Peru Seminar: Elias & Team Summit Nevados Urus
Posted by: Elias de Andres Martos, Robby Young
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Peru Seminar
Elevation: 17,800'
Hello, this is the RMI crew on top of Mount Urus. This is guides Elias, Peter and Robby. We are going to show you the excitement of the crew. {Cheers from the team!] I think that was loud and clear but once again 100% on the top of Nevado Urus. We're pretty psyched. It's 10 o'clock local time and we are having a great time. The weather gave us a break. Been a couple days of snow but we are under sunny skies now looking at our next objective, Copa, and if I turn around, I'll be looking at our last objective, Ishinca. Stay tuned. We'll be letting you know how we are doing on the last stretch in the next couple days. That's it from the top of Urus. Bye.
RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos
RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos calling from the Nevados Urus summit!
Comments (1)
Congrats to my Dad (Larry) and the rest of the team! Keep up the hard work and stay safe. Finger crossed on 3 for 3.
We’re thinking of you from the beach.
Posted by: Ryan Burg on