Entries By pepper dee
Posted by: James Bealer, Pepper Dee, Seth Burns
Categories: Expedition Dispatches North Cascades
Elevation: 9,131'

RMI Guides James Bealer & Pepper Dee led the Mt. Shuksan Fisher Chimneys July 26 - 28 to the summit of Mt. Shuksan today. James reported it has been a really fun day with stellar steep climbing. The team was taking a break on the summit before starting their descent back to camp. They will spend tonight on the mountain and conclude their adventure tomorrow with a walk out to the trail head.
Nice job team! Enjoy your final night on the mountain!
Posted by: Pepper Dee, James Bealer, Keeley Rideout, Lauren Macklin
Categories: Expedition Dispatches North Cascades
Elevation: 10,781'
RMI Guides Pepper Dee & James Bealer led their teams of Mt. Baker - Easton Glacier climbers to the summit this morning. All team members climbed strong and reached the summit! The teams will return to camp for their final night on the mountain. Tomorrow they will descend to the trail head and conclude their Mt. Baker adventure.
Way to go team!

After a week of technical alpine mountaineering training on the upper slopes of Mt. Rainier the Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz team reached the Summit! The team climbed through the Kautz Ice Chute, a well-known, and classic route on the mountain. The team spent time on the summit and are now descending on the Disappointment Cleaver route and will pass through Camp Muir on their way down.
Congratulations to the Kautz Team!
Posted by: Andy Bond, Pepper Dee
Categories: Expedition Dispatches North Cascades
Elevation: 10,781'

100% on Top! The Mt. Baker - Easton Glacier team led by RMI Guides Andy Bond and Pepper Dee reached the summit of Mt. Baker early today. The team had a great day of climbing with beautiful route and incredible views the entire climb. They settled back in camp at 6,800' where they will re-fuel, rest for the night. Tomorrow they get an early start, pack up camp and descend to the trailhead.
Congratulations team!

The Expedition Skills Seminar – Emmons left Camp Schurman early this morning heading out for their summit attempt on Mt. Rainer. Due to unstable snow, the team turned at 11,300’ feet. They are heading back to camp where they will spend the remainder of their time on the mountain practicing the alpine mountaineering skills they have been learning all week. The team will descend from Camp Schurman tomorrow afternoon.
Congratulations team!
Posted by: JM Gorum, Pepper Dee, Cal Smith, Stephen Inman, Jackson Breen, Erika Birkeland
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 12,400'

The Five Day Climb June 5 - 9 ascended to Camp Muir on Monday after their inital orientation and Mountaineering School days. Yesterday they enjoyed some additional time working as a rope team and walking in crampons as they traveled above Camp Muir to Ingraham Flats. They were able to explore more of the mountain and see a bit of the route. Today they left Camp Muir hoping to reach the summit. They traveled up to Ingraham Flats and then started to ascend the Disappointment Cleaver. Unfortunately new snow and potential avalanche danger forced them to turn back at around 12,400'. The teams will return to Camp Muir and then continue to Paradise. They will conclude their program in Ashford later this afternoon.
the same thing happened to me in 1969 !!!! That was a long time ago. But over the years, I was successful 4 more times. I will never ever forget those great experiences, so do not give up. Book another climb as soon as possible. bill bussey
Posted by: bill bussey on 8/18/2021 at 11:59 am
Pepper may man! Hate to see you didn’t summit on this one, but safety is why RMI is the best. Pepper, if you ever guide on anything in Europe, please let me know with lead time for training. I would love to rope up with you again.
Posted by: Barry Reese on 5/21/2021 at 3:44 am
Pepper! hey man. better luck next time. I am getting the itch. Thinking I might plan another climb. I am thinking Europe this time since I now live in Munich. Hit me up man. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Posted by: Barry D. Reese on 1/25/2020 at 11:22 am
Posted by: Pepper Dee
Categories: Guide News Guide Grant

Chris and Bill - You guys are truly inspirational. Be safe and watch out for those crevasses (and the crevices).
Your ERPi Family
Posted by: Greg on 7/9/2019 at 4:32 am
Praying for good weather and safe climbing.
Posted by: Chris on 7/7/2019 at 11:44 am
Posted by: Eric Frank, Pepper Dee
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'
Right on, looking forward to doing this climb next year.
Posted by: Andre on 7/25/2021 at 11:06 am
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