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Entries By katrina bloemsma

Aconcagua: Team Enjoys Rest at Base Camp

Today is our first rest day at Aconcagua Base Camp and man is it nice. We woke up and made a huge brunch of home fries and scrambled eggs complete with real French press coffee. What a treat! Between lounging in the sun and exploring the streams and scenery around camp, the team has been preparing their equipment for our carry to Camp One tomorrow. Checking and double checking that they've got all their technical gear and are bringing enough chocolate and gummies for the upper mountain. The carry to Camp One will be a big day, but the team is feeling strong and the sun will be out. Wish us luck and keep posting on the blog, we enjoy reading your comments! RMI Guide Katrina Bloemsma
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Thanks for the support! I have just a few min of connectivity; Set a personal best today, the gear carry to camp 1 (was super easy, NOT) put be at 4800m/15k ft. Back at base tonight.
Kiernan happy birthday!
Aidan i cant wait to hear how you won 5 bucks from mom.
Devlin i love you too.
Julian, team & guides are great and the jury is still out but I think Paris might have been a better vacation ;) Xoxoxox

Posted by: KenM on 2/9/2014 at 11:56 am

Rich! Love you so much and wish I were there with you!  Have fun and enjoy the climb…looking forward to more blog posts we are following them closely! Stay safe

Siriana says “Daddy I love you have a good trip and make sure you are safe in Agacagua in Chile” LOL

Ky says “I love you Daddy and have fun at Aquacongua and be safe so we can see you on the computer while you are in your tent!”

Chanchai is sleeping so no comment from him right now. :-)

Posted by: Susie on 2/9/2014 at 9:05 am

Aconcagua: Justman and Team Settle into Base Camp

The time has arrived. We are nestling into Plaza Argentina Base Camp. The weather has been too nice on our trek in. It certainly explains why there is a sun on the flag of Argentina. We wish there was a swimming pool at base. The entire team is doing very well and it is nice to unload all our gear knowing we don't have to pack up duffels for the mules. Speaking of mules, we want to thank our cowboys for helping us get to BC. The boys from Grajales are the very best. Second to none and they are part of the RMI family. It's time to relax...we will keep you posted from 13800 feet. RMI Guide JJ Justman and Team
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Get it Dad!!!  Wish I was climbing up there with you! Love you!

Posted by: Ezra on 2/8/2014 at 1:40 pm

Way to go Casey!  Enjoy your adventure.  We are thinking of you and praying that you get up and down the mountain safely and with incredible memories.

Posted by: Emelie Kallen on 2/8/2014 at 9:42 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Enjoying Life at Casa de Piedra

It's a cowboy lifestyle. Our Aconcagua team is currently sitting by a campfire under the Andean stars telling stories and enjoying a little of the good life. Sometimes it's nice to slow down, look around and enjoy the good life. Yes, we are on a high altitude mountaineering expedition. However, this is part of that adventure. We can hear a Gaucho..."cowboy" shoeing a mule. These mules go through a lot of hard work getting all our food and gear to base camp. And it's nice yo see how the cowboys look after their animals. Tomorrow we will arise to another sunny day as the team hikes into Aconcagua Basecamp. We are all excited to arrive and settle in permanently. We will also be a little sad to say goodbye to the cowboys who are like family to us. RMI Guide JJ Justman

On The Map

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Hi Brenda ,looks like the sun gods are treating you right blue sky’s we miss you but happy for your dream come true, xoxoxo

Posted by: Richie larscheid on 2/6/2014 at 8:21 pm

WOW… sounds like you are all having a great time!  We miss you Casey… Ezra, Eva, Isaac and I are watching your progress.  So Exciting:)

Posted by: Andrea Cerretani on 2/6/2014 at 6:52 pm

Aconcagua: Team Camped Beneath the Stars

The team is bivvied out under the stars and a clear sky at Las Lenas tonight. After packing the last of our gear for the mules to carry in, we headed to the dusty Vacas Valley. We had a breezy and sunny walk in, taking time to eat fresh melon and jamon y queso sandwiches at a leisurely lunch break along the river. At camp, the local cowboys made us a steak Asado over the open fire for dinner. Tomorrow, we continue up the valley to Casa de Piedra where another Asado dinner (and hopefully starry skies) await us! RMI Guide Katrina Bloemsma
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Hola to Bob and everyone. From Bill and Candi in St. John’s, FL (elev. negligible)

Posted by: Biil on 2/6/2014 at 11:00 am

Hope you have blue sky’s all the way to the top!

Posted by: Richie larscheid on 2/6/2014 at 6:18 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Start the Trek to Base Camp

It's here! The final RMI Aconcagua expedition of 2014! The team of climbers and Guide extraordinaire Katrina and myself are set to go. We had a great time in Mendoza and Penitentes and we are revving to go. We have a day of sunshine ahead of us to get to our first trek camp at Pampa de Las Leñas. Follow along to see how much fun we have on Aconcagua. RMI Guide JJ Justman

On The Map

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The team looks great. Bob, I am so proud of you. As I write this on 2/13, I know you have all been doing great. Enjoy this fabulous, difficult, amazing trip. Jeanette

Posted by: Jeanette on 2/13/2014 at 10:58 am

Hey Rich…stay warm and safe.  We love you! Mom and Dad

Posted by: Donna Lewis on 2/9/2014 at 4:56 am

Aconcagua: Nugent and Team back in Mendoza

Thanks to everyone that have followed along... The team is back in Mendoza and enjoying some of the finer things in life: food, wine, sunshine, hanging by the pool, etc. We had a great team dinner last night and are now hanging out and lazing around while we wait for our flights back to the states and Canada. Despite not getting the summit we had a ton of fun and a hell of an adventure. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the group for being fun, hard-working, and determined. 'til next year, RMI Guides Billy Nugent, Walter Hailes and Katrina Bolemsma
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We’ve loved following your journey, team. Thank you for sharing it : )

Posted by: Rocky the climbing pup (and Kendra) on 1/22/2014 at 6:46 pm

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team at Pampa de las Lenas for the Night

Hey everybody out there in RMI adventure blog land. Billy here, I'm checking in with our group from Pampa de las Lenas after our walk down from Base Camp today. Hot and sunny, lots of river crossings, sore feet but some of the mule drivers are cooking up a steak asado dinner for us tonight, and then we'll hit the sack. Tomorrow we'll continue our walk out of the Vacas Valley and hit the road, and then head back to Mendoza. So the next check in, we'll be saying hello from the hotel in Mendoza. And that's all for now. RMI Guide Billy Nugent

Billy Nugent calls in from Pampa de las Lenas.

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Hello to you from blog land! I am so sorry the weather didn’t cooperate- I cannot imagine how frustrating that must have felt. I also cannot imagine having the strength and determination and skill to climb 20 thousand plus! Please accept a heartfelt congratulations for all that you did, and perhaps more importantly, all that you didn’t do. It takes tremendous courage to make smart choices.
Sending you all laughter, foot massages, delicious food, sweet rest, comfort and lots of Love,

Posted by: Barbara on 1/21/2014 at 4:11 am

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Return to Base Camp

Hey everybody, This is Billy. I’m back at Base Camp with the whole crew. We are all a little bit bummed out but happy to be back down at least with the thicker air here and looking forward to a home cooked meal tonight from the Grajales staff. It was a tough day up there yesterday and we spent most of the day today with heavy, heavy walk down. But everybody’s in good spirits for the most part and we’ll check in again later on as we walk out from Aconcagua. RMI Guide Billy Nugent

RMI Guide Billy Nugent checks in from Aconcagua Base Camp on their descent.

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Wow, I can’t even imagine the adventure you have had. Glad everyone is back. Oh, the stories you will share.

Posted by: Debbie on 1/21/2014 at 3:05 am

Dawn & Len,we are happy to hear all are back at base camp safe. What an incredible adventure you and your team have had! A huge thank you to your guides for making what had to have been an extremely difficult decision to turn around when you were so close. We are looking forward to hearing more when you get home. Mom & Dad.

Posted by: Sue on 1/20/2014 at 7:51 pm

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team Forced to Turn Back on Summit Attempt

It's a cold, cold world. We woke up and fired the stoves at about 3:30 this morning and things were looking good: clear skies, bright moon, and calm winds. We scarfed a quick breakfast, had a quick cup of coffee, packed up, and hit the not so dusty trail. The consistent snowfall of the past week has blanketed the mountain so what is normally a gravelly trail out of Cólera was a very snowy sendero. Our team moved well, per the norm, despite the large number of other climbers clogging the route and before too long we had climbed past the Indepencia Hut (ruins) and hit the traverse into the Canaleta. At some point along the way we found ourselves no longer enjoying the clear skies but instead traveling under consistent snowfall. In fact it was snowing heavily and visibility was poor. Despite the worsening weather the snowpack seemed ok until we reached the center of the traverse. Walt and myself headed out further without the group and found the normally gravelly trail under several feet of snow. In fact the whole Canaleta was smoothed over with the storm snow. Every other team on the mountain had already turned around due to avalanche hazard but we hadn't seen anything worth turning around until the deep storm layer that we encountered in the lower Canaleta. While the snow didn't seem super reactive the steeper part of the Canaleta was surely more dangerous and there was no way to see without exposing ourselves to the hazard. With worsening weather and continued snowfall we decided that the dire consequences of an incident were too much for us to shoulder. We weren't willing to bet our lives on it so we did the smart thing and turned around at 21,500'. Now we are back at high camp and the weather is still crappy. So much for the forecasted sunny day... RMI Guide Billy Nugent

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Sorry to hear you didnt make it to the top this time but I’m glad you made a smart decision and did what was best.  I’m sure it was still quite an adventure and Mike, can’t wait to see the pictures when you get home.  Safe travels back to the States!

Posted by: Rich on 1/22/2014 at 10:47 am

Billy k- you have accomplished so much on this trio. Even without the summit you must have so many stories. I can’t wait to hear all about!  Now get you butt home :) !

Posted by: Libby on 1/19/2014 at 12:30 pm

Aconcagua: Nugent & Team at High Camp Ready for Summit Bid Tonight

We're at high camp, poised and ready! Last night we had quite the snowfall, almost 8", which is quite a lot for Aconcagua. We spent the morning digging out and packing up for our move up. The large majority of the climbers who were queued up at Camp 2 made the move up to Camp Cólera with us today so trail breaking wasn't so bad. Our team stayed together and moved smoothly through the terrain despite very hot temperatures. Blue skies and direct sun at almost 20,000' coupled with the reflective blanket of new snow made for some serious UV exposure not to mention the high temperatures. It felt like being in the Mega-Tan 9000 industrial strength, Baywatch endorsed tanning bed all day. Then as we arrived at Camp Cólera the clouds rolled in and it started to snow again. If the last seven days are any indication, the snow should stop and the clouds should lift sometime overnight. We have our fingers crossed for a clear and comfortable summit attempt tomorrow. We'll check in tomorrow after the hurly burly's done! RMI Guide Billy Nugent

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Best wishes Mer and to all climbers! We’re so excited for you!

Posted by: Delese on 1/18/2014 at 4:48 am

Len and Dawn
We hope the weather cooperates for you and the team and you have an enjoyable and safe summit attempt.  Good luck and we will be thinking of you.
Mom and Dad

Posted by: Jack and Sue on 1/17/2014 at 10:23 pm

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