Entries from Mexico
This morning, we left the comforts of the city for our tents at Orizaba. After a long day of travel, preparation, and a little bit of acclimatization, we will sleep at 14,000 feet. Tomorrow will be another early start, in the dark for our climb. The team feels good after a much needed rest day in Puebla! No one said the climbing will be easy, but we are hopeful for a good climb with the challenge of the mountain tomorrow ahead of us.

Our team took a well-deserved rest day in Puebla, sleeping in, enjoying the warm weather and soaking in the colorful city.
Folks explored, some finding fresh fruit stands, massages and local shops for souvenirs. Others relaxed and connected with loved ones back home, letting them know about the adventures so far. Tonight we filled up on traditional mole, discussed other climbing trips and swapped many stories.
Tomorrow we head off for our final objective. Orizaba!
RMI Guide Abby Westling
Posted by: Abby Westling
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mexico

A successful summit for the whole team this morning!
In perfect weather our team summited Izta. She graced us with smooth climbing conditions as we scrambled up rocks, down a glacier and up to summit where, after climbing in the dark for hours, we were rewarded with a beautiful sunrise.
After a long descent, we bid our new dog friends farewell and left for Puebla. Tonight we will enjoy showers, clean beds and a warm meal.
We are ready to rest up for our next big mountain!
RMI Guide Abby Westling

Tonight we climb!
After a beautiful day spent carrying our gear up to high camp along the dusty and rocky trail, we are ready for our summit push of Izta. We have the mountain to ourselves today and enjoyed the solitude. It was just our climbing team, the mountain, and of course a few dogs to keep us company. After fueling ourselves with quesadillas and water, we tuck in and prepare for an alpine start.
Posted by: Abby Westling
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mexico

We awoke this morning to beautiful weather, the sky was pink, lighting up La Malinche and the air was fresh like late summer in the high desert. Today is the beginning of our Izta climb. We hiked to our basecamp, through the pines on the dusty trail. We had clear views of Izta ahead of us and Popo smoking behind us, the mountains making us feel small in the midst of their height and beauty. We prepared for our hike to high camp tomorrow, meticulously sorting through our gear, and just as importantly, snacks. Our team is ready to move up the mountain and excited for our bigger climbs ahead.
RMI Guide Abby Westling

Today we enjoyed an acclimitization hike on La Malinche. The trail was busy with other hikers and we made our first dog friends of the trip. Along the trail and through the trees we weaved our way up, spotting hummingbirds and rocky peaks surrounding us.
We did not have the opportunity to summit due to weather and time but we still made it to 13,000 feet!
After a well earned, delicious meal at our resort, we settle in at 10,000 feet to rest for our Izta adventure tomorrow.
RMI Guide Abby Westling and team
Posted by: Abby Westling
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mexico

Last night some of our team arrived in Mexico City and were welcomed by the beautiful, lit up statues in the city center.
Today, folks had the opportunity to explore and rest for the rest of the trip ahead. Some enjoyed a walk through Chapultepec park, where tree lined sidewalks provide a nice reprieve from the bustling city. Others explored the city streets and food while also taking the day to rest.
This evening our team finally gathered to meet and discuss our adventure ahead.
Welcome to our Mexico's Volcanoes blog!
RMI Guide Abby Westling and Team
Posted by: Dustin Wittmier, Lauren Macklin
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mexico
Elevation: 18,491'

With bellies full of cheese from last night’s dinner, we powered our way through a midnight wakeup. The first few hours of the route take us through “The Labyrinth”, which would be an easy place to take a wrong turn. Fortunately, we have Allen (our local guide) with us to help us efficiently navigate. Through the Labyrinth and at the base of the glacier we donned crampons and make our way up the ever-steepening slopes of the Jamapa Glacier until finally topping out on the third highest peak in North America!
Congrats to all the climbers who summitted La Malinche, Iztaccíhuatl and Pico de Orizaba! We now just spend the night at Dr. Reyes’ soap factory museum before most of us head home tomorrow.
Posted by: Dustin Wittmier, Lauren Macklin
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mexico
Elevation: 7,000'

This morning we head towards Pico de Orizaba, one of our main climbing objectives of the trip, relaxed and rested after two nights and a full day in Puebla.
Rest day activities were varied, as usual. Some intrepid folks made their way to Cholula, where you can view and hike up ancient Aztec pyramids. Others explored art exhibits in Puebla and while others just fully relaxed. RMI Guide Lauren Macklin and I found our way to a brand-new bouldering gym before enjoying afternoon lattes at my favorite coffee roaster in town.
The evening was capped with a nice dinner at El Mural de los Poblanos where we sampled some local mezcals, ate delicious traditional foods and shared our rest day stories with the group.
Puebla feels to me like the world's biggest little city and is the place to stay when in this region. There is a ton of history, great outdoor activities and it’s more laidback than Mexico City. We could easily spend the duration of this trip having a spa day in Puebla and drinking fancy wines at rooftop bars. But alas, we have a mountain to climb. On to Pico de Orizaba!
RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier and team
All the Best on Orizaba Dustin and Team!!!
Posted by: Dave Kestel on 2/17/2023 at 10:00 am
Posted by: Dustin Wittmier, Lauren Macklin
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mexico
Elevation: 7,000'

With dust in our eyes (it hasn’t snowed here since early January) and a dream in our hearts (no matter how dirty and tired we are, we all continue wanting it), we awoke at 12:45am this morning to climb Iztaccíhuatl (Ixta). Actually, we were all awake around 10:45pm to overhear the saga of two of our climbers trying to get a mouse out of their tent. Either way, these alpine starts always seem to come a touch too early.
Our day started with a sleepy ascent of “The Knees” section of the route. Once atop “The Knees”, there was a moderate wind that stuck around all day. Most of us wore parkas for nearly the entire climb; it was chilly but beautifully clear. Once the sun came up, we could clearly pick out skyscrapers in downtown Mexico City, which is unassumingly, the fifth largest city in the world.
The group powered through cold, wind and dust and everyone who made the attempt today also reached the summit! Congrats to this bus full of climbers who will enjoy their well-deserved Tacos Arabe in Puebla this evening.
BEAUTIFUL sky, those clouds omg! hope yall are enjoying some of the most well-earned tacos on the planet right now :D may all your future rests be mouse-free and your summits be as gorgeous as this one!
Posted by: Corey on 2/16/2023 at 7:54 am
Hey Dustin! Thank you for all the updates! Brings back such cool memories! All the Best to yopu and your team for your next climb !!!
Farmer Dave
Posted by: Dave Kestel on 2/16/2023 at 3:48 am
WOOOO congrats Anne and crew!! 3/3 summits, that’s amazing!
Posted by: Corey on 2/20/2023 at 3:55 am
Congratulations Dustin, Lindsay, Steve and Team! That is So Cool!!!
Farmer Dave
Posted by: Dave Kestel on 2/20/2023 at 3:26 am
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