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Denali Expedition: Smith and Team Waiting to Fly

Hello readers,

We woke with hopes of people flying. It snowed over a foot during the night. A light fluffy snow, good for skiing. The clouds lingered and the sun tried to poke out here and there. The once fluffy snow soon turned into nice sticky snow for snowman making. In order for Plane to leave or arrive the runway needed to be stomped down so the planes didn't get stuck. All of basecamp came together on skis and snowshoes to consolidate the snow for the planes to land safely. By late afternoon, the plane that slept overnight revved up its engine and flew away. Five K2 Aviation planes made their landing and two RMI teams made it off. Before four of those planes could U-turn back the clouds rolled back in, and we were told they would try again tomorrow.

Snow began to lightly come down as we got back in our tents and ready for another night. Fingers crossed Saturday clears up and we too can fly off This mountain.

Still at Basecamp,

RMI Guides Hannah, Devin, Erika, and Team

Comments (5)

Bags - we miss you and can’t wait to see you! Much love, Enzo and Liv

Posted by: Olivia on

We love you Shihan (Eva)! We have enjoyed being on the journey with you and your team. Cheers to snowman making and the beauty of the journey and the views around you. Excited to see you home safe soon. Much love to all from The Fox Family

Posted by: The Fox Family on

Hello Eva - I tried getting up Denali 2 years ago and we only got as far as cache above 14,000 camp. Weather got us too. I was hoping you folks would have more favorable weather. Enjoy the rest of the trip, you seem to have more time to explore Alaska. Hi Hannah! JimODonnell

Posted by: James ODonnel on

Hi, Molly.  You can’t argue with the weather.  Glad you’re safely at base-camp.  Safe travels home.  Mike

Posted by: Mike Forsyth on

Molly!  I’ll be in Talkeetna Sunday evening :) it would be awesome to see each other!

Posted by: Katherine Forsyth on

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