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Climbing Skills

Climbing Skills

The climbing skills presented here are a collection of basic mountaineering skills that climbers should have in order to feel comfortable and properly prepared in order to join a rope team led by a professional guide. This presentation is meant for climbers who have already learned the skills in the mountains and are looking for a quick refresher of terminology and basic movements. This resource is not a comprehensive guide!

Ice Axe

Ice Axe Terminology

ice axe terminology

Basic Ice Axe Grip

Self Arrest Grip



Deadman Anchor

Picket: Top-Clipped

Picket Anchor

Picket: Mid-Clipped

Picket Anchor


Saxon's Cross

Saxon Cross Anchor

Snow Bollard

Snow Bollard Anchor

V Thread

V Thread Anchor


Equalized Anchor with a Knot

Equalized Anchor

Equalized Anchor with a Magic X

Equalized Anchor
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