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Mt. Elbrus: Gorum & Team Explore Moscow

The team has arrived in Moscow! Everyone has their bags, though some had to work a little harder than others for that luxury. Today, we started with a tour of the Kremlin. We saw some really big cannons, and some very old cathedrals. Some of those cathedrals contain remains of people who died in the 14th century. That's before Christopher Columbus even sailed the ocean blue, which was in 1492, of course. There is a lot of history here. The team toured the Red Square, ate some ice cream, and ate some lunch. After our tour, folks split ways for a bit. Some taking naps, some exploring on their own, and some opting to track down their luggage. Success on all fronts. We just got back from dinner, everyone is packed up and ready to head out early tomorrow for our departure to Mineralnye Vody. You'll hear from us soon. RMI Guide JM Gorum

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