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Aconcagua: Justman and Team Arrive at Camp 2

After two days of rest at 16,400 feet we woke up this morning to strong winds. So strong in fact we had to do some midnight tent repairs. We saddled up our packs and leaned into the wind. The team is now at Camp 2 settled in their tents at 18000 feet. Everyone is great and we are happy for a new view overlooking the Andes. Unfortunately, one of our climbers wasn't feeling well at Camp 1 and had to descend. He returned to Mendoza and has been checked out by local doctors. We are glad to hear from him this morning that he has been released to fly home. We hope to see him in the mountains again soon. RMI Guide JJ Justman and Team

On The Map

Comments (11)

Hey dad!  (Lew Smith)  Kim has been keeping everyone well abreast of the situation with the climber that had to descend and we wish him the best.  We hope you are doing well and that you will be able to go for the summit today, weather permitting, of course!  Love you and we are so proud of you!

Kyle and Steph

Posted by: Kyle A. Smith on

Lew,  I hope today is the day for ascent!  Good Luck and God is with you.

Posted by: Mike Harvey on

Team - it´s me Bissell. What I´d give to be with you right now. I really can´t explain what happened. I think the Dr at basecamp over reacted. I just finished 2 full days of pulmonary and cardio review only to be told I´m healthly and in excellent shape. They checked enzymes for heart issues-none. Stress test showed I´m healthier than most 20yr olds. EKG normal. Blood pressure responses to heavy stress normal w/normal recovery rates. Also did and echo-cardiogram and under high stress measured the flow of blood from each ventricle…excellent. I was attributing the pain to my infection from December. Once I got a ¨fit to fly¨ signed and I wasn´t under stress my wife told me we had a family emergency at home (one of my children was in the hospital) but didn´t want to call me off the mountain or mention it until she was sure I didn´t have a cardio issue. So lets just chalk this one up to devine intervention. I´ll be home monday morning and I´m hoping you´ll be summitting by then. I trained for this for well over 2yrs…I can´t tell you how disappointed I was, but I thought I was doing the right thing. I´ll leave a couple of bottles of Malbec for you in the Nutibara.

Posted by: Bissell Smith on

Hi,  Now you are sleeping with two women ?  I’m glad, they have that motherly instinct and will watch over you.  Tuesday does look like a good day so hope it works for everyone.  Keeping you all in our prayers for a safe climb to the top. Love Mom

Posted by: Darlene Christofferson on

Hi Lew and all the rest of the team.  Here’s hoping the weather and the spirit of Aconcagua cooperates and lets you summit in the next few days.  A lot of us at The Crossing are praying for all of you daily.  I told my grandkids about your quest and they check your progress daily.  One of them even wants to meet Lew and find out how to get started climbing.  GOD SPEED!

Posted by: Jim Davis on

Mountain guides are a bit like airline stewardess, you can easily take them for granted until there’s an emergency and then you realize their real job is to keep you alive.

Keep up the great work Steve and team.

Hike well and be safe.


Posted by: Bill Gately on

Go Lew Go.  Praying for your team safe and completed climb.  Keep the wind to your back as they say.

Posted by: Uncle Jake on

Hey Lew. Each step gets you closer to your goal. Let God determine the outcome. You follow His lead, and whatever happens will be good. Stay strong my friend.

Posted by: Dave on

Sorry to hear that one climber had to go down.  Everyone stay safe and climb smart.  Lew when the going gets tough lean on Him!  Our Study is meeting again Sunday night all 15 of us will pray for the team!  Summiting is optional, getting down safe is mandatory.  All our best from here in Missouri - the flat landers :)


Posted by: Kenny Klimes on

Hi Lew, Hi Team!  Way to go!  Y’all will have great stories to share—what an adventure and how strong everyone is!  We are sending good wishes and prayers that the mountain and weather allow y’all to summit.  Keep the spirits up and the eyes on the straight and narrow!  BTW we’ve had Aconcagua weather—below 0 and 30+ mph winds in the midwest, but only 300 feet above sea level :)  Guess it helps us have a little taste (very little I imagine) of your climate!  Love and peace to all!  2

Posted by: Kim on

Stay strong - we’re praying for calm winds and sunny skies for you!

Posted by: Ginny on

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