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Entries By tyler jones

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Make Decision to Retreat

Monday, June 18, 2018 - 2:15 AM PT To all of our fans out there, we know you’ve enjoyed our stories, raps and poems for our blog to fulfill our energy during our long stay at 14,000' Camp on Denali. This evening however, was the beginning of our retreat down the mountain and eventually back to the airstrip as the weather allows. Today, we had a lull in the never ending storm and the team seized the opportunity to make the descent back to 11,000' Camp. This “lull” certainly wasn’t an easy escape but the conditions were the best we’ve had in days and better than what’s forecast for the next week. We quickly broke down camp and were walking just before 8pm. Walking into the white and knee deep post holing kept the pace down but the team was managing it well. Squirrel Hill was wind scoured and Motorcycle Hill into 11,000' Camp provided some more deep post holing. Thankfully, the wind was calm at camp and with some help from some other guides we know, that have also been stuck in this storm, we managed to set up tents quickly and crawled into our sleeping bags by midnight. Way to go team! The next few days still call for some snowy and windy weather so we might not move too quickly but we’ll take every window of opportunity! Happy Father’s Day! RMI Guide Tyler Jones
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Sory about the bad weather gollub. Rained in CT for 2 days strait so I kno how u feel.


Posted by: Mikey b on 6/19/2018 at 9:14 am

Really sorry about those PB cups. They will taste even sweeter when you return…

Glad to hear you all are breathing thicker air and moving strong in the storm. Thanks for letting us stay part of this journey. You are all an inspiration and I am proud that my kids get to hear these stories of their adventurous uncle.

Thinking of you Dave and team on the decent.


Posted by: Beth on 6/19/2018 at 8:40 am

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Rapping on Denali

Saturday, June 16, 2018 - 6:02 PM PT Strolling up Denali taking a hike Day 18 brings a cyclone I don’t like Boys in the posh shoveling that snow Waiting for the weather window so we can up and go. You got DK white chocolate Dropping a sick beat waiting Patiently for his peanut butter treat Who needs any meat At 17,000 feet. All I want are my peanut butter Cups. Peanut butter cups. Your dark ridges so heavenly on my lips, Forever on my hips, Your sweet and salty, hardly ever Malty, When these mountain days look all Faulty, All you need are those glorious Peanut butt-er cuuups, To keep on the up and ups. To be continued... RMI Guide Tyler Jones & Team

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Matt Hill, Bubbles is wondering if you have seen any shopping carts on Denali. Dwight Schrute says Hi also.

Posted by: Paul Downs on 6/18/2018 at 6:32 am

Thinking of you and the team, constantly, Nicholas!
I know the weather is playing games, but the skills with the song/poem writing are really winning!
Love you so much! We’re so proud of you - always. Always.
Elisa and the Girlies

Posted by: Elisa on 6/17/2018 at 3:26 pm

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Write Poem at 14,000’

Friday, June 15, 2018 - 6:34 PM PT A poem written by the team: Today we had a foot race, We all died trying to keep pace, Another weather day spent playing spades Up at 14 foiled by these Pineapple Express charades The snow is getting deep and the wind getting strong We’re standing in the posh but not for very long. My feet are so cold from standing on the ice, Don’t fret for we’ll be crushing more rice. These foreseeable high winds are full, While our gastrointestinals are quite dull. Even still Spirits were high until news of a pig came before the nigh. RMI Guide Tyler Jones & Team

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Great poem!  Unfortunately, it sounds like you have more than enough time to perfect your prose… 
A little snow shoveling doesn’t sound bad about now as it’s a typical hot (98 degrees) and muggy day in good ole’ STL! Loving all the pictures, but a few up close of all those faces we miss, would be even better! :)).  Here’s to clearing weather and a successful trip to the Summit! XO Coeli (Nick’s Mom)

Posted by: Coeli Scott on 6/16/2018 at 7:18 pm

Also, good luck to everyone else on the team! I hope you all are able to summit without complications and even if there are some, I hope you can overcome them. Fighting!

Good luck,

Posted by: Sarah Wu on 6/15/2018 at 9:54 pm

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Storm Preparation at 14K Camp

Thursday, June 14th - 4:36 pm PT We aren’t getting restless yet! We had a beautiful but gusty morning at camp that allowed us to improve our storm walls and batten down the hatches. The summit has been displaying quite the cap over it with long tails indicating the strong winds up high on top of the frigid temperatures. The forecast has finally confirmed that beginning tomorrow and through the weekend will bring heavy snow. We are going to catch the tail of a tropical surge coming off the Pacific, some words to describe it have been a cyclone or Pineapple Express. We will keep you updated on the snowfall amounts! Yesterday, we had a greeting party to welcome Mike King’s team at 14 Camp. We are glad to have some additional company as we wait out this storm. Thanks for the blog comments from our family and friends, keep them coming! RMI Guide Tyler Jones
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I should read my voice recognition typo’s before I send. That first line was supposed to have read:


Posted by: Liuise (again) on 6/15/2018 at 7:29 pm

You are also amazing!!
It seemed that everything was going so smoothly at first but it is these days of enduring this storm that will probably the story that gets told a lot. Too bad you can’t package the cold and bring it back with you to Las Vegas, huh Marc! We’re cheering you on from down here in the Rockies!

Posted by: Louise on 6/15/2018 at 7:26 pm

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Climb Above 14,000’ Camp

Wednesday, June 13, 2018 - 9:27 PM PT Today we had another great breakfast. Then the crew geared up for a climb up towards the fixed ropes. We have had more than our share of good rest in the past few days. We needed to move some blood and keep our fitness we have gained on this trip. From the forecast we are seeing it looks like we could have a few more days of poor weather. We hope to take another climb for fitness tomorrow and be ready for a break in the weather. Fingers crossed! RMI Guide Tyler Jones

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Hey you guys !
Time for games of red light / green light, follow the leader, and good old Tag “your it”!!!
Maybe do timed “races”...?

Just be careful up there.

Cheering you on from below!
David’s Mom

Posted by: Ruth on 6/14/2018 at 11:38 am

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Stalled at 14,000’ Camp

Tuesday, June 12, 2018 - 9:56 PM PT Today was another windy and snowy day here at 14,000' Camp. After a late breakfast, despite the snow, the team worked together to make an igloo to improve the comfort of the bathroom experience given the current conditions. It’s little projects like these around camp that help down days go by. After a few hours of resting back in our tents the sun made an evening appearance that allowed us to stretch our legs around camp and clear out some of the snow again. The skiers on the mountain have been taking advantage of the evening clearings by enjoying the powder turns to be had just above camp. We’ve enjoyed standing out in the sun watching them ski back to camp. Unfortunately, the outlook for the forecast took a big swing this morning and instead of high pressure settling in for the weekend it now appears we are expecting a major snowstorm and continued high winds through Saturday to stall our summit bid. The team is staying optimistic however, given we may be at 14 camp for a few more days. Tomorrow’s another day and a forecast is only a forecast! RMI Guide Tyler Jones and Team

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Matt Hill, hang in there! We are planning a full reception at the Blanford Rec Center when you get back. There may even be a famous rapper from L.A. there to sing with bubbles.

Posted by: Paul Downs on 6/13/2018 at 1:20 pm

Really glad to hear of your resourcefulness ! I’m sure your igloo is much bigger than the on David made with his siblings in the front yard long ago..
Be warm and happy !
Stay strong.
David’s Mom

Posted by: Ruth on 6/13/2018 at 9:12 am

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Weather the Storm at 14,000’ Camp

Monday, June 11, 2018 - 3:42 PM PT We made it through a very snowy and windy night at 14,000' Camp and also made it through the coldest night we have had near -10F. The skies were clear and cold when we crawled out of the tent to nearly two feet of fresh snow. The team cleared the snow from the tents and shoveled the snow out of our snow block fortress. Then we had another amazing breakfast that started with coffee then hash browns, then blueberry pancakes, a Tyler Jones special. We then proceeded to have another round of hash browns and pancakes. This was obviously paired with a healthy serving of crispy bacon. The new snow along with the wind has most the camp relaxed and waiting till the winds up high on the mountain subside and give the new snow time to settle. The forecast is looking up later this week. We will be patient and out chill the wind and snow, then when the opportunity presents, we will make our move to High Camp. Till then we have a fierce game of Yahtzee in the cool tent and laps around camp to keep us busy. Cheers, RMI Guide Tyler Jones and team

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Dave and Team Jones, the ice fortress looks pretty cool. Hopefully you guys get to move to new digs on higher ground soon (winter is coming after all).

Sending lots of love,
Your big sister and the family.

Posted by: Beth on 6/12/2018 at 11:31 pm

Nothing better than a good game of Yahtzee to pass the time!  Can’t wait to see the pictures from the summit!  Continued prayers for good weather and a safe climb!  Big hugs to Nick from his Mom. XO

Posted by: Coeli Scott on 6/12/2018 at 7:45 pm

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Rapping at 14,000’ Camp

Sunday, June 10, 2018 - 9:04 PM PT To Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Here is the story all about how We’re stuck at 14 with so much pow Just wait a little minute and sit right there And we’ll tell you all about these snow walls up in here. These walls are high, they are not low Like the saying goes, you reap what you sow. The storm’s a brewin, it does not matter It just means we make these walls fatter. Everyone’s spirits are high Despite this Denali blizzard Though we admit We’d rather sip on some sizzer...d Don’t you worry though Because when this passes We’ll be cruising up the pass the masses to the top I tell you loud and clear is our intent so don’t you fear. RMI Guide Tyler Jones

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Haha, nice rapping to make Will Smith jealous. It’s remarkable looking at you guys from the distance. I was thinking to myself:”This could be heaven or this could be hell. Welcome to the Hotel Denali. Such a lovely place.” Sweet dream, Lei, hanging there. Hao

Posted by: Hao on 6/11/2018 at 7:28 pm

To slim Jim and Paul what a dream your are experiencing let it soak in brother looking forward to seeing you both at the top.Keeping you all in my prayers Love Rob

Posted by: Bob on 6/11/2018 at 6:09 pm

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Visit the Edge of the World

Saturday, June 9, 2018 - 8:43 PM PT A message written by the team: "Today we took a rest on the edge. At the aptly named Edge of the World outside of 14 camp we stopped for some great photos. Photos so grand, you’ll never see them. The snow fell gently in the afternoon air. We pondered our favorite planets. Security felt a little lax around camp and with murmurs of winter coming we built some walls around camp. Afterwards, during dinner, we concluded that the sun is the collective favorite planet. Have to be honest, the mountain food is just food. But the guides cooking skills are super awesome. Looking forward to capping off the night with some gentle snoring to keep the local wildlife at bay. Tomorrow should probably be a super epic day." RMI Guide Tyler Jones & Team

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Jim & Paul and all you Ice Chompers,

Just want you to know that the 2018 Stanley Cup is off bounds! it’s in the hands of first time
winners - The Washington -Caps!!  But don’t despair—the Denali Cup for 2018 - is still available!!
So chomp on you mountain rangers!  Sending love, prayers, and long distance hugs -
                                              Your momma

Posted by: Myra Welsh on 6/10/2018 at 7:44 pm

Matt Hill, the Sunnyvale gang is behind you all way. Bubbles even named one of his new kitties “Denali”.

Posted by: Paul Downs on 6/10/2018 at 3:20 pm

Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Carry to High Camp

Friday June 8, 2018 8:37 PM The Jones Team had an excellent and hard day getting our cache established at 17 Camp! The cold morning had us clawing our toes to keep them warm but by our first break of the day we hit the sunshine to warm us up. Our practice yesterday in camp had us dialed to send it right up the fixed lines with style and in good time. The weather was beautiful on the ridge, with sun and no wind, it allowed us to continue climbing higher to deliver our supplies to 17,200 ft. The descent was just as exhausting but we are back at 14,000' camp cooking up dinner to replenish ourselves from the effort. Tomorrow calls for a rest day before we await our window for our summit bid! The forecast is calling for high winds on the summit through the weekend so we may be waiting down here at 14 camp till early next week. Either way some rest and further acclimatization will be beneficial and we are ready when our chance comes! RMI Guide Tyler Jones & Team
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