Entries By liam weed
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 348'

Monday, June 20, 2022 - 7:37 pm PT
Final Dispatch! Final Jeopardy!
The sound of Lisa the Basecamp Manager waking us up by saying “Planes are coming!”
What is the greatest sound in the world?
The team has never packed up camp so quickly. Too quickly it ended up because we played hurry up and wait for about three hours before our ticket to town arrived. It was worth the wait for hot showers, running water and flushing toilets.
So to end our adventure together dear reader, here is a group photo of the team.
Thanks for following along!
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 7,300'
Monday, June 20, 2022 - 8:39 a.m. PDT
So we did it, well almost. We’re right back where we began our journey but this time we are stuck here. I’m of course talking about Kahiltna International Airport. How did this happen? Let’s start at the beginning of our day.
BEEP BEEP BEEP. The 1:00 a.mm alarm goes off, the guides rub the sleep / snow out of their eyes. Oh wait, did you say snow? Yes, yes I did because the guides decided to roll the dice and open bivy instead of set up a tent for our “last” night out. Anyways not a big deal, snow brushes off and sleeping bags dry eventually.
The rest of the team quickly rallied and broke down camp and we headed out on the mushy trail. Slightly less mushy though thanks to a slight refreeze from the night. Thank goodness for that because we crossed a lot of snow bridges over crevasses. The walking was easy and the team was traveling well, until Heartbreak Hill, the final slope up to the airstrip. It’s just steep enough to be terrible and just shallow enough grade to last for what feels like forever.
Finally, finally we made it to the airstrip. Our time to get back to civilization was here! Except not, because we didn’t fly out. Now here’s how we got stuck. Clouds. Clouds everywhere. First clouds at the airstrip prevented them from flying, then clouds in Talkeetna, then more clouds at the airstrip, then clouds both places.
So as I write this we’ve missed our window for flying out today and await patiently for a break in the weather tomorrow. Let’s hope the next dispatch is a picture of us clinking glasses and celebrating in Talkeetna!
To be continued….
RMI Guides Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed and the team
” Everyone wants to reach the top of the mountain. But all the success and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.”
-Andy Rooney
Posted by: Ellis Richman on 6/20/2022 at 7:15 pm
I know you all can do it. You’ve come this far and the glasses will clink!
Weather can be a problem whether cold or hot - it was close to 98 degrees today in
Wayzata, MN - high humidity too so not a day to be outside!
Safe travels for the rest of the trip - look forward to a photo of the team!
You all have accomplished what you set out to do and should be proud of that!
Thank you for sharing your adventure with us.
Posted by: mary pagnucco on 6/20/2022 at 7:02 pm
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 7,800'
Sunday, June 18, 2022
Dun-dunana-dun-dun-dunnn (Imperial March music...please use your imagination)
We continued our migration down glacier from 14 Camp to the airstrip. Instead of a Flying V, we are in a Tromping I, roped together as always but this time it is very obvious as to why. The Kahiltna Glacier has melted down and broken up significantly since our last crossing. Weaving left and right, searching high and low for snow bridges that looked like they would support our weight. We finally make it the base of Ski Hill and decide to call it a day. The heat of the day has started to weaken the already soft snow and low and behold who do we see on the horizon??! It’s an RMI team headed uphill! Andy Bond and crew have just arrived at Camp 1. So we decide to spend the night with them to both let the snow and our bonds of friendship strengthen! Ends up there are mutual friends not only amongst the guides but also the teams! Let us rejoice! Tomorrow in the wee early hours of the morning we shall resume our march with refrozen snow and renewed strength in our quads.
We have the downhill mentality and the end is in sight (figuratively)!
RMI Guides Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed and the team
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 14,200'
Friday, June 17, 2022 10:41pm PT
Today we fled the thin air of 17 camp for the more tolerable altitude of a mere 14,000 feet. It might seem easy but descending was anything but that. The team was definitely still in a energy and hydration deficit from summit day. So on weak, sore and wobbly legs we made our way down the West Ridge, slithered our way down the fix lines and groaned, moaned and hobble down the final hill into camp. Everyone quickly scurried into their tents for some much deserved rest. A hearty meal of bacon mac & cheese was swallowed with gusto and then off to early bed. We still have thousands of feet and many miles before we make it to the airstrip.
Talkeetna here we come!
RMI Guides Avery, Jack, Liam and the Team
Michael!!! I heard of your summit and literally screamed! Love you so much and hear you guys are pacing back down the mountain. Love you so much, was on the phone with grandma just after we got the news of successful summit and grandma was so proud. We love you! Can’t wait to hear all about the experience. Prayers and safe travel vibes to you all. Congratulations team and love to you all!!!
Posted by: Desiree on 6/18/2022 at 8:33 pm
Wishing you all Cool Runnings on the way down!!
Posted by: James Person on 6/18/2022 at 11:06 am
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 20,310'
Friday, June 17, 2022 1:47 AM
Well hot diggity dog we did it! We went to bed with several inconclusive weather forecasts stressing us out and a weather check at 4:30 confirmed cloudy skies. Alas our actual wake up of 6:30 gave us the surprise “nowcast” we had been waiting for, clear skies and no sign of winds! Huzzah! We quickly set about rallying the troops and making hot water for breakfast. When it was all said and done we were walking by 8:30 headed up, up, up! We first scaled the imposing and cold “Autobahn”. A large steep traverse that gains us about a 1,000 feet. Next we zig and zagged through “Zebra Rocks” gaining more elevation rapidly. Next we meandered slowly and steadily uphill crossing the Denali summit plateau until we got to the “Football Field” a large flat zone that led to our final two obstacles. “Pig Hill” and the summit ridge proper! Pig Hill is a daunting final push up several switch backs to gain elevation before traversing the true summit ridge. The Summit Ridge gave us incredible views and big exposure before finally giving way to the true summit itself! The highest point in North America! There was much congratulating and picture taking and before you know it, it was time to head down. We retraced our steps safely and efficiently all the way back to camp. The crew was tired, thirsty and hungry but by jove they’d done it! All told 13 hours round trip. After being fed and watered, it was quickly lights out for everyone.
Talk to you tomorrow friends, family and loved ones!
RMI Guides Avery, Jack, Liam and the Team
Congratulations Heather and everyone on this expedition. What an accomplishment. I saw this image and got chills. I can’t even imagine the feeling of reaching the summit after all your training prior to arriving and then the last three weeks. Heather, thank you so much for fundraising for ANRF and arthritis research. YOU are amazing!
Posted by: Jenn on 6/20/2022 at 6:16 pm
Congratulations to all and Rebecca! Your Mecha Team has been cheering you on from Colorado. We are proud of you! Get home safe and soon!
Posted by: Courtney Hutton on 6/18/2022 at 7:19 pm
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 17,000'
Friday June 17, 2022 1:47 am PT
Hello everybody!
Sorry for the late post, here’s what happened yesterday! The short story, we moved to 17 camp and it was exhausting. Oh wait, huh? You want the long story. Alright fine….
So we pre-packed as best we could the night before because we were looking to get a early start. Nothing is more annoying than be stuck behind folks on the fixed lines. Lucky for us our plan worked out. We were the first ones out of 14 camp… actually we were one of only two teams moving that day. The weather forecast has been rather wishy washy so I think spooked some teams from moving. Thankfully we had the inside connection to several forecasts and forecasters so we were optimistic that this was the right move. Anyhoo the team styled the fixed lines again, though this time was a little less joyous due to heavy packs crunching down on our hips. At the top of lines we began to climb some of the best terrain of the trip, the West Ridge! It was an exciting mix of snow, rocks, big exposure, beautiful views, running belays and a little more ascending. The weather was perfect and the team had a blast. When we arrived at 17 camp the real work began, building camp! At 17,000 feet you gotta work slow otherwise you’ll exhaust yourself. The team put in a Herculean effort erecting tents, snow block walls and a bathroom. Then it was freeze dried food for dinner and time to get some well deserved sleep. Depending on the “nowcast” if we wake up to good weather we’ll make our summit push tomorrow!
Wish us luck and send sunshine and low winds our way!
RMI Guides Avery, Jack, Liam and the Team
Sending good vibes and hoping for a successful summit. Stay safe.
Posted by: Lorraine Sewick on 6/17/2022 at 11:54 am
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,000'
Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - 10:30 pm PT
Well dear readers today will hopefully be the last dispatch from 14,000' Camp! After analyzing several forecasts and performing a ritual to appease the mountain weather gods, we’ve decided tomorrow we’re moving to 17,000' Camp! We are still very much on the “nowcast” though so fingers crossed that things look good in the morning! I’m sure you’re wondering about our day and sadly there isn’t much to write. Today was a bit of a Groundhog Day. Some folks went for a walk (the same as yesterday) some folks played cards (the same as yesterday) some folks stretched and did yoga (the same as yesterday) and some folks snacked aggressively (the same as yesterday). Learning to stay entertained and content while waiting for weather is an important expedition skill and the team has been nailing it these last several days. Here’s to hoping tomorrow’s weather is nice and we can break out of this loop!
Adventure is out there!
RMI Guides Avery, Jack, Liam and the team
Thinking of you Rebecca and team! There are some gin and tonics in your future upon your return! Go conquer that mountain!
Posted by: Sarah on 6/15/2022 at 3:44 pm
Loved the picture of the mountains taken yesterday. Just stunning - makes you want to be there!
Thank you and look forward to more photos.
Have a good trek tomorrow - will be thinking of you.
Posted by: mary pagnucco on 6/15/2022 at 2:53 pm
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,000'
Monday, June 13, 2022 - 10:37 pm PT
Hmmm how does one keep entertained while waiting for good summit weather? Well let me tell you! You start the morning as usual with the most important meal of the day, breakfast! Then the team rallies, gears up and heads to “The Edge of the World”! Whooo spooky! What’s the edge of the world you’re thinking? Glad you asked! It’s an epic cliff on the extreme edge of camp that looks 6,000 feet down to the valley floor. So pretty cool and obviously we took a bunch of hero shots of ourselves looking awesome. Then we wandered around the perimeter of camp, took a quick look at the crevasse formerly known as the “Poop Crevasse” (we now remove all our waste from the mountain instead of throwing it into the glacier). After that scenic detour it was more hanging about camp. Some of the team built snow lounge chairs to catch some rays. A handful of the team learned to play the best four person card game of all time, Euchre! The evening was capped off by the invention of a new cocktail, a mix of hot water, Swiss Miss hot chocolate powder and Fireball whiskey. It was deemed “The Backcountry Boyfriend” because it keeps you warm at night. Indeed it ‘twas a productive day here at 14,000 feet. Camp is in shadow now and we’re all tucked into our down sleeping bags, cozy and warm.
Goodnight, sleep tight and don’t let the ice worms bite!
RMI Guides Avery, Jack, Liam and the team
P.S. Google ice worms! They’re real!
GO Team Go!!! Ya’ll are So close now!!! It’s a mail biter being on this side of it all…Michael- this is Your time to pull out all the stops kiddo! You got this!! Love you molto! Hugs and kisses to All team members and a Big lick from Oliver! Alicia
Posted by: Alicia Becker on 6/15/2022 at 8:40 am
I bet Jack was all in that poop crevasse. Get it Jack.
Posted by: Jamie Fisher on 6/14/2022 at 10:04 pm
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,000'
Sunday, June 12, 2022 - 10:12 pm PT
Ahhhh, finishing up breakfast at noon. One of the fine pleasures of a rest day. On this day we not only continued to acclimate and gain strength but we also gained FLEXIBILITY! Thanks to our own team member / yogi Rebecca giving all of us an impromptu yoga class! Of course we had to substitute yoga mats for sleeping pads but the views were unparalleled. The class even had a few first time yogis who now get to brag their first class was at 14,000 feet! It was fantastic to limber up after days of dragging sleds and walking with heavy packs. We spent the rest of the afternoon swapping snacks and stories. We currently sit in the sweet spot waiting for our summit window. Below us is all clouds and snow, above us is windy and cloud capped.
Goodnight everyone and since we only do this once a day good morning and good afternoon as well!
RMI Guides Avery, Jack, Liam and the team
Sounds like the climb is being managed really well with yoga, great food and snacks to give you all
strength to continue. Love getting the reports and wish you all the best!
Posted by: mary pagnucco on 6/13/2022 at 6:23 pm
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 14,200'
Saturday June 11, 2022 – 10:54pm PT
Hello bloganeers or whatever you call people who read blogs!
We went to bed with a nebulous forecast and thankfully awoke to optimistic looking skies! Looks like the weather would allow us to climb high and sleep low. We feasted upon a southern favorite, grits and pop tarts for breakfast. Then we racked up our gear and headed towards the fixed lines.
A couple hours of slow but steady walking and we arrived at the gaping maw that is the bergschrund at base of the fixed lines. The team locked and loaded and soon we were climbing up the steep snow and hard blue ice. Shouts of “This is awesome!” and “My fingers are cold,” were heard at various times during our ascent. Topping out the fixed lines rewarded us with beautiful views of the West Ridge of Denali and everyone and everything below us. We dug our cache, tossed in our excess gear and took a couple deep breaths of 16,000-foot air before beginning our descent.
Fleet feet and sturdy arm wraps meant a quick trip back to camp where a large meal of mac and cheese and cheesecake was enjoyed by all! Tomorrow, we let the winds up high blow while we gain strength and acclimate here at 14k camp.
Thanks for tuning in blogadors!
Well, I am definitely a bloganeer! Iook forward to reading this blog and staying up to date with you and your incredible teams progress. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. You guys are incredible and you impress all of us with your passion, persistence and endurance! Go team! A special shout out to Heather Hart and reminder that your CBJD Family is here cheering you on! We’ve you so much xoxo
Posted by: Janine Paradiso on 6/13/2022 at 6:18 am
Blogadore here! Please keep them coming and congrats team - you all are making great time!!! Michael know you are having the best time ever!!! Safe travels team and enjoy that Mac and cheese!!!
Kim and Jim
Posted by: Kim on 6/12/2022 at 11:07 am
Congrats to everyone, (especially my niece, Rebecca) for completing a lifetime achievement. Everyone looks very happy to have completed your goal. Look forward to seeing pictures.
Posted by: Lorraine Sewick on 6/21/2022 at 11:40 am
Many congrats team - you all look refreshed and happy! Thank you guides for your wonderful daily updates - we have loved them! Amazing trip you all and welcome home! And Michael cannot wait to see you honey!!!
Kim aka Mom
Posted by: Kim on 6/21/2022 at 9:34 am
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