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Ecuador Cotopaxi Express: Casey Grom & Team Explore Quito

Hello Everyone, It was a beautiful first day here in Quito, Ecuador. We started the day off with a visit to the equator which is just a few miles north of our hotel. The short drive through the busy streets of Quito gave us a brief glimpse of life here in this city of over 2 million people. We spent an hour at an outdoor cultural museum that is set up to show the importance and effects the equator has on the planet. Most of us were amazed to see the Coriolis effect in both hemispheres. It is true that water spins in different directions while being drained. After our visit up north we headed back to Quito where we took in the sights of the colonial old town. There was much to see in this city that was founded in 1530. Our stops included the monastery of San Francisco (built in 1535), the church of La Compania, which has gold painted throughout the interior, and a quick stop at the Virgin de Quito. It's also called the La Panicia and it sits atop a small hill and overlooks this beautiful city. We snuck in a very appropriate siesta after yesterday's long flights and wrapped up the day with a wonderful dinner full of good conversations. Everyone is doing great and looking forward to stretching our legs tomorrow. RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew

Comments (3)

What a nice and informative Blog. I cannot wait to read more about the climb. Hoping for good weather for all of you! I will be watching from my warm couch.

Posted by: Sue Campbell on

Great picture, Chuck!!!  At 2,250 feet in my treestand, I didn’t have any trouble breathing!  Have a great climb.  We’ll be in Wmspt. when you get back.

Posted by: Charley Knauff on

Congrats! Quite the experience….stay safe!

Posted by: paul stuart on

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