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Entries from Aconcagua

Aconcagua: Justman & Team at High Camp

Unrelenting! That is the word that describes our weather on Aconcagua. Last night we received 10 inches of snow. When we awoke this morning the winds had scoured most of that snow off the mountain leaving several deep drifts around camp. Thankfully the weather settled down a bit and we were able to break camp and pack up. The scene looked more like Denali in Alaska than Aconcagua in the Andes. The team did great in the harsh conditions. It would have even made The Godfather of Denali, Joe Horiskey, proud as the team worked together in cold, blustery winds. We are now sitting in silence at high camp enjoying the sun at 19,600 feet. The team has run its final days. Tomorrow is our only shot. Then we have to head downhill. As luck I believe has it, the forecast is for light winds on top. We will touch base tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed, it should be from the top! RMI Guide JJ Justman

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You can do it! Saying prayers for good weather for you and will sacrifice something to the weather Gods for you. You are the best. Very proud of you!
Cutter dog says Hi!

Posted by: Mary fox on 1/28/2014 at 7:31 am

Incredible!  You guys have dealt with an unbelievable amount of varied weather conditions!  Looks like the mountain is giving it everything she has to you guys…well done for doing such an excellent job!  We are so proud of you, dad (Lew Smith)!  I know this is the toughest climb you’ve ever done, but from what it sounds like, you and the team are doing awesome!  Just like I did in the Marine Corps, you remember your training.  When the poo poo hits the fan, your hard work and training kicks into gear, and I’m quite sure that’s what it has been doing for you while on Aconcagua.  Keep it up, dad!  You guys are so close.  I pray that you have good weather conditions, so that you have a window of time to go for the summit.  We will see what Aconcagua will do; if she will allow you and the team to stand on top.  I hope so!  Best of luck and climb on!!!

Love ya,

Kyle and Steph

Posted by: Kyle A. Smith on 1/28/2014 at 5:32 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Rest Day at Camp 2

Ah, the acclimatization process. A dismal process of spending the day eating mountain delicacies of dried meat and exotic cheeses, drinking coffee, spending a few hours reading, a midday siesta and strolling around camp soaking in the dramatic topography of the Andes. Yes, the rest day. Not always so accommodating but when the weather Gods give you a day like they gave us, the rest day is just what the doctor ordered. So today we try not to eat all of our remaining food, sleep to our hearts content and day dream of days to come. Oh, how it pays to be patient in the mountains! RMI Guide Steve Gately

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Hey dad!  (Lew Smith Best of luck to you and the team this week!  Stephanie and I can’t wait to hear about your climb and the expedition, we are so very excited and proud of you!  Stay strong, climb smart, get adequate rest, eat and drink well, and remember, “an easy pace puts a smile on your face.”  Don’t focus on the summit, rather, focus on putting one foot in front of the other…do that, and you’ll reach the top.  The weather looks good for the next few days, so hopefully, the mountain will allow you and team to summit.  I heard the following Dan Fogelburg song a few days ago and immediately thought of you and the team.  We love you! 

“The higher you climb,
The more that you see.
The more that you see,
The less that you know.
The less that you know,
The more that you yearn.
The more that you yearn,
The higher you climb.

The farther you reach,
The more that you touch.
The more that you touch,
The fuller you feel.
The fuller you feel,
The less that you need.
The less that you need,
The farther you reach.

The higher you climb,
The more that you see.
The more that you see,
The less that you know.
The less that you know,
The more that you yearn.
The more that you yearn,
The higher you climb.

The higher you climb,
The more that you see.
The more that you see,
The less that you know.
The less that you know,
The more that you yearn.
The more that you yearn,
The higher you climb.”

-Dan Fogelburg

Posted by: Kyle A. Smith on 1/27/2014 at 6:17 am

Steve and team,

“On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Hike well and be safe.


Posted by: Bill Gately on 1/27/2014 at 4:14 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Carry to Camp 3

Progress on these big expeditions always feels good and after spending much time at Camp 1, being able to link up two days of forward momentum sure has the team excited and feeling good. Today was our "carry" to Camp 3 (19,600ft). The team did excellent managing the new altitude. We made it up in great time dropped off a few items for our summit attempt and made it back down to Camp 2 just as some clouds were rolling in. Tomorrow we rest and prepare for our move to Camp 3! RMI Guide Steve Gately

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Way to go team!  Well done, dad (Lew Smith)!  You are doing awesome and we are so proud of you!  Keep climbing smart, acclimated well, and resting when you need to and when it is required.  You guys rock!  Love you so very much!

Kyle and Steph

Posted by: Kyle A. Smith on 1/27/2014 at 6:06 am

Steve and team,

Great job managing this climb. Sounds like if the weather holds your group should summit. However, if not, they will have learned many valuable lessons about the mountains and themselves, which is really what climbing is all about.

Hike well and be safe.


Posted by: Bill Gately on 1/26/2014 at 6:31 am

Aconcagua: Justman and Team Arrive at Camp 2

After two days of rest at 16,400 feet we woke up this morning to strong winds. So strong in fact we had to do some midnight tent repairs. We saddled up our packs and leaned into the wind. The team is now at Camp 2 settled in their tents at 18000 feet. Everyone is great and we are happy for a new view overlooking the Andes. Unfortunately, one of our climbers wasn't feeling well at Camp 1 and had to descend. He returned to Mendoza and has been checked out by local doctors. We are glad to hear from him this morning that he has been released to fly home. We hope to see him in the mountains again soon. RMI Guide JJ Justman and Team

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Hey dad!  (Lew Smith)  Kim has been keeping everyone well abreast of the situation with the climber that had to descend and we wish him the best.  We hope you are doing well and that you will be able to go for the summit today, weather permitting, of course!  Love you and we are so proud of you!

Kyle and Steph

Posted by: Kyle A. Smith on 1/27/2014 at 6:09 am

Lew,  I hope today is the day for ascent!  Good Luck and God is with you.

Posted by: Mike Harvey on 1/27/2014 at 6:04 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team - Weather Wins, At Least For Today…

Weather ultimately dictates everything on these long expeditions and there's certainly no exception for our Team. Our agenda had us moving to Camp 2 this morning but we awoke to 40 mph winds and gusts of up to 60 mph here at Camp 1! Alas! You win again Aconcagua! Spirits remain high though as our forecasts call for more cooperating winds starting tomorrow and extending into early next week. So today we rest and prepare ourselves for the move to Camp 2 tomorrow. Best regards from all of us at Aconcagua's Camp 1. RMI Guide Steve Gately
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Nice job guys ! Congratulations !

Posted by: Bissell on 1/28/2014 at 1:03 pm

Nice job guys !

Posted by: Bissell on 1/28/2014 at 1:01 pm

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Carry to Camp 2

All the way to Camp 2! Our team did a fantastic job carrying some group gear and personal gear up to 18,000 feet. The winds were still present as they kicked snow off into the air of surrounding peaks and ridges. However, they were not as strong as yesterday. As the team rounded the corner and entered the col, they were treated to their first view of the high Andes range of Argentina. Breathtaking doesn't describe it. We are now back at Camp 1 resting and recovering after a great day in the mountains. P.S. - Happy Birthday Josh!!! From Denise. I'm wearing my new socks!! :) RMI Guides JJ Justman, Mike King & Steve Gately

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Fingers crossed for good weather to Camp 3 and beyond. I hope to catch you in Mendoza on the 2nd with a bag of Starbucks. Charlotte wishes Team 6 well.

Posted by: Elsie on 1/23/2014 at 5:07 pm

Well done, Dad (Lew Smith)!!!  Keep kicking butt and taking names!  Well done to the entire team as well, this is wonderful news!!!  Keep the awesome photos coming, we are all pulling for ya! 

Love ya,


Posted by: Kyle A. Smith on 1/23/2014 at 8:35 am

Aconcagua: Nugent and Team back in Mendoza

Thanks to everyone that have followed along... The team is back in Mendoza and enjoying some of the finer things in life: food, wine, sunshine, hanging by the pool, etc. We had a great team dinner last night and are now hanging out and lazing around while we wait for our flights back to the states and Canada. Despite not getting the summit we had a ton of fun and a hell of an adventure. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the group for being fun, hard-working, and determined. 'til next year, RMI Guides Billy Nugent, Walter Hailes and Katrina Bolemsma
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We’ve loved following your journey, team. Thank you for sharing it : )

Posted by: Rocky the climbing pup (and Kendra) on 1/22/2014 at 6:46 pm

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Try to Carry to Camp 2, Turned by Weather

Blustery, breezy, gusty. These are all words that describe Camp One and Aconcagua as a whole right now. We are in full Viento Blanco mode right now. The white wind. The team tried to do a carry to Camp Two but the winds kept knocking us off our feet. I'm positive we could have pushed through it but we have time and there is no reason to risk someone getting hurt. So we turned around and are taking a rest day with the sun shining through the tents listening to the freight train of wind above us. Everyone is doing well and we are keeping our fingers crossed for better weather so we can carry to 18,000'. RMI Guide JJ Justman

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Diane and others, rock on!
Love the blog, what day is summit planned for?
Safe climbing, take and post some nightime astrophotography shots if you can, would love to see clear skies starfields wide image with DLSR.

Posted by: Mike Rosinski on 1/22/2014 at 12:55 pm

remember Grasshopper….all things worth having require much work to obtain.  work hard with your team

Posted by: Mark Eason on 1/22/2014 at 11:12 am

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team at Pampa de las Lenas for the Night

Hey everybody out there in RMI adventure blog land. Billy here, I'm checking in with our group from Pampa de las Lenas after our walk down from Base Camp today. Hot and sunny, lots of river crossings, sore feet but some of the mule drivers are cooking up a steak asado dinner for us tonight, and then we'll hit the sack. Tomorrow we'll continue our walk out of the Vacas Valley and hit the road, and then head back to Mendoza. So the next check in, we'll be saying hello from the hotel in Mendoza. And that's all for now. RMI Guide Billy Nugent

Billy Nugent calls in from Pampa de las Lenas.

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Hello to you from blog land! I am so sorry the weather didn’t cooperate- I cannot imagine how frustrating that must have felt. I also cannot imagine having the strength and determination and skill to climb 20 thousand plus! Please accept a heartfelt congratulations for all that you did, and perhaps more importantly, all that you didn’t do. It takes tremendous courage to make smart choices.
Sending you all laughter, foot massages, delicious food, sweet rest, comfort and lots of Love,

Posted by: Barbara on 1/21/2014 at 4:11 am

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Return to Base Camp

Hey everybody, This is Billy. I’m back at Base Camp with the whole crew. We are all a little bit bummed out but happy to be back down at least with the thicker air here and looking forward to a home cooked meal tonight from the Grajales staff. It was a tough day up there yesterday and we spent most of the day today with heavy, heavy walk down. But everybody’s in good spirits for the most part and we’ll check in again later on as we walk out from Aconcagua. RMI Guide Billy Nugent

RMI Guide Billy Nugent checks in from Aconcagua Base Camp on their descent.

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Wow, I can’t even imagine the adventure you have had. Glad everyone is back. Oh, the stories you will share.

Posted by: Debbie on 1/21/2014 at 3:05 am

Dawn & Len,we are happy to hear all are back at base camp safe. What an incredible adventure you and your team have had! A huge thank you to your guides for making what had to have been an extremely difficult decision to turn around when you were so close. We are looking forward to hearing more when you get home. Mom & Dad.

Posted by: Sue on 1/20/2014 at 7:51 pm

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