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Denali Expedition: SUMMIT!

Friday, June 17, 2022 1:47 AM


Well hot diggity dog we did it! We went to bed with several inconclusive weather forecasts stressing us out and a weather check at 4:30 confirmed cloudy skies. Alas our actual wake up of 6:30 gave us the surprise “nowcast” we had been waiting for, clear skies and no sign of winds! Huzzah! We quickly set about rallying the troops and making hot water for breakfast. When it was all said and done we were walking by 8:30 headed up, up, up! We first scaled the imposing and cold “Autobahn”. A large steep traverse that gains us about a 1,000 feet. Next we zig and zagged through “Zebra Rocks” gaining more elevation rapidly. Next we meandered slowly and steadily uphill crossing the Denali summit plateau until we got to the “Football Field” a large flat zone that led to our final two obstacles. “Pig Hill” and the summit ridge proper! Pig Hill is a daunting final push up several switch backs to gain elevation before traversing the true summit ridge. The Summit Ridge gave us incredible views and big exposure before finally giving way to the true summit itself! The highest point in North America! There was much congratulating and picture taking and before you know it, it was time to head down. We retraced our steps safely and efficiently all the way back to camp. The crew was tired, thirsty and hungry but by jove they’d done it! All told 13 hours round trip. After being fed and watered, it was quickly lights out for everyone.

Talk to you tomorrow friends, family and loved ones!

RMI Guides Avery, Jack, Liam and the Team

Comments (17)

Congratulations Heather and everyone on this expedition. What an accomplishment. I saw this image and got chills. I can’t even imagine the feeling of reaching the summit after all your training prior to arriving and then the last three weeks. Heather, thank you so much for fundraising for ANRF and arthritis research. YOU are amazing!

Posted by: Jenn on

Congratulations to all and Rebecca! Your Mecha Team has been cheering you on from Colorado. We are proud of you! Get home safe and soon!

Posted by: Courtney Hutton on

Way to go team and many many congrats to you all! Be safe on your way down! And Michael - what an accomplishment- so so so proud of you! Miss you kid and cannot wait to see you very soon!  Oxoxo

Kim aka Mom

Posted by: Kim on


Posted by: LEE JOHNSON on

Way to go team!  Jack and Avery, hope you were able to find something special at the top.  Sounds like you’ve had an amazing trip.  So glad for all of you!
T and B

Posted by: Tracy and Bruce on

Liam. Jack. Avery and The Team.

You reached for the stars and touched them.  Congratulations!  Well done!

Posted by: John Pagnucco on

Congratulations Team! What an incredible accomplishment! We are all so proud and grateful to enjoy your journey through these updates and pictures. Truly humbled by your perseverance.

-Janine P.

Posted by: Janine Paradiso on

Congrats to all; definitely a huge team effort!  And Michael, so proud of you!!  Can’t wait to hear the scoop and tales of adventure.  Now descend and get off the mountain safely!!

Posted by: James Person on

Lots of celebrating, happy people for you!!  So looking forward to you coming home and sharing pictures!!

Posted by: Lorna on

You all are a very determined group!! My hat is off to you! Keep it up!
So glad you had good weather and thinking great guides!

Posted by: mary pagnucco on

Congratulations everyone!  We’re proud of all of you!  Becks, we’re happy for you!

Posted by: Ed Baack on

Hip Hip Hooray!  Congrats to everyone on this trip, but especially our daughter, Rebecca. We’ll be so anxious to see all of your pictures!  Too bad it is not a place to linger and bask in your glory, like sipping chapagne, but guess you can do that after you are down and before you all go your separate ways.  But I bet you all stay in touch because this must be such an incredible bonding experience!!!

Posted by: Peggy Baack on

Yeahhhh!  So glad you all made it!  What a great accomplishment!  Safe travels down.

Posted by: Lorraine Sewick on

Awesome Team!  I’m really happy to hear the success - have a few PBR at basecamp and the Fairview for me.

Posted by: Scott on

I have tears in my eyes as I write this I am so incredibly proud and in awe of you Michael and the whole team!!! WOW!!! Way to go!!!  Congratulations on the summit!!! It’s so   SO inspiring..beyond the edge of language what you all have accomplished.
Big hugs Michael and love to all.

Posted by: Julie Valentine on

So damn proud of you, Christine!

Posted by: Pace Verner on

Congratulations to all of you!  We’ve been following your journey.  So proud of you Mike Farnham!  Come home safely!

Ann & Steve

Posted by: Ann Shure on

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