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Entries from Aconcagua

Aconcagua: Hailes & Team Start the Trail into the Vacas Valley

First day on the Aconcagua trail and even though it was hot, we had a nice breeze blowing most of the day. We were all very thankful to have that wind. We moved well on the trail enjoying the rigid high desert beauty. We also continued to tell stories of loved ones at home and a few misadventures. RMI Guide Walter Hailes
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Love following your adventure each day…..be safe and enjoy

Posted by: Jean P on 12/24/2014 at 3:29 pm

Looking good Viv, enjoy every minute!!! Happy Holidays to the whole team!!!!


Posted by: Anna on 12/24/2014 at 8:21 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Carry to Camp 2

New scenery is always a welcome site on an expedition and the carry to Aconcagua Camp 2 (18,000ft) is always one of my favorite parts of the trip! The route from Camp 1 had us traveling west across the flanks of a broad basin until we eventually made a sharp turn north and headed towards the col between Aconcagua and fellow neighboring peak Cerro Ameghino. This is where it gets good! Crossing over the col the high Andes open up in front of us and we're left with stunning views of big glaciers and 6,000m peaks. Everyone woke this morning to the sound of silence... Ah, yes! The winds finally died down and we were left with a breathless morning and we couldn't have been more thrilled. Higher elevation, new views, warm temperatures and no wind. Couldn't have asked for a better day! The crew did a fantastic job navigating new terrain and thinner air today and with a rest day planned for tomorrow the team will prepare for the move to Camp 2 on Christmas Day! What better way to spend Christmas than with a headache and a rough nights sleep!? No, in all seriousness the team has been handling the altitude like champs and they're excited to be just a little bit closer to the summit. Everyone sends their best regards to their loved ones and stay tuned for the always riveting rest day blog update! RMI Guide Steve Gately

On The Map

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Wonder if this is the team with Sue, Jo and Robert on board???

Posted by: Russ Frederickson on 12/24/2014 at 10:30 am

So excited to read and keep up with your grand adventure! Happy climbing!

Posted by: Charleen on 12/24/2014 at 5:17 am

Aconcagua: Hailes & Team are Packed and Ready for the Trail

This is always a big day, permits, buying last minute supplies, traveling to Penitentes, gear checking, and packing. Luckily it went as smooth as possible. Our one hiccup was accidentally ordering everyone the same special at lunch which was made for two people. So each of us ate a two-pound steak, papas Freitas, salad, and two empanadas. Or as much as we could handle of the giant meal. Well it's off to bed for our final night in a bed for several days... I can't wait RMI Guide Walter Hailes
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Merry Christmas everyone! We wish all of you an awesome trip and look forward to seeing all the updates and pictures!

Posted by: Wendy kolosar on 12/24/2014 at 7:08 pm

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Move to Camp 1

Team One Aconcagua has made great strides! We are at Camp one at 15,700 feet. Everyone did a great job today in moderate winds. The forecast calls for decreasing winds which is a welcome for us. Tents are up and we are organizing gear for a carry day to Camp Two. Stay tuned! RMI Guide JJ Justman

On The Map

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Nigel…Trek-On dude!  Have a Happy New Years!

Posted by: scott & Anita on 12/27/2014 at 5:14 am

JJ and Team….I am now home following from the warmth of my couch…..But I am with you all in spirit.  Climb strong

Posted by: Debbi on 12/24/2014 at 12:40 pm

Aconcagua: December 20th -Walter Hailes & Team Arrive Mendoza

The first step of having a great mountaineering trip is having a complete team with all our bags and I am happy to report that both our team members and all our bags arrived today in great shape. Once in town we were all able to buy last minute items here in Mendoza while enjoying an unseasonable cool but sunny day. Great summer weather. After a quick meet and greet we talked about what will happen over the next few weeks both on and off the mountain then headed out to one of the great eateries close to our hotel. We all shared the first, of what I am sure will be many funny, stories with each other and with bellies full of Argentina beef we all crashed at the hotel ready for another great day tomorrow. RMI Guides Walter Hailes, Ben Liken & Stoney Molina
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merry Christmas Darrin…be safe and enjoy yourself…Lutey

Posted by: shawn lutey on 12/25/2014 at 11:27 am

looks so exciting!
enjoy and take in each moment safely darrin!

Posted by: lil-meshell on 12/24/2014 at 8:39 pm

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Rest Day at Plaza Argentina

Today was another rest day at Aconcagua Basecamp and we could not have picked a better day! The wind is howling, the sky is obsolete shrouded in clouds. But! And it's a big But! The team is doing great! We are sleeping, reading, eating quesadillas and simply enjoying being in the mountains. After all, isn't that what it's all about?!! RMI Guide JJ Justman
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Best of luck to the team, especially to Debbie!

Posted by: Barbara Schwarz on 12/22/2014 at 7:53 am

Let your mind have the dream it desires and let your body have the peace it deserves.

Posted by: Chris on 12/21/2014 at 10:17 pm

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Cache Some Gear Above Basecamp

Well...there's a first for everything. And going on 22 Aconcagua expeditions here, I had a first today. Our team awoke early, had a good breakfast and then we loaded our packs and made our way uphill. Everyone did a great job today and we are all well. Except...a little bit of windburn! Man o Man was it blowing strong today! The wind was so strong we were unable to make it to Camp 1 at 16,200 feet. Instead we thought wiser and we cached our gear lower at 15,700 feet. And the team did great! Adversity is part of every climbing adventure and we all handled it very very well. The winds are supposed to be close to the same so base camp is looking very appealing for tomorrow. Go Packers!! RMI Guide JJ Justman
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Aconcagua: Justman and Team Settle into Aconcagua Basecamp

Greetings all! Last night was clear and cold with the freezing level hanging just below our new home here at 14,000ft. Today is all about relaxing though and the team enjoyed a leisurely morning and some of JJ's famous scrambled egg breakfast. Our agenda tomorrow has us carrying a load of gear to cache at Camp I (16,400ft) What this means is that we will ferry a load of gear higher on the mountain and then return back to basecamp to sleep. This will allow the team to better acclimatize while moving much needed food and gear higher on the mountain and consequently making our move day loads lighter. So this afternoon will be spent organizing and packing gear for an early start tomorrow. The team is looking forward to the challenge of heavy packs and higher elevation. Morale is high, the weather is good and we couldn't be happier! RMI Guide Steve Gately & Team
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Life Is Good!!! Be safe, guys.  Oxoxo

Posted by: Chris on 12/20/2014 at 5:48 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Reach Basecamp

Greetings from Aconcagua's Basecamp! Started the morning with an early, very cold, stream crossing to head up the Relinchos Valley from Casa de Piedra. Today was the first day with views largely dominated by the mountain, and finally entering the high alpine environment. Strolling into Plaza Argentina Basecamp for the first time is quite an amazing sight, between the camp and the surrounding cirque. The team is getting settled in, and everyone is looking forward to a well-deserved rest day tomorrow! RMI Guide Chase Nelson

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Aconcagua: Justman & Team at Casa de Piedra

Hello from Casa de Piedra at 11,000 feet. Team Aconcagua reporting in! The team had another great day trekking now even closer to our objective. As a matter of fact, today we received our first glance of The Stone Sentinel. Another great highlight was seizing several giant jack rabbits during our trek. It is rather windy now in camp so we are going to sign off. Tomorrow base camp here we come! RMI Guide JJ Justman
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Posted by: AUNTIE GLORIA on 12/20/2014 at 10:16 am

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