Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Arrive in BaseCamp
Posted by: Billy Nugent, Walter Hailes, Katrina Bloemsma
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Aconcagua
Elevation: 13,800'
Hello everyone out there following along in RMI Expeditions blogland... Our team made short work of today's hike and arrived at Plaza Argentina (our basecamp) early this afternoon. We started off early early, firing the stoves before sunrise because we needed to hitch a ride on muleback over the river. The herrieros were planning on running the rest of our gear up to basecamp and then running the mules all the way back out to the road so they requested the early start. Normally we'd cross the river on foot but it's running pretty deep this year and the mule option seemed like a safer one especially considering my lifeguard certification expired about 15 years ago.. . Anyway, the team is settling in to life at just under 14k feet and hoping for a good night of sleep after three consecutive hot and dusty days on the trail.
Hasta mañana,
RMI Guide Billy Nugent
Comments (1)
Go Team!! Shannon - you are my hero! Love, M
Posted by: Betsy Brand on