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Aconcagua: Justman & Team Make Tough Decision

The hardest thing to do in the mountains is to know when to leave the summit for another day. Our group had to make a very difficult decision today and based on a very poor weather forecast we have decided to head back to Base Camp. Our first priority in the mountains is always safety and we all agree the best choice in these super cold temps and high winds is to take care of ourselves and head down the mountain. Juan said that the birthday celebration with beers and pizza at Base Camp made up for skipping the summit. Tibor said he felt like fighting the dragons on the upper mountain was enough for him. Steph said we are all in good spirits now but the decision was a hard one. Ongun's sun burnt nose has spoken for him. Doug called, full porter. It has been an amazing journey and we've recognized that learning more about ourselves is far superior than reaching the summit. The ultimate destination is to be home safely. RMI Guides JJ Justman and Christina von Mertens

On The Map

Comments (5)

So proud of the team & making the smart decisions! Safety is always first! Looking forward to hearing about the journey.
Happy New Year!

Posted by: John Arnold on

Safe. Admire you so much. Decisions are really hard sometimes, I am sure this was one of those times. Rejoicing with you at your good judgment and inner growth. Love to all.

Blythe and Larry

Posted by: Blythe Lasley on

YOU were so ready for the mountain, Steph. It wasnt ready for YOU and your team!
Great job in making a tough call.
Sounds like a good night to eat that space-aged Ice Cream bar.
Counting the days.

Posted by: Fred on

I am so proud of you guys! fighting with the dragons…Now i know why you went to hike Aconcagua Tibor….i got the answer ( smile).You did a great job and you had two weeks adventure on high elevation.I can’t wait to see the pictures and to hug you at the airport.

Congratulations to all of you !

Posted by: Katie Kelemen on

Hi team,

I am so proud of you guys for braving such difficult conditions on the mountain and for being responsible with your safety and health. I can’t wait to hear all the stories of the adventures on the mountain and to see you safety home! I hope you are all having so much fun and feel very accomplished and proud. Congratulations mountain men/women! Celebrate well!!

Jj I love how you polled the team for their responses of going back to base camp- it gave me such a visual! (Ongun take care of your nose!)

Hugs and high fives!

Posted by: Karina on

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