Kilimanjaro: Dave Hahn and Team Start Their Trek

The climb is underway. We were up early today, carrying bags and packs to the magic bus/truck for the ride to Kilimanjaro. We enjoyed a last comfortable breakfast at the Dik Dik Hotel and said our goodbyes to the staff there as we climbed on board the great expedition vehicle. We were on the road just after 7 AM and at our destination, the Machame Gate to Kilimanjaro National Park by around 9 AM. Our expedition staff sorted loads and hired porters as we snacked, drank water and shooed monkeys from our staging area. Our climb began around 10:15 as we set out through the forest at nearly 6000 ft above sea level. Gaining 4000 feet over the course of about five and a half hours, we were encouraged to be on dry ground and good trail. There was significant cloud cover, but no rain until we'd very nearly reached Machame Camp at 9890 ft. Even then we only had a few minutes of sprinkles as we moved into our tents. An afternoon snack and a delicious dinner in our dining tent took us to darkness and the end of a fine first day. We were all happy to be finally walking in a pretty place after so many less than fun days of packing, traveling and preparing.
Best Regards,
RMI Guide Dave Hahn & Team
Comments (5)
Kate and Erwin: the pictures are already amazing. Texts came through from Bill. All the family send love and are checking the blog daily. All the best to the entire group! Elizabeth
Posted by: Elizabeth on
What an amazing journey both physically as well as spiritually! Safe travels to you all!
Posted by: Kelly Smith on
Rock on ya’ll! Have a blast!
love peter
Posted by: Peter on
Have a safe and fun trek. Hello to Charlotte, Peter, and Irwin. Wish I was there with you
Posted by: Melinda on
Looking good y’all!
Posted by: Madge on