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Entries By robby young

Peru Seminar: Elias & Team Check in From Copa High Camp

Hello, this is the Peru Seminar and Elías and Robby and Peter with the team at High Camp on Copa. We are currently at 5,200 meters. The crew climbed really well this morning. It took us slightly less than 4 hours to move from Base Camp to here, and we are currently settled in, cooking dinner, replenishing water, and getting ready for what's ahead tonight: the biggest of our objectives, Copa, at 6,200 meters. We'll be checking in tomorrow, hopefully from the summit, and stay tuned for more. That's it for now. Everybody's doing really well, and we wish everything is good at home. Bye! RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos

RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos calls in from High Camp on Copa, Peru.

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Loved the audio message from Elias. Wish all a productive night’s rest before attempting your highest and final pinnacle!

Posted by: Laura Voisinet on 7/9/2015 at 8:40 am

Peru Seminar: Team Arrives at Base Camp of Nevado Copa

Greetings from Nevado Copa Basecamp, one of the most beautiful places on earth!(seriously) We all climbed this morning to this idyllic place, and ever since, our eyes have been put on the slopes of this Andean giant that sits before us. All is ready to launch tomorrow towards high camp, and our forecast is telling us we'll have the best weather possible. Everyone is really well acclimated, and the good sports reign amongst the crew. Stay tuned for the progress of the graduation climb of this 2nd edition of our Peru Seminar. RMI Guide Elías de Andres Martos and team
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Peru Seminar: Elias & Team Check In from Base Camp

¡Hola again from BC! In case you missed our call this morning, here is the recap; another 100% summit success!!! Everyone did an excellent job on our climb up Urus East, a step above the previous Ishinca, on a day where we encountered steep terrain, short pitches, involved scrambles and rewarding rappels. Our views of distant Copa, where we head next, from the top, were jaw dropping; all of us can't wait to head there day after tomorrow. We're enjoying dinner as we speak, and in twelve hours we'll be hitting the trail downhill towards Huaraz for a day. Stay tuned! RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos
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Peru Seminar: Elias & Team Summit Nevados Urus

Hello, this is the RMI crew on top of Mount Urus. This is guides Elias, Peter and Robby. We are going to show you the excitement of the crew. {Cheers from the team!] I think that was loud and clear but once again 100% on the top of Nevado Urus. We're pretty psyched. It's 10 o'clock local time and we are having a great time. The weather gave us a break. Been a couple days of snow but we are under sunny skies now looking at our next objective, Copa, and if I turn around, I'll be looking at our last objective, Ishinca. Stay tuned. We'll be letting you know how we are doing on the last stretch in the next couple days. That's it from the top of Urus. Bye. RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos

RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos calling from the Nevados Urus summit!

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Congrats to my Dad (Larry) and the rest of the team! Keep up the hard work and stay safe. Finger crossed on 3 for 3.

We’re thinking of you from the beach.


Posted by: Ryan Burg on 7/6/2015 at 2:20 pm

Peru Seminar: Elias & Team Spend Day Training

Greetings! We're ready for our next objective, Nevado Urus. We all appreciated a rest day today, after yesterday's summit on Ishinca. We spent the day learning and practicing rappelling as well as fixed line ascension in the vicinity of base camp. We also had a thorough discussion regarding expedition planning. Now we're packing for tomorrow's alpine start, hoping to tackle Nevado Urus before the forecasted weather pattern hits - grapple to snow in the mid-afternoon. That's it for now! Wish us luck tomorrow, RMI Guide Elías and team
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Good luck on your journey & have fun.

I will be thinking of your far more vigorous struggles as I hike up easy Pinnacle Mtn, tomorrow.

Posted by: Eddie Vollman on 7/4/2015 at 8:06 pm

Peru Seminar: The Team Summits Ishinca!

¡Buenas tardes! The team is back at Basecamp after a great, successful day on 18,143ft Ishinca. Everyone climbed well up the southeast glacier, which provided a steep, yet sun-cupped summit ridge. An early summit allowed us to descend via the southweat side, completing an up and over traverse of the mountain; extra credit for everyone! We're now looking forward to an active rest day tomorrow, keeping an eye on the weather as our beautiful summit day turned into a dust of unexpected snow at Basecamp this evening. Best regards from Perú! RMI Guides Elías de Andres Martos, Robby Young and team
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Thank you team leaders Elias and Robby, sounds like a great beginning for all!!

Posted by: Laura Voisinet on 7/4/2015 at 4:41 pm

Congrats Robby and team!  Living vicariously through these posts. What an adventure. Greetings from sunny Traverse City fourth of July morning. Safe travels On descent.

Posted by: Victoria Sutherland on 7/4/2015 at 5:48 am

Peru Seminar: Elias & Team Ready for Ishinca

Ready to launch! We're all set to tackle our first objective tomorrow, Ishinca. We spent the day today training on the glacier, in the 16,300 ft vicinity. Everybody had a blast, performed well, and is excited to begin what soon will be (with permission of the mountain gods) the opening summit. Hoping to check tomorrow from "la cumbre", that's it for now. RMI Guide Elías and team
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The mountains are calling, hope all have a great first summit experience on Ishinca!

Posted by: Laura Voisinet on 7/3/2015 at 5:14 am

Peru Seminar: Elias and Team Check in From Base Camp

Good evening from Base Camp in the Ishinca Valley! We're settling in for the night, an early bed time, as tomorrow we'll have our first semi alpine start of the program. Today was spent reviewing the fitting and use of our equipment (the name of the game has been proclaimed as "we'll be the most pro-looking team on the mountain") followed by a thorough review of the knots and hitches we'll use on this trip. A gourmet lunch by our cook Emilio, (fresh trout and quinoa soup) gave us the energy we needed to take a stroll to "Ishinca Cocha", the glacial lake perched 1,000 ft above camp, and to continue to stimulate our bodies in the acclimatization process. Stay tuned for more! RMI Guide Elías de Andres Martos and team.
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Peru Seminar: Elias & Team Arrive at Their Base Camp

Greetings from the Ishinca Valley! We're writing from our base camp, at 14,400ft, right at the foothills of our first two objectives; Nevados Ishinca and Urus. We left our hotel this morning in Huaraz, and an uneventful bus ride took us to the sunny village of Pashpa, where we met our pack of donkeys and their gentle drivers. Four hours of hiking through a forest of quenuales (the Andean staple tree) took us to the open meadow where camp sits. Everyone hiked in pretty good style! Our first day of training starts tomorrow, and everyone is looking forward to move further uphill soon! RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos
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Peru Seminar: Team Acclimates on Hills Surrounding Huaraz

Greetings all, Today was one of those beautiful bluebird days in Huaraz where the views of the surrounding 20,000ft peaks are especially stunning. Our team took advantage of the perfect weather and made an acclimatization hike up into the hills above our hotel, to about 11,500', in preparation of our move to 14,000' base camp in the Ishinca Valley tomorrow. Views from the top gave us a great birds eye view of the city of Huaraz and the surrounding peaks. After the hike, we treated ourselves to a pizza lunch at El Horno, a local favorite located near the Casa de Guias, in the climbing center of Huaraz. After a packing session and a casual dinner, we're prepped and ready for our move into the Ishinca Valley first thing tomorrow. Thanks for following and we'll be in touch from base camp tomorrow! Best, RMI Guides Robby Young, Elias de Andres Martos, and Team
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