This is Mike and Team checking in after our return from Camp 1 @ 16,400ft. The Mountain got a lot of snow this winter compared to the past 10 seasons. This made for difficult climbing through snow features called 'penitentes' that form from dust, wind and sunlight. Today they were six feet tall in some places.
Combine the narrow snow features with heat and glare reflecting off the white snow and the Team had it's work cutout for them. We stocked our camp with food and supplies to both lighten our load on the 28th and to help acclimate.
Tomorrow is a rest day and everyone is looking forward to sleeping in.
Thanks for following the expedition.
RMI Guide Mike King
Rest and relax! We are thinking of you each day! Will and Syd think you two are pretty cool and amazing! Stay safe, breathe and know you are loved lots!
Posted by: Jo Kev Will and Syd on 12/28/2015 at 6:47 am
Hey Mer and Jeff! Glad to hear the climb is going well so far. Thinking about you guys this Christmas and we wish you all the best of luck with the rest of the hike! Remember: pole pole!!
-Doug, Pat, Russ, Elena, and Kaitie
Posted by: Russell Willmot on 12/27/2015 at 12:26 pm
This is Mike and the team checking in from Aconcagua Base Camp on our first rest day. The team woke this morning with smiles on their faces and all reporting a good night's sleep despite the locals celebrating Christmas Eve until 4:30am.
The Guide Elves had some stockings for the team to open and we are currently resting and preparing our gear for the carry to Camp 1 on Saturday.
Nice calm, warm and relaxing day at Plaza Argentina.
Merry Christmas!
Messages from the team:
Hey mom Katie and Kevin, and Marni! Merry Christmas. Miss and love you guys! Mike
Staying positive, wish me luck. Carmen and Adnan, miss and love you! Hinan.
Merry Christmas, Mom! Only 9,000' to the summit. Dave
Merry Christmas Ben and Blake and all. All is well here. Love you and will see you soon.
Merry Christmas Poppy, friends, SFFG & SH! We are in good shape at base camp and having a great Christmas Day. Love to all, Meredith
Merry Christmas Ma, Pa, CM, Bro, Nolan, Sis, Alyssa, CB, Kyle, Stevo, Jester, and all of our friends back in Canada! A very fun white Christmas up here at 13,800. Love, Jeff
John here hanging tough. 30 miles and 5800 feet of altitude gain over 3 days left me fighting some altitude effects. Decided to take some of my own advice- ride out the storm and eat the elephant one bite at a time. Feeling 100% better now on Christmas Day! Love to all!!
Michael….Merriest Christmas. Raining cats and dogs in Atlanta. Will make Christmas morning breakfast when you and Abby visit in the spring :) Love, Mom and Dad
Hi everyone,
We woke early to catch a mule ride across the Vacas River. A few chose to walk across the icy water, which felt good on sore feet from the two previous days of walking.
We enjoyed spectacular views of Aconcagua with snow wisps off the top of the Polish Glacier near the summit.
The team is resting after gaining 3,000+ feet and adjusting to the air at base camp. We will rest tomorrow and prepare for our first round of moving food and gear to Camp 1 on Saturday.
Look for a message from the entire team tomorrow as it will be Christmas.
RMI Guide Mike King
Merry Christmas Bob! Everyone here at BNSF in Fort Worth is wishing you well. Hope you had a good trek into base camp. Say “Hi” to J.J. when you see him from the rest of our team in Texas. Good luck with your carries to the higher camps and hope you get good weather. God knows we’ve seen good and bad on the big mountains. We all can’t wait until you get back in January. Again, good luck and be safe.
Posted by: Rick & Mary Kay Knutson on 12/25/2015 at 10:05 am
Merry Christmas Michael! Headed to Bachelor for X-country with Abby. Wish you were here at the lower altitude! XXOO Wendy & Larry
RMI Guide Mike King here along with the Team at 10,600 ft. We had a very windy day getting into our camp at Casa de Piedra. The group is resting and practicing a crucial expedition skill; the tent chill session. After 2 long days in the sun and wind we our looking forward to base camp tomorrow.
We got our first view of the mountain today, so far no "buyer's remorse".
Christmas Eve tomorrow and a rest day on the 25th, many in the group are already speculating what Base Camp will serve for dinner. The good times and good eating continue but one of these days we will have to shoulder the heavy packs and head up, where the real trip begins.
Thanks for following along!
Bob W
Thought you were going to swim the English Channel next…
Enjoy doing something others can only marvel at!
Have a Merry Chistmas!
Bill F
Posted by: Bill F on 12/24/2015 at 7:31 am
We are missing you and Jessie at our annual visit to the office this Christmas Eve. The popcorn doesn’t taste as good without you! We are looking forward to following you on your climb. Be safe and have fun!
Hello everyone! We are in Mendoza safe and sound and enjoying a few of the finer things in life. The team is sitting down to a dinner that would make Anthony Bourdain insanely jealous.
We had a rough go on Aconcagua. High winds and freezing temperatures prevented us from topping out. However, it was Lou Whittaker, one of my mentors and a man i deeply respect who once said to me, "mountaineering isnt about the destination, its about the journey".
And our journey has brought us full circle, now, closer as friends. We just received our first course at the famous restaurant, Siete Cocinas. We are smiling, laughing and relishing in the incredible journey we are experiencing.
RMI Guides JJ and Christina
This is Mike and team checking in from Pampa de Las Lenas which translates to "flat spot where meat is grilled", consumed and then bragged about to everyone you meet. Morton's Steak House ain't got nothin on meat grilled by Argentinian cowboys.
The team is doing great and currently sleeping under the stars sans tent to take in the Milky Way and incredible night sky here in the Andes.
We have another enjoyable hike tomorrow as spirits are high and we look forward to our first glimpse of Aconcagua.
Thanks for following along and if the thought of delicious steak and climbing big mountains has crossed your mind, join us next year in Argentina.
RMI Guide Mike King
Hi Kevin from Denali, hi Mike! Keep an eye on John he’s a troublemaker! Sending angel wing wishes to help carry you to your dreams… Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Rhonda on 12/23/2015 at 5:53 am
Hi Mike and team! Abs and Ron here from one of your Rainier climbs. We will be following you closely on this trip as we aspire to climb Aconcagua with you next year! Best to you and your team on this trip!!!
Hi everyone. This is JJ Justman and Christina with our team on Aconcagua. Hopefully the wind isn't too strong and it's blocking out my voice. Today the team left base camp, Plaza Argentina, and trekked down to Las Lenas, our trekking camp here. We're about one day out on our way to Mendoza. We had a good eight-hour walk, a very long day, cold day, windy day. It's pretty much been windy for over two weeks, so we're very excited to hopefully be out of the wind at some point. Tonight we had a great dinner, an asado dinner, with the cowboys that help us bring our gear in and out of base camp. We are spending the night. It's a beautiful evening, regardless of the wind. Everyone is doing great. Just wanted to report in. We'll check in tomorrow when we get out to Mendoza. Thank you for following along.
RMI Guide JJ Justman
This is Mike and team checking in from the Andean ski resort of Los Penitentes. We enjoyed a scenic drive through the vineyards of Mendoza and the twisty highway that brings our team into the Andes.
There is a lot of snow in the hills and we are looking forward to starting our trek to base camp tomorrow.
All the gear is sorted and packed to survive the mule ride to Plaza Argentina. If you are wondering what our gear will encounter just picture your duffel bag in an industrial paint shaker going for 12 hours straight.
The team is in high spirits and we will check in from Las Lenas tomorrow evening!
RMI Guide Mike King
Hi everyone,
This is Mike and Caleb from Mendoza. The entire team is in Mendoza safely with all bags accounted for. We enjoyed a nice dinner of Argentinian style grilled meat and pastas.
Tomorrow once our permits are secured we will head to Los Penitentes so we can sort our gear for the trek to Aconcagua Base Camp. Expeditions are comprised of a series of small goals that hopefully culminate in standing on the summit. Having everyone arrive healthy and with all their gear in tow, was the first goal. We are looking forward to starting the approach to Aconcagua in a few days. Thanks for checking in and stay tuned for more updates.
RMI Guide Mike King
The hardest thing to do in the mountains is to know when to leave the summit for another day. Our group had to make a very difficult decision today and based on a very poor weather forecast we have decided to head back to Base Camp. Our first priority in the mountains is always safety and we all agree the best choice in these super cold temps and high winds is to take care of ourselves and head down the mountain. Juan said that the birthday celebration with beers and pizza at Base Camp made up for skipping the summit. Tibor said he felt like fighting the dragons on the upper mountain was enough for him. Steph said we are all in good spirits now but the decision was a hard one. Ongun's sun burnt nose has spoken for him. Doug called, full porter. It has been an amazing journey and we've recognized that learning more about ourselves is far superior than reaching the summit. The ultimate destination is to be home safely.
RMI Guides JJ Justman and Christina von Mertens
So proud of the team & making the smart decisions! Safety is always first! Looking forward to hearing about the journey.
Happy New Year!
Posted by: John Arnold on 12/21/2015 at 6:51 am
Safe. Admire you so much. Decisions are really hard sometimes, I am sure this was one of those times. Rejoicing with you at your good judgment and inner growth. Love to all.
Rest and relax! We are thinking of you each day! Will and Syd think you two are pretty cool and amazing! Stay safe, breathe and know you are loved lots!
Posted by: Jo Kev Will and Syd on 12/28/2015 at 6:47 am
Hey Mer and Jeff! Glad to hear the climb is going well so far. Thinking about you guys this Christmas and we wish you all the best of luck with the rest of the hike! Remember: pole pole!!
-Doug, Pat, Russ, Elena, and Kaitie
Posted by: Russell Willmot on 12/27/2015 at 12:26 pm
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