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Denali Expedition: Jones & Team Make Decision to Retreat

Monday, June 18, 2018 - 2:15 AM PT To all of our fans out there, we know you’ve enjoyed our stories, raps and poems for our blog to fulfill our energy during our long stay at 14,000' Camp on Denali. This evening however, was the beginning of our retreat down the mountain and eventually back to the airstrip as the weather allows. Today, we had a lull in the never ending storm and the team seized the opportunity to make the descent back to 11,000' Camp. This “lull” certainly wasn’t an easy escape but the conditions were the best we’ve had in days and better than what’s forecast for the next week. We quickly broke down camp and were walking just before 8pm. Walking into the white and knee deep post holing kept the pace down but the team was managing it well. Squirrel Hill was wind scoured and Motorcycle Hill into 11,000' Camp provided some more deep post holing. Thankfully, the wind was calm at camp and with some help from some other guides we know, that have also been stuck in this storm, we managed to set up tents quickly and crawled into our sleeping bags by midnight. Way to go team! The next few days still call for some snowy and windy weather so we might not move too quickly but we’ll take every window of opportunity! Happy Father’s Day! RMI Guide Tyler Jones

Comments (14)

Sory about the bad weather gollub. Rained in CT for 2 days strait so I kno how u feel.


Posted by: Mikey b on

Really sorry about those PB cups. They will taste even sweeter when you return…

Glad to hear you all are breathing thicker air and moving strong in the storm. Thanks for letting us stay part of this journey. You are all an inspiration and I am proud that my kids get to hear these stories of their adventurous uncle.

Thinking of you Dave and team on the decent.


Posted by: Beth on

Jeff, so sorry it didn’t go as planned, but it seems you had a great adventure anyway. We can’t wait to have you home! Love you and be safe!

Posted by: Adrian Miller on

David and friends,
Some of the best stories come from the adventures that didn’t go as planned. Not reaching the summit might seem like a big disappointment at the moment, but this journey has been the real deal. You’ve had 99% of the experience. Continue to take care, because going down is just as challenging as going up.

Posted by: Linda Glein on

This makes me sad you had to turn back, Marc, but I’m super proud of what you accomplished!!

Can’t wait to hear about your adventure! Safe travels!

Xoxo - Jaworski

Posted by: Lindsay on

You guys rock for sticking it out (unlike me!). Wishing you all the best and safety coming down off of the mountain.

Posted by: Ben on

I been following the weather report so although it is disappointing, retreating seems like the only viable option.  Marc, I am proud of what you did.
Love, mom

Posted by: Rona on

You’ve proven yourselves to be men of fortitude, strength and endurance.

Now you add prudence and wisdom.

Thank you for continued focus and safe journey as you make your decent. Very proud of you all.
Love & prayers,
DK Mom

Posted by: Ruth on

Matt and Team,

We know this is not the outcome you were hoping for but Mother Nature didn’t leave you all with any other decision.  Each of you brings back from this adventure a new found knowledge of your strength in adversity. Proud of of all!  Safe journey down.

Matt when you are leaving tell that mountain it didn’t get the best of you and you will be back.  Looking forward to hearing all about your adventure at the beach.

Love ,
Mom, Dad, Rachel, John, and Drew

Posted by: Matt Hill Parents on

Jim, Paul and All!
  Congratulations on a job well done, including good common sense decisions by your
team leaders. There was no other choice, when Mother Nature is not only capricious,
but down right obstinate! Safe journey home for all.
  Jim and Paul, after a good night’s sleep at home, maybe we can add steak and salad
to Vicki’s coconut cake!!  And a cool sip of wine to celebrate a wondrous trip by you all!!
Love, hugs, and more prayers,  mom -  grand mom!

Posted by: Myra Welsh on

Jim - sorry you had to turn back. Still, what an adventure! Been missing you at the gym. I am sure you are not missing that it is 93 degrees here, with a heat index of 105!! Safe trip!

Posted by: Jennifer Baldwin on

Jeff and Team, so sorry the weather didn’t cooperate with you!  But a big thumbs up for hanging in there and living out your dream!  You’ve still have an adventure of a life time!  I can’t wait to hear all about it.  Have a great and safe trip down. 

Have Fun - Be Safe!

Posted by: Beverly Miller on

Jim, Paul and team ... certainly not as far as you hoped to get but is clear that it was only mother nature that kept you from reaching the summit.  You are all an inspiration in preparation and determination so congratulations for such a great effort to date.  All, be safe on your journey down.

In Maryland, it is in the 90’s on the water so hopefully you will bring more temperate weather home with you.  What a contrast, huh?

Jim, think there is a whole coconut cake in your future!  XXOO - Vicki

Posted by: Vicki Hurt on

I’m so sorry you had to turn back Marc! I hope you got to enjoy the adventure and the beauty of your surroundings. Can’t wait to hear from you soon. Best wishes to the team as you descend. Enjoy the increased oxygen!

Love, Little Sis

Posted by: Sandra on

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