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Entries By leah fisher

Mt. Rainier: July 9th - Summit!

Our Four and Five Day Summit Climbs led by RMI Guides Mike Haugen and Garret Stevens were just leaving the crater rim at 7:19 am. The teams have had a blue bird morning with clear skies, great views and light winds. We expect the teams back at Rainier Base Camp this afternoon. Congratulations to Today's Teams!
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We did it! Thank you all for wishes.
Bing Thanks to Mike, Leah and Stoney for being such wonderful guides and making this hike memorable!

Posted by: Atul on 7/10/2014 at 1:15 pm

Amazing accomplishment!
Congratulations to Dimitri and his buddies!

√ done-:)...

Posted by: Michelle BB on 7/9/2014 at 9:13 pm

Mt. Rainier: June 27th - UPDATE

The Four Day Summit Climb Team led by Win Whittaker and Kel Rossiter climbed to Ingraham Flats this morning (11,200'), but due to snow, high winds, and poor visibility they were unable to reach the summit of Mt. Rainier. The entire team is safely back at Camp Muir and will be starting their descent back to RMI BaseCamp shortly. Congratulations to today's Team!
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John and Beth - you two are rock stars in my book!  Congratulations on giving it your best shot!!!

Posted by: Jlo on 6/27/2014 at 11:51 am

Chris/Brooke, still a kick butt accomplishment!!!  Can’t wait to see the pictures!

Love, Leonard

Posted by: Leonard on 6/27/2014 at 10:52 am

Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Grounded

June 7, 2014 - 7:23 pm PT The past day and a half have been a whirlwind. Awakening early at 14,200' the skies had cleared spectacularly, a very nice change from the snowy weather we had getting to camp. With new snow on the ground climbing back down to 11,200' camp was easy. We picked up our cache and visited with friends and some fellow guides before heading down glacier to Basecamp. Because the glacier was in great shape we could travel during the day without needing to get on to a nighttime schedule to walk when the snow is cold and crevasse bridges stronger and safer. Six hours later we were at the airstrip on the southeast fork of the Kahiltna Glacier. An hour later the great pilots at K2 had landed and were whisking us back to civilization. It was a rush to get in a shower before the restaurants closed. But we made it and gorged on some wonderful food and cold beverages. A visit to the infamous Fairview Inn to celebrate our trip led some to hydrate to excess into the wee hours of the morning, but incredibly all made it to breakfast at 8:00. And now we've split up and are going our own ways. Part of the team are going fishing and enjoying this great state some more, while the rest of us are flying home. Leah, Nick and I are among those going home, opting out of fishing this time so we can see our loved ones, and take a well deserved rest. Thanks for following along on our great adventure. See you next year! RMI Guides Brent Okita, Leah Fisher and Nick Hunt
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Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Down from 17,200’

June 5, 2014 - 11:00 pm PT We broke camp early today given our usual plan for getting down towards Basecamp and hopefully off the mountain in another day or so, but today not all went to plan. Some equipment malfunctions and mostly general fatigue has us camped again at 14,200', getting recharged for our walk back to the airstrip and closer to a burger, beer, and you. The forecast looks good for walking down the Kahiltna so we're all hopeful. Hope to see you all soon. RMI Guides Brent, Leah and Nick

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So excited that mission Denali is almost completed. Great Team and great Guides!!! Hope tonight will be your last night in the snow. Love to Daniel and the entire Team.

Mom & Rob

Posted by: Lena Akerman on 6/6/2014 at 9:57 pm

Sitting between the dogs, drinking a martini while Blair cooks. We are very excited for you and the group! Take care and be safe.
Debbie and Blair

Posted by: Debbie Okita on 6/6/2014 at 4:01 pm

Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Back in Camp

June 5, 2014 - 1:44 am PT We're all safely back in camp, horizontal and happy at 17,200' on Mt. McKinley. And to no small degree exhausted. It was a perfect day: sunny and calm with never more than a 5-10 mph wind. But mostly calm. A lot of other climbers were taking advantage of the good weather too, but traffic was nicely spread out. Tomorrow is another big day as we descend to 11,200' camp to retrieve our cache and get on to a night time schedule. All for now. It's cold and I too am ready to get horizontal. Goodnight from RMI Guide Brent Okita

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Hey Rick Popp!
Fantastic my friend!!  I buy the beer and you tell me all about the summit.  I talked to Dan on Wednesday and he was watching you to.  Looks like you have many others watching this adventure of yours as well. Safe travels till you get home.  Scott

Posted by: Scott DeWaard on 6/6/2014 at 6:49 am

Yay Steve!!! and team - congrats - Now come home and climb!!

Posted by: Team Fairway on 6/6/2014 at 5:55 am

Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Summit!

June 4, 2014 - 7:43 pm PT Hi, this is Brent from the RMI Okita McKinley Expedition. I am super psyched to report that we just summitted Denali about an hour ago, about 5:30 [Alaska time] this evening under perfect conditions. Minimal wind, hardly anything, and clear, blue skies. Everyone did a great job getting up to the summit. Was a fantastic effort by everybody. Right now, I'm calling down from the Football Field. We wanted to get off the summit, because there are a bunch of other climbers coming up and we wanted to get out of the crowds, as they say. Now we're back on the Football Field, taking a little break before heading back to camp. And everyone's doing super well. I'll give an update on our progress when we get back down to Camp 17 in a little while. All you friends and family who are listening, you guys should be awfully proud of these folks. They did a great job today. Alright, talk to you later. Bye Bye. RMI Guide Brent Okita

RMI Guide Brent Okita calls in from the descent of Mt. McKinley's summit.

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Leah, thank you for taking our picture on the summit.

Brent, as one of your former clients on a skills seminar I just wanted to say thank you for teaching me the skills to allow me to summit Denali. It was an honor and privilege to meet your team on the football field and share the summit with you all.

Great job team RMI!

Posted by: Dan Crouch on 6/10/2014 at 5:25 am

Congratulations to the entire team. JOB WELL DONE. Continued safe travels in your entire journey home. Godspeed to you all.

Posted by: Mark DiLucca on 6/6/2014 at 8:45 am

Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Going for the Summit

June 4, 2014 - 9:30 am PT Just spoke with RMI Guide Brent Okita and they are leaving high camp for their summit bid. His words on the weather this morning: “Massively glorious day on Mt. McKinley!” Good luck to the team as they ascend to the highest point in North America!

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Miss you Daddy Love you, cant wait to see you again

Posted by: Kaylee on 6/4/2014 at 10:20 pm

Fantastic!! What a thrilling accomplishment for the team! Your sisters send y’all a salute from a view of the ‘teeners’ in Co

Posted by: Deb on 6/4/2014 at 7:22 pm

Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Reach 17,200’ Camp

June 4, 2014 - 12:53 am PT The winds have finally abated now that we're in our tents here at 17,200 ft Camp. For much of the day we we're climbing head on into the breeze, making for an uncomfortable climb to camp. But we're psyched now. Tomorrow promises to be a great day, and given the fact that we had to ascend less than 1000' we should be in good shape. It was unfortunate the Buttress was so windy because it was such a beautiful climb and day. Wish us luck with the weather and perhaps our next chat will be from the summit. Good night from chilly 17,200' camp. RMI Guides Brent, Leah and Nick

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God Speed and Good Luck to Brady O’Mara and his fellow adventurers. The Cheltenham Farrell’s

Posted by: Farrell Family on 6/4/2014 at 10:03 am

Good stuff!  Hoping you awoke to a beautiful, windless, snowless day and are making your way (carefully)to the summit right now.  Lots of prayers and good karma are with each and every one of you.  I want you all safely delivered to Talkeetna and several icy cold pitchers of beer…after you shower.  Good luck!  We love you, Brady…and your tent pal, Bruce.

Posted by: Jane O'Mara on 6/4/2014 at 7:51 am

Mt. McKinley: Okita and Team Visit the Edge of the World

June 1, 2014 11:47 pm PT It has been a perfect rest day for us. Not perfect climbing weather, but plenty nice at camp to enjoy the day. Although many climbers took advantage of the relatively good weather to go for 17,200' camp, many others were suspicious of the cloud cap over the summit that threatened winds on the Buttress. In fact, no guided groups went to 17,200' today. But we had no such decisions to make. Instead, we slept in until 9:00 then, as we've done before, and feasted on a sumptuous brunch of smoked salmon, bagels and cream cheese. What decadence! The guides had some chores and logistics to sort out, then we took the short tour east to the Edge of the World to take in the view from 14,000' overlooking the Northeast fork of the Kahiltna Glacier, and affording views way down the glacier to where our very first camp of the expedition was. We've done a lot of climbing since then, and have developed as a strong team caring for the well being of each other as much as ourselves. It's nice seeing the kind of support these guys give each other. Tomorrow brings us our biggest challenge of the trip, and everyone shares the mixed emotions of excitement and nervousness. We got through the headwall and fixed lines yesterday, but the Buttress itself is another beast. As is ascending the 3000' to 17,200', a new altitude record for many of us. That this part of the route is the guides' favorite part attests to the aesthetics of the climbing, and I think the team will get excited when they get on it. We're looking forward to a good, hard day. Because it will be a long day for us, which may even be followed by another even harder day (the summit?), this may be the last post of any length for a while. Wish us luck! RMI Guides Brent Okita, Leah Fisher, and Nick Hunt
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The girls and I are home from Alaska. We are thinking about you. Love You!!

Posted by: Robin Wagner on 6/3/2014 at 11:05 pm

Dan - hope the weather cooperates so you and your team can continue with this climb/journey! I’m def. enjoying all the pics and updates thus far! Rooting for you all! Miss you <3 Patricia

Brent - thank you for all the updates and wish everyone a safe return.

Posted by: Patricia on 6/2/2014 at 6:17 pm

Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Ascend the Fixed Lines

May 31, 2014 - 11:21 pm PT The weather cooperated, sort of, for our big day climbing the infamous fixed lines to 16,200'. These are ropes fixed in place on a steep part of our route that offer security to our team as we climb it. As seen from camp this headwall is particularly impressive, and intimidating. The winds had calmed down completely by the time we got up, and the day was looking good. However by the time we actually started walking clouds had rolled in obscuring our views and the route. But the sun could be seen through this layer giving us confidence that we'd climb out of it. And we did. The headwall itself was challenging, but our training yesterday helped immeasurably. We all made it to 16,200' where we cached the supplies we carried up and took a well-deserved break. Our descent was slow on the icy terrain, but we managed it fairly well. By the time we got back to camp, the team was deservedly happy to have climbed this much anticipated part of the route. And now it's bed time. We're all looking forward to sleeping in and being lazy tomorrow. All for now from 14,200', RMI Guides Brent, Leah and Nick

On The Map

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Hello Team! Soooo jealous! Brent, Leah, Nick and what I read so far about the rest of the team all I can say is I’m looking forward to your summit pic’s:). Believe me anyone with any doubts dial them back YOU can do this! Just listen to Brent,Leah and Nick stay focused on the goal and sucess is soon within your reach!

All the BEST!!!!

Last year’s team memeber,


Posted by: Gerald Flynn on 6/2/2014 at 8:56 am

Dear Daniel and Team,

Sounds like you are making great progress and so is the weather forecast:)! With your positive team spirit and awesome strength you will be ready to summit very soon. Sooo proud of you all!

Love you lots!

Mom & Rob

Posted by: Lena Akerman on 6/2/2014 at 8:52 am

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