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Entries By walter hailes

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Move to Camp 1

We said our bittersweet goodbyes to the good life at Plaza Argentina this morning as we headed up on the mountain to begin our climb. No more steak or lasagna dinners but it sure feels good to be finally doing this! The team climbed extremely well and made even better time up to Camp 1 than we did on our carry a couple of days ago. Everybody is a bit tired but in good spirits... Looking forward to a good night's sleep and another work day tomorrow as we try and push a load of supplies further up the mountain. Also wanted to make a shout out to Garrett's team, who made the summit today! Nice work guys... Buenas noches de campo 1, RMI Guide Billy Nugent

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Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Enjoy One More Rest Day at Basecamp

Another rest day here at Basecamp... Not much to report other than that the team is enjoying a beautiful day resting up after a longer day yesterday. The R & R down here at base is definitely going to pay dividends as we climb higher and higher. Tomorrow, if the good weather continues, will see our departure from base onto the upper mountain for good... Talk tomorrow after our move to Camp 1! RMI Guide Billy Nugent
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When you have worn out your shoes, the strength of the shoe leather has passed into the fiber of your body.  I measure your health by the number of shoes and hats and clothes you have worn out.

Posted by: Ralph W. on 1/12/2014 at 6:24 pm

Billy Nugent.. Be safe and enjoy the climb, always thinking about you! Love from all of us here on the ground! Pam, Jim Jack and Abby!

Posted by: Pam Wenzel on 1/11/2014 at 11:13 pm

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Carry to 16,200’ Camp

Today saw our first dose of real work above Basecamp as the gang carried up a load of food, fuel, and cold weather gear. It was a long day with big loads up to elevations over 16,000 feet, so we were certainly working hard but the team was generally unfazed. The carry definitely helps supply us on the upper mountain but also serves as a good stimulus for our bodies as they try and acclimatize to the higher altitude. The physiological changes are happening and the headaches most folks reported on our first night at Basecamp are now long gone. Higher oxygen saturations and lower resting heart rates are also the norm. Another rest day tomorrow and a fat steak dinner tonight here at Basecamp should give us an opportunity to get stronger and stronger and set us up well for the hard work that lies ahead as we move up. All for now, RMI Guide Billy Nugent

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Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Rest Day at BaseCamp

Not much to report from our first full day at Basecamp. The team is enjoying a rest day filled with such exciting activities as sleeping in, eating a big breakfast of bacon and eggs, lounging around our weather port drinking coffee, getting checked out by the Argentine medical staff, and packing up for tomorrow's carry up to Camp 1. We'll check in again tomorrow after our carry, RMI Guide Billy Nugent
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Jeff-We are watching your progress, keep up the “pings!” I am praying the wind and weather are your friends. Love Deb and kids

Posted by: Debbie on 1/11/2014 at 8:35 am

Meredith - Looks spectacular. We’re following you and hoping for great weather…

Posted by: Rachel on 1/10/2014 at 10:04 pm

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Arrive in BaseCamp

Hello everyone out there following along in RMI Expeditions blogland... Our team made short work of today's hike and arrived at Plaza Argentina (our basecamp) early this afternoon. We started off early early, firing the stoves before sunrise because we needed to hitch a ride on muleback over the river. The herrieros were planning on running the rest of our gear up to basecamp and then running the mules all the way back out to the road so they requested the early start. Normally we'd cross the river on foot but it's running pretty deep this year and the mule option seemed like a safer one especially considering my lifeguard certification expired about 15 years ago.. . Anyway, the team is settling in to life at just under 14k feet and hoping for a good night of sleep after three consecutive hot and dusty days on the trail. Hasta mañana, RMI Guide Billy Nugent

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Go Team!!  Shannon - you are my hero!  Love, M

Posted by: Betsy Brand on 1/9/2014 at 10:04 am

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Trek to Casa de Piedra

Checking in from Casa de Piedra, aka trekking camp 2 here in the Vacas Valley. Our crew had another great day moving well and enjoying near perfect weather. While the terrain was very similar to yesterday's hike the temperatures were considerably lower and there was a pleasant breeze all day that lessened the onslaught of the sun. Right before the Refugio we caught our first glimpses of the mountain without a cloud in the sky. The mountain looks a bit more dusty and dry than normal. The Polish Glacier also appears more broken up than normal. Still, we took a break to shoot some photos and let the size and grandeur soak in a little. After arriving in camp around 2:30 pm, we spent the afternoon lounging and some adventurous folks even went for a swim in the river. The river is running a fair bit deeper than normal so our team is going to ford it tomorrow on mules instead of on foot which will be a new experience for all of us. All for now, will check in again tomorrow from basecamp... RMI Guide Billy Nugent

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I love reading your updates! Wishing you all a happy, healthy, safe and harmonious expedition. Thank you for these postings! Sending lots and lots of Love, BB

Posted by: Barbara Lynn Bloemsma on 1/8/2014 at 9:19 pm

Mountain river swimming? What could be better! I hope you brought your snorkel gear for such opportunities. 

Thinking of you with pan flutes playing. Jealous of your sunshine and glad to hear about the breezy weather. -k

Posted by: Kendra & Rocky on 1/8/2014 at 8:05 pm

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team from Pampa de Leñas

Today was hot... Our team woke up after a last night under a roof and in a real bed and loaded up on coffee and scrambled eggs before heading back over to Grajales' packing facility. We put the finishing touches on our packing job for the mules and caught a transfer from Penitentes over to Punta de Vacas where our journey truly began. We took off from the trailhead a little after 10 am and it was already blazing. Strong sun and high temperatures made for a hard day but our team showed a lot of strength by dispensing the first stretch of the trek to basecamp in good time and with strong form. Occasional breezes and some late afternoon wind made the heat bearable. We got moved in to our first camp at Pampa de Leñas after the mule drivers unloaded our gear and waited for a rendezvous with Jake's descending RMI team. Our minestrone soup was supplemented by delicious beef from the asado that the muleteers had prepared for Jake's crew. It turns out that our friends at Grajales knew that Gabi, Jake, and myself would all be in Leñas tonight and sent up extra meat for a celebration. Now, I'm laying under the stars with a full belly thankful for great friends and excited for tomorrow's continued adventure with a great crew! RMI Guide Billy Nugent
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Hi Mer, this is so great to be able to follow you. Sounds wonderful! Love Mom and Dad

Posted by: Delese and Steve on 1/8/2014 at 5:00 pm

Good Luck, Patrick and all you climbers.  We’ll be following you every day!

Love, Mom and Dad

Posted by: sheila on 1/7/2014 at 5:50 pm

Aconcagua: Billy Nugent & Team Begin Their Expedition!

Whew. It's been a busy couple of days for this newly assembled team of climbers... The whole gang made it down to Argentina yesterday safe and sound and with all of our luggage! Travel-weary but excited we held a team meeting to formally get to know one another and hash out some of the many logistical details that getting out of town and on the mountain involves. Then we went out on the town in Mendoza for a wild and crazy night. Just kidding. But we did get to see some street performers and walk through the Saturday night crowds on our way to a fine Argentine restaurant. Now's where I'm supposed to brag about the delicious beef we ate and Malbec we imbibed. The following morning we got our act together after a couple hiccups at the permit office and then caught a quick lunch before transferring out to Penitentes. We spent the afternoon getting our gear ready for the mules and are about to enjoy one last night with a filling meal and a warm bed. Well, at least for the foreseeable future... Hitting the dusty trail tomorrow, everyone's a little anxious but psyched to find the rhythm of the expedition. All for now, RMI Guide Billy Nugent and Friends
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  We are all thinking about you and send our love and prayers for a safe climb!  Erle, Erle, Donald, Djr. and John

Posted by: Erle Broughton on 1/12/2015 at 11:41 am

Mt. Rainier: June 22, 2013 Summit!

The Four Day Summit Climb Teams Led by RMI Guides Brent Okita and Walter Hailes called as they reached the Summit of Mt. Rainier at 6:59am this morning. The teams have clear weather with light winds, but cold temperatures. They spent some time on the summit before starting their descent back to Camp Muir. Congratulations to today's teams! RMI Guide JJ Justman's team was awarded with a beautiful day of climbing up to Camp Muir. The team is keeping their fingers crossed for good weather tomorrow morning!
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What an awesome journey you have just completed. Walking by the full moon in the wee hours of the day to stand on top of the world must have been exhilarating and inspiring. Your hard work was admirable as you put your energy into reaching your goals. I bow gently in respect for all of you. Now…What’s next?

Posted by: Jan Alexander on 6/22/2013 at 5:45 pm

Outstanding pic! Can’t wait to se the videos.

Posted by: Tom Buser on 6/22/2013 at 1:25 pm

Mt. Rainier: June 19th - Team on Summit!

The Four Day Summit Climb teams led by RMI Guides Elias de Andres Martos and Walter Hailes reached the summit of Mt. Rainier around 7 a.m. PT. The teams reported really good weather and climbing conditions. Mostly blue skies above them with a thick cloud layer down around 9,500'. They will enjoy some time on the summit before starting their descent to Camp Muir and continue down to Paradise this afternoon. The Liberty Ridge climb led by RMI Guides Casey Grom and Andres Marin will be returning to Ashford today. The team was unable to climb due to poor weather and route conditions. We look forward to seeing the teams this afternoon at Rainier BaseCamp. Congratulations to today's summit climb teams!
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