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Entries from Elbrus Southside

Mt.Elbrus: Gorum & Team Acclimatize and Enjoy the Mountain

Well well well, another good day up here on Mt. Elbrus. Most of the team woke with the sunrise, which is around 4am. Breakfast wasn't until 8, so we had some time to kill. Jazzersize (I don't actually know how to spell that) kept a few folks busy, while others took part in more traditional activities, such as taking photos and wandering aimlessly about the ridge. After breakfast we had a race to see who could get ready the fastest. Everyone tied for first place. This is the dream team, no doubt. We set off on our journey to the top of Pastahkov rocks at 9:00am. After an hour, we could hear thunder in the distance, and dragged our feet thinking we were going to retreat. Thunder is no match for this team, however, and after some intense positive energy output the clouds dissipated and we continued upwards. Two hundred feet shy of our target, the clouds started to look ominous again. It is hard work trying to change the weather, and we're going to need that energy for summit day. The best call was to turn around and head back to the hut. We made it to 15,300 feet today, which is perfectly in line with our acclimatization goals. We made it back to the huts ten minutes before it started raining, which is perfectly in line with our goal of not getting wet. Excellent job by everyone today. Rest day coming up tomorrow. The team sends their best to all back at home! RMI Guide JM Gorum

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Mt. Elbrus: Gorum & Team Move Into the Garabashi Hut

The team sends their greetings from 12,500ft. We all made it up to the Garabashi Hut in good style today. Everyone got moved in, and then went for a nice jaunt in perfect weather. We got a little training in on our new snowy surface, and then headed back to the huts for a nice lunch. Nobody is going hungry just yet. The heat of the day lead to some building clouds, precipitation, and eventually some light thunderstorms in the distance. People spent the afternoon reading, writing, and napping. We're settling in quite nicely up here. Check in tomorrow. RMI Guide JM Gorum

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Charlie, Nikolai and Aleksandr (My Stevens Boys)- Looks Amazing!  I wish I were there.  Sending you lots of love and positive energy.  Godspeed!

Posted by: Vivian M. Urena-Stevens on 7/19/2017 at 6:35 pm

Craig and Carol, Sending lots of love ( and not a little envy!) and blessings for a great climb. You guys rock! Armen and Vicky

Posted by: vicky hanjian on 7/19/2017 at 11:57 am

Mt. Elbrus: Grom & Team Finish Their Time in Russia Touring St. Petersburg

Our final night in St. Petersburg! The team had a great last day here in Russia, with a visit to a beautiful church full of mosaics. We then visited the very famous Hermitage Museum, where we saw paintings and sculptures by many well-known artists including Rembrandt, Michelangelo and even Da Vinci. We took a small break and wrapped up the day with a fantastic evening boat cruise to see this amazing city by water. It's been a wonderful adventure here in Russia, but it's time to say our goodbyes and return to family and loved ones. Thanks for following. RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew
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To my dearest Steve Pastor, I’m so proud of you!!  You are amazing!  I feel absolutely honored that I received a phone call to find you made the summit.  Mt. Elbrus summit!!!  Great job to my crazy mountain climbing bestie and congratulations!!  Love and Hugs, Andy

Thank you Mr. Grom for the wonderful experience you provided all these fantastic people!  Congratulations to you and everyone with you!!

Posted by: Andrea Houts on 7/18/2017 at 4:38 pm

Mt. Elbrus: Gorum & Team Acclimatization Hike in Cheget

We had our first day up above ten thousand feet, and it couldn't have been much better. The weather was perfect, and the views were just as good. The wildflowers here are blooming, and with the breeze we had today, their smell filled the air. So we walked with postcard views and air that smelled like flowers, not bad. We reached a nice spot around eleven thousand feet, took some photos, and made some new friends. We got our first good view of the route, and I would say folks have it just about memorized now. If the team fell short in any aspect today, it was in our ability to take a group photo. It's the thought that counts I suppose. After a nice lunch back in town, we went through our gear, and packed everything in preparation for heading uphill. We are mountain bound tomorrow morning. Досвидания! RMI Guide JM Gorum

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Mt. Elbrus: Grom & Team Arrive in St. Petersburg

Saint Petersburg!!! We traveled all day and have finally arrived in one of the most beautiful cities of Europe. Things went relatively smooth despite two van rides and two flights. We got checked into the hotel here and then ran out for a quick dinner followed by a short but scenic stroll. Everyone is very excited to explore and see this city tomorrow. RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew
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Mt. Elbrus: Gorum & Team Travel to Cheget

After a full day of travel, the team has made it to Cheget. We enjoyed our time in Moscow, but it always feels good to be in the mountains. The air is crisp, and the rivers are swollen. From the hotel we can see multiple hanging glaciers, and from town we can easily see the East summit of Elbrus. We've got a few things to take care of here over the coming days, but it won't be long until we're living life up in the hills! RMI Guide JM Gorum

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Be Safe and Have Fun!!! Tell Craig (Dad) we love him and we’re so proud!!- From all his kids and grandkids:)

Posted by: Hannah Clark on 7/18/2017 at 7:20 am

Good luck! Have fun and tell Zarina hello for us!

Posted by: Rebecca Robinson on 7/17/2017 at 5:33 pm

Mt. Elbrus: Gorum & Team Explore Moscow

The team has arrived in Moscow! Everyone has their bags, though some had to work a little harder than others for that luxury. Today, we started with a tour of the Kremlin. We saw some really big cannons, and some very old cathedrals. Some of those cathedrals contain remains of people who died in the 14th century. That's before Christopher Columbus even sailed the ocean blue, which was in 1492, of course. There is a lot of history here. The team toured the Red Square, ate some ice cream, and ate some lunch. After our tour, folks split ways for a bit. Some taking naps, some exploring on their own, and some opting to track down their luggage. Success on all fronts. We just got back from dinner, everyone is packed up and ready to head out early tomorrow for our departure to Mineralnye Vody. You'll hear from us soon. RMI Guide JM Gorum
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Mt. Elbrus: Grom & Team Explore Cheget

Greetings everyone - Our team spent the contingency weather day hanging out in Cheget. We had a rather leisurely start with breakfast at 9:30 due to so many climbers being here in the hotel. But no one seemed to mind the extra sleep after yesterday's climb. We spent the day walking around town, riding ATVs, enjoying the new coffee shop in town and of course horseback riding Russian style! Right now we're all relaxing before heading out to a celebratory dinner with the team. Hopefully we'll survive the vodka associated with tonight's traditional Russian celebration, hosted by our gracious local tour operator. Everyone is in good spirits and looking forward to heading to beautiful St. Petersburg early tomorrow. RMI Guide Casey Grom

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Mt. Elbrus: Grom & Team Reach Summit!

Summit! Today the team stood on the highest point of Europe. I have to admit we were pretty lucky with the weather, as we had a little snowstorm pass through last night leaving a nice dusting. The team did a fantastic job of taking care of themselves and climbed incredibly well. With pretty decent weather we could see much of the massive Caucasus mountain range from the summit. Once we descended back to the saddle between the two summits that Mt. Elbrus has (West and East), four of us decided to climb up to the other summit while the rest of the team descended safely back to camp. It only added an additional one and a half hours, so not too bad, especially since the weather was good. After everyone returned to camp, we had a quick lunch and then packed up to head down valley to our hotel at the base of the mountain. Everyone is high spirits and smelling great! RMI Guide Casey Grom and a happy, freshly showered crew

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Congratulation Scott + Julie and team. Well done.

Posted by: Walter Glover on 7/15/2017 at 11:41 pm

Congratulations to all of you. Glad you had a safe climb.

Posted by: Ruth Baldock on 7/15/2017 at 2:38 pm

Mt. Elbrus: Grom & Team Ready for Summit Attempt

Hello again from 12,000' in Russia! Things are good here and the team is excited for tonight! We did a little prep work for tomorrow by reviewing a few climb techniques and then rested the remainder of the day. Our cook, Dasha, has done a great job of filling our bellies with plenty of good ol' home cooked Russian food. We had a thorough discussion about tonight's climb and everyone is packed up and ready. Hopefully the weather continues to hold. we'll be waking up shortly after 1 a.m. and after a quick breakfast we'll hop on the snowcat to give us a bump a little further up the mountain. This will shorten our climb a little and increase our chance of reaching the highest point in Europe. We had a trivia challenge today and one lucky winner will get to make a satellite phone call from the summit. So everyone following along, keep your phones handy, you just might receive a call. I'm expecting us to reach the summit around 10 a.m. here, in same time zone as Moscow. Keep your fingers crossed for us! RMI Guide Casey Grom and team

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Best of luck with your skills, health and weather!

Posted by: kay nims on 7/15/2017 at 11:03 am

Go for it you guys. Casey is the best! Wishing you safe travels tonight

Posted by: John Horgan on 7/15/2017 at 8:27 am

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