September 9, 2024 - 12:03 am PT

Hello! The team just got back to camp after a sunset climb on the Easton Glacier. It was a hazy but beautiful climb. We'll get some well earned rest and walk back to the trailhead in the morning.

RMI Guide Jess Wedel

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Mt. Rainier: Wittmier & Muir Seminar Team Reach Summit

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir September 4 - 9 led by RMI Guides Dustin Wittmier, Seth Burns, Drew O'Brien and Will Ambler reached the summit of Mt. Rainier today. The team has spent the last several days training on the mountain and enjoying the views. Today they put their work to the test and made their summit attempt, reaching the crater rim around 7:30 am. After enjoying a bit of time on the summit the team is descending to Camp Muir where they will spend the night. Tomorrow they will descend the remaining 4.5 miles to Paradise.  A team celebration will be in order tomorrow afternoon before they conclude their six day program.

Nice work team!

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Mt. Rainier: Five Day Teams led by Cifelli & Hoffman Reach Summit!

The September 1 - 5 Five Day Climb reached the summit of Mt. Rainier led by RMI Guides Dominic Cifelli and Sam Hoffman.  Climbers reached the summit of Mt. Rainier around 5 am and were able to enjoy some time in the summit crater.  The skies are clear and it's a bluebird day.  The teams left the crater rim at 6:10am and are currently on their descent to Camp Muir.  Once back at camp they will get to rest and enjoy the views and will spend tonight on the mountain. Tomorrow they have another 4.5 miles to descent in order to reach Paradise. There program will conclude tomorrow with a celebration of their adventure.

Nice work team!

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Very thankful to Sam and all the guides who helped me summit Rainier
So glad I did it!!
It was hard but so worth it.
Thanks to professional and experienced guides - it was a challenge worth trying

Posted by: Alex Fedorchuk on 9/10/2024 at 12:10 pm

So grateful for this opportunity to climb and summit!
Our guides Sam and his team were absolutely amazing!
They gave very precise instructions, paid attention to all of our needs and encouraged us to believe in ourselves. Very well trained and knowledgeable in mountaineering. Very professional and polite.
We felt like family.
P.S. Sam, I was able to complete my marathon three days later in 3:45 :)

Posted by: Vera Fedorchuk on 9/10/2024 at 12:08 pm

Mt. Rainier: Grom, O’Brien Summit With Five Day Climb Crew

The Five Day Climb August 30 - 3 September led by RMI Guides Casey Grom and Drew O'Brien reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning.  The team first checked in at 7:30 am from 13,300' on their ascent.  They reported good climbing and clear skies.  A little after 10am they let us know they had reached the summit, enjoyed some time in the crater and now were starting their descent from the crater rim.  The teams will return to Camp Muir in a few hours and get to rest, relax and enjoy some time on the mountain. Tonight they will spend their second night at Camp Muir, but they will get to sleep until a reasonable hour, not an alpine start.  They will descend the remaining 4,500' to Paradise tomorrow and end their program with a small celebration.

Congratulations to today's climbers!

PC: Drew O'Brien

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Congratulations Hailie!! Woohooo proud of you

Posted by: Lyndsay on 9/3/2024 at 9:50 am

What an amazing accomplishment. A major milestone moment. Big shout out to Hailie! Woot! You did it!

Posted by: Taryn Laakso on 9/2/2024 at 4:43 pm

Mt. Baker: Bennett & Team Summit via the Easton Glacier

Our Mt. Baker - Easton Glacier Climb August 30 - 1 September led by RMI Guides Mike Bennett, Sam Marjerison and Bailey Servais reached the summit yesterday in beautiful conditions.  The team returned to camp an enjoyed some rest after their alpine start.  Today the team descended to the trailhead and completed their program.

Nice work team!

PC: Mike Bennett

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Mt. Rainier: Five Day Team on Top!

The Five Day Climb led by RMI Guides Seth Burns and Alan Davis reached the summit of Mt. Rainier early this morning. Thanks to the recent route work by many of our RMI Guides the team had a great route and were on the top in five and a half hours. The team enjoyed a beautiful sunrise and clear skies. The team is back at Camp Muir where they will spend one more night and descend Sunday Morning. 

Congratulations Team! 

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Mt. Baker: Coleman Deming Skills Seminar Spend the Week Training on the Mountain

The climbing team spent a lovely five days on Mount Baker after a sunny day at Mount Erie. Despite the initial cold, rain and high winds, the team prevailed physically and mentally through training and good laughs. The summit wasn't in the cards due to challenging route conditions that didn't lend themselves to safe travel. However, the team kept spirits high and explored crevasses and additional skills high up on Mount Baker. The mountain isn't going anywhere! 

RMI Guides Dan May, Ben Thorneycroft and Team! 

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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb Summits!

The Four Day Climb led by RMI Guide Ben Luedtke reached the Summit of Mt. Rainier at 5am PDT. The team climbed six hours on the Route via Disappointment Cleaver to reach the top. Ben reported clear blue skies and beautiful views. 

Congratulations Team! 

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Mt. Rainier: Paradise Expedition Skills Seminar Summits!

Our Expedition Skills Seminar on the Paradise Glacier led by RMI guide Jackson Breen spent the week focusing on and developing foundational mountaineering skills while ascending the less traveled Paradise Glacier route to our high camp: Camp Muir. Establishing tented camps, they ascend the Paradise Glacier using the mountain's terrain to learn mountaineering skills such as snow & ice anchors, crevasse rescue, ice climbing, fixed line travel, belaying, and other technical skills. The team completed their week by reaching the summit of Mt. Rainier via the Disappointment Cleaver route.

Congratulations Team! 

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Mt. Baker: Summit Easton Glacier

The August 29th Mount Baker climb with Joe Hoch, Rob Whyte, and Celeste Wilson summited 100% of clients and guides at 8am Thursday morning with beautiful sunny skies and views from Canada to Mt Rainier. They spent a half hour on the summit and descended to base camp and out. 

Congratulations Team! 

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