Mt. Elbrus: Grom & Team Acclimatize to the Higher Elevation
Hey everybody this is Del, one of the Elbrus team members, reporting from about 12,000 feet on the southside of Elbrus. Today we did an acclimatization hike to 15,000 feet and everybody did well. We've got a strong team and a great group of people with diverse backgrounds. Greg, another team member, fabricated a set of horseshoes from some steel he scavenged and a lot of people have been playing on the mountain. Besides that, we've been napping, reading and socializing to pass the time. Our cook, Albina, has been feeding us well and the food has been tasty. The weather has been pretty good from this Hawaii boy's perspective and we're all looking forward to making our summit attempt tomorrow night. We're doing well and our spirits are high!
Del and the RMI Elbrus Gang
Comments (5)
So close to the summit! Kudos you guys, I can’t wait to hear that you made it! Shout out to Debbi LaPrevotte: we miss you! Have fun and be safe.
~Alex and Robert.
Posted by: Alex on
Fatima, Looks like you are all having lots of fun! Wishing you and your team well on your push up to the summit tonight. love Peter
Posted by: Peter Williamson on
Greg good to hear all is well and you are enjoying yourself with fun and games as well as climbing. We just had five great days in Kelowna with M,M, and H. Have a great climb and a safe one. Love mom and dad
Posted by: Mom on
Horseshoes?!?! I thought u were climbing a mt.!
Glad you all have a chance to work hard and have fun.
Wish you well on your summit attempt tomorrow!
With u every step of the way G. James!
Posted by: The Pit Crew on
Fooling around even on the mountain?? :)
Good luck tomorrow!
Love you
Posted by: The Girls on