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Entries from Denali

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Cache Gear at 13,700’

Saturday, May 20, 2023 8:36am PDT

We kept the proverbial ball rolling yesterday and established a cache at 13,700', above Windy Corner. The weather was remarkably hot Yesterday, a marked change from the previous two weeks we've been in AK. The icy slopes of Squirrel Hill & Windy Corner were mostly Slushy by the time we descended them in the afternoon. And today we are back to some snow and wind. Bizzarro.

Anyway, we're resting and acclimating today, with hopes of moving camp up to Genet Basin at 14,200' tomorrow.

RMI Guide Mike Walter & Team

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So stoked to see you all moving up and being able to make progress in your weather windows! Great work team! Climb on!

Posted by: Rae Anglen on 5/21/2023 at 6:32 am

Well done, team!  Strong work!  You have braved some serious conditions!  Alaska!  So impressive!  Keep going!  If you hear some noise in the distance- it’s probably me cheering for all of you from a Talkeetna!  Keep climbing!  You got this!  Cheers!  Susan!

Posted by: Susan on 5/21/2023 at 1:37 am

Denali Expedition: Van Deventer and Team Cache Gear at Windy Corner

Friday, May 19, 2023 10:30pm PDT

We had a quite pleasant jaunt up to Windy Corner and around today to cache. It was good to make another step forward and get a load of food and fuel stashed up near 14,000’. Things are looking promising to move to 14,000’ soon, our first chance is tomorrow and hopefully we wake up and things look good to go. It's been Nice to be at 11,000', but we have seen enough of it and it's time to move on.

Our day today was calm, mostly clear, and very warm. The team was fully in sync, and we made short work of the round trip and walked back into camp looking fresh as ever. Juan chose mac and cheese for his birthday dinner, so we also had something to celebrate today.

All around, spirits are high, and life is good.

RMI Guides Pete, Henry, and Tatum

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Denali Expedition: Champion and Team Move to 11,000’ Camp

Friday, May 19, 2023 10:22pm PDT

After a long night’s rest, we woke up to clear skies, and warm temperatures. We had a quick breakfast of pop-tarts and grits as the sun began to shine onto ski hill. After our quick breakfast, we worked to tear down camp and begin our journey towards 11,000’ camp. We strapped into the snowshoes, and made our way up ski hill, through the 9,500’ camps, past our cache and finally up the final hill into our final destination for the night.

After a short break, we found a nice spot to call home for the next few days and spent the next few hours building camp and moving in before a warm dinner of ramen. Looks like a little bit of weather is coming in, but we are hoping to wake up with the sun and go get our cache tomorrow morning. Looking forward to a mellower day tomorrow! Check back in after the back carry.

RMI Guides Nikki, Leif, Lauren & Team

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Hey Kevin! Great Job!! Climb Strong!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 5/21/2023 at 3:29 am

Denali Expedition: Smith and Team Cache Gear

Friday, May 19, 2023 7:50pm PDT

Day two complete!

We woke to beautiful weather for our walk uphill to cache our gear. Camp was busy early in the morning with teams packing to move or carry. The team made fast work packing, and we were walking roped up only two hours after waking. Firm snow helped the sleds pull easily. The temperatures warmed fast and before we knew it was toasty out. So far, we have not experienced the Denali cold. I’m sure it is coming but right now we might as well be in the southern states.

Once we dug our hole deep enough that no ravens could get to our food, we headed back to camp.  It got a bit dire for a second with the overwhelming heat, but everyone made it in good style. A well-deserved down time was enjoyed before we rallied for dinner. During our rest we were greeted by a little bird that landed on my food, I think that is a good sign. Burritos filled our bellies, and we discussed tomorrow's plan.

As we lay in our tents resting for tomorrow a light snow makes a pitter patter on our tents. Fingers crossed it stays light and we can move to 11k camp tomorrow.

RMI Guides Hannah, Devin, Erika, and Team

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Go Dawn!!!

Posted by: Matty G on 5/20/2023 at 7:52 pm

To Bethany Gray:  I love you so much and am so proud of you for this exciting adventure.  Today would be your grandmother, Verna’s birthday, (5/19),
It’s a good sign, so enjoy your climb. Love you, Aunt Jackie

Posted by: Jackie Gray on 5/20/2023 at 7:31 pm

Denali Expedition: Smith and the All-Women’s arrive on the Kahiltna Glacier!

Thursday, May 18, 2023 10:55pm PDT

Hello from the Kahiltna Glacier!

What a busy day it was. We loaded planes and were in the air by 9am. It was chilly morning in Talkeetna, warmed by bour last Lattes and Michael but man was it hot on our walk. I thought it was cold in May. We took off downhill on what is called heart break hill. It is not heart breaking yet but it will be on our return. But that is a way away from now. Everything is so big around us you have little idea how far everything is. Is it close or is it miles away? We walked for 5.5 hours to reach our camp at the base of ski hill. It is a tough walk with heavy sleds and heavy packs. You really enter a pain cave to push through. One stretch is your quads, the next your hip flexors, the next your calves, something is always uncomfortable. But hey that is what we signed up for!

After setting up tents and moving in we gathered for dinner. We carried in pizza from Mountain High Pizza, and it was delicious. We topped off the night with a hot drink and the crawled into our sleeping bags. It’s a marvelous feeling to lay down and release the body. Tomorrow we will carry gear to just over 10k feet and then return to our camp for the night. The lighter loads will feel a lot better going up ski hill. Weather is moving in so fingers crossed it stays at bay till we return to camp or even better till the following evening so we can get to 11k camp. The team is looking good, and morale is high.

We are all excited to keep moving uphill.

Goodnight all,

RMI Guides Hannah, Devin, Erika, and Team

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Remember Corey, the only thing to fear is fear itself. That and frozen pizza. Stay warm!

Anna + Bennett

Posted by: Anna Nolan on 5/19/2023 at 8:04 pm

Go Aunt Corey, Go!

Posted by: Jack McKenzie on 5/19/2023 at 6:55 pm

Denali Expedition: Champion & Team Prepare to Move to 11,000’ Camp

Thursday, May 18, 2023 10:36pm PDT

After a late night and long day yesterday, we woke up around the time the sun hit our tents. After a quick breakfast of frosted mini wheats, we put together the group loads to cache and begin our climb up ski hill. After 4.5 long hours we pulled into our cache site, dug a hole, and tossed our group food, and personal caches in. After attaching the sleds to our packs, we began the descent back to camp. A bit earlier this evening than last, we made some reindeer sausage jambalaya and prepped for our big move to 11 camp tomorrow.

The weather looks good, hopefully we'll touch base from 11k tomorrow!

RMI Guides Nikki Champion, Leif Bergstrom, and Lauren Macklin

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KC is cheering you on Scott! So proud of you!

Posted by: Deb Eldridge on 5/20/2023 at 9:31 pm

Bravo to all!
Gonna Fly now…
Feeling strong now…

Posted by: ERIC PETERSON on 5/20/2023 at 5:28 pm

Denali Expedition: Mike Walter & Team Move to 11,000’ Camp

Thursday, May 18, 2023 10:40pm PDT

The weather finally cooperated with us, and we were able to make the move to 11,200'. Everyone did great pulling heavy sleds. We're currently cozy in our tents and looking forward to a good night's rest. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we're hoping to put a cache In above Windy Corner. We'll let you know what we find tomorrow.

RMI Guides Mike, Abby, Emma & Team

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Yayyy!! Some progress, hope the weather is good for you all again today.

Posted by: Kim on 5/19/2023 at 12:27 pm

Great Scott, that is a lot of snow

Y’all got this !

Posted by: Kim H on 5/19/2023 at 11:07 am

Denal Expedition: VanDeventer and Team Cache Gear ready to Move to 14,000’ Camp

Thursday, May 18, 2023 8:12 pm PDT

Finally, we got to stretch our legs today!

We woke to beautiful conditions in camp, the first time we haven't woken to the tents flapping and slapping. We smashed an oatmeal breakfast and coffee and grabbed backpacks, sleds, and snowshoes and beat feet back to our hole in the snow that held all our best food and treats. We made quick work of the day, three hours round trip, and came back to sunny camp, warm tents, and dry sleeping bags. It was also our last day hauling sleds until we descended for good. So, when we walked into camp there was much rejoicing.

Tomorrow we plan to carry another cache up high to Windy Corner or 14 Camp depending. That will set us up to be ready to make a big move to 14!

RMI Guides Pete, Henry, Tatum and Team

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Let’s go team!  I have a hard time thinking about Brian being stuck inside a tent for days and nights. Hope he has a tent mate that likes to play cards!  Moving and climbing are much more fun.  Miss you hubby!  Jack and I are following along and wishing you well while Lou meditates silently onn your climb.

Posted by: Tory Goltry on 5/20/2023 at 8:15 am

Wonderful to hear…“sunny camp, warm tents, and dry sleeping bags” - the simple pleasures of life on a mountain.

Praying for you all, and have a special place in my heart for my niece Bailey. She is an inspiration to her friends and family.

Posted by: Uncle C on 5/20/2023 at 7:33 am

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Hope to Move to 11,000ft Camp

Thursday, May 18, 2023 - 8:31 am PT

Yesterday's weather started out looking pretty decent, but it shut down pretty quickly and we were forced to remain tent bound. This morning is much nicer and we should finally be able to move to 11,200' Camp. We'll check in again soon, hopefully from up higher.

RMI Guide Mike Walter

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Yayyy! Good weather God’s have arrived, hopefully for a few days

Posted by: Kim on 5/18/2023 at 9:41 am

Denali Expedition: Smith & All Women’s Team Prep in Talkeetna

Hello fellow readers!

Welcome to our journey! We have wrapped up day two of our Denali Expedition. Yesterday the team met at carousel 1 of the Anchorage Airport with heavy duffels in tow. A rainy drive through the woods of Alaska brought us to the launching pad of Denali Expeditions, Talkeetna. Talkeetna is a Native American word meaning where the rivers meet. At the end of town, you can stand where the Susitna, Chulitna, and the Talkeetna meet with views of Hunter, Foraker, and Denali off in the distance. Today the clouds covered up the mountains but the river rushed by with huge chunks of ice floating along down stream, making for a gorgeous view. It was a busy day for the team sorting gear and getting ready for our flight tomorrow. We are separated into two teams with five going on one plane and four on another. As of now, the weather looks good for getting onto the Kahiltna glacier. The team enjoyed their last dinner in civilization before eating a bunch of noodles and burritos on the mountain. You can see and feel the excitement but also the nerves and jitters for what lies ahead. It's going to be an amazing adventure and a memorable one too. Not only because we are climbing the tallest peak in North America but we are doing it as a team of all Ladies! So say hello to your all women's team, The Tatas. 

Stayed tuned for what's next,

RMI Guides Hannah, Devin, Erika, and Team

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Go Corey!! Show Denali who’s boss!!! Let me know if you find a Mrs. Claus up there, she’s been dodging my calls (  ; _ ;)/

Anna + Bennett

Posted by: Anna Nolan on 5/19/2023 at 10:30 am

We are tracking your progress via the points you are dropping, plus dad is plotting and forecasting where y’all head next via Google earth.  Have fun and stay safe, Anna!

Love, Mom & Dad

Posted by: Kathy on 5/19/2023 at 9:00 am

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