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Mt. McKinley: Okita & Team Ascend the Fixed Lines

May 31, 2014 - 11:21 pm PT The weather cooperated, sort of, for our big day climbing the infamous fixed lines to 16,200'. These are ropes fixed in place on a steep part of our route that offer security to our team as we climb it. As seen from camp this headwall is particularly impressive, and intimidating. The winds had calmed down completely by the time we got up, and the day was looking good. However by the time we actually started walking clouds had rolled in obscuring our views and the route. But the sun could be seen through this layer giving us confidence that we'd climb out of it. And we did. The headwall itself was challenging, but our training yesterday helped immeasurably. We all made it to 16,200' where we cached the supplies we carried up and took a well-deserved break. Our descent was slow on the icy terrain, but we managed it fairly well. By the time we got back to camp, the team was deservedly happy to have climbed this much anticipated part of the route. And now it's bed time. We're all looking forward to sleeping in and being lazy tomorrow. All for now from 14,200', RMI Guides Brent, Leah and Nick

On The Map

Comments (5)

Hello Team! Soooo jealous! Brent, Leah, Nick and what I read so far about the rest of the team all I can say is I’m looking forward to your summit pic’s:). Believe me anyone with any doubts dial them back YOU can do this! Just listen to Brent,Leah and Nick stay focused on the goal and sucess is soon within your reach!

All the BEST!!!!

Last year’s team memeber,


Posted by: Gerald Flynn on

Dear Daniel and Team,

Sounds like you are making great progress and so is the weather forecast:)! With your positive team spirit and awesome strength you will be ready to summit very soon. Sooo proud of you all!

Love you lots!

Mom & Rob

Posted by: Lena Akerman on

Brent, Leah and team -  Great work climbing up the headwall yesterday and good luck (and good weather) for the rest of the climb to the summit!  Okita team - I climbed with Brent and Leah (and Logan) to the summit and back last year.  As you’ve probably figured out by now, you’re climbing with the best of the best.  You’ve still got some tough going ahead but the experience of climbing to the summit is definitely worth all of the long months/years of preparation that you’ve put in already.  Bon chance and try not to think about beers and steak (or salads) in Talkeetna until you’re on your way down.  Climb safe and smart.  Best, Dennis

Posted by: Dennis Uhlir on

Brady and Bruce.  Keep it up.  Jeffie and I wish you the best. Great job.  Jim “Mus”

Posted by: Jim "Mus"...Seven Summits on

Way to go Bruce Terry and team, you guys are awesome.
Keep moving forward one foot in front if the other…... Enjoy and be safe.
Bob Cicalese

Posted by: Bob Cicalese on

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