Entries By james bealer
Posted by: James Bealer, Sam Hoffman, Brian Walters
Categories: Expedition Dispatches North Cascades
Elevation: 10,781'

RMI Guide James Bealer checked in from the summit of Mt. Baker this morning.
After a warm walk into camp, the team enjoyed their breakfast before starting their ascent in the mid-morning. They stood atop Mt. Baker (Komo Kulshan) at around 11 am this morning.
Congrats team!
The Four Day Climb of Mt. Rainier reached the 14,410' summit at 7:20 am today. James Bealer, RMI's lead guide for the climb reported a great day of climbing. The heavy marine layer that is sitting around 8,000' was no problem for the team. They climb in near perfect conditions, light winds, clear skies and warm temperatures, and everyone made it to the top!! The team started their descent from the summit at 8:27 am and are in route to Camp Muir.
Congratulations team!
Posted by: James Bealer, Abby Westling, George Hedreen, Brian Walters
Categories: Expedition Dispatches North Cascades
Elevation: 10,781'

RMI Guides Abby Westling, James Bealer, and teams stood atop Mt. Baker yesterday. After waiting out the rain all night, they departed camp in the morning and enjoyed the daylight during their ascent. The teams made it back to camp yesterday evening to enjoy dinner and some well-deserved rest. They will walk out of camp today.
Posted by: James Bealer, Erika Birkeland, Evan Sather
Categories: Expedition Dispatches North Cascades
Elevation: 10,541'
The Glacier Peak Climb with RMI Guide James Bealer reached the 10,541' Summit yesterday. The team spent most of the approach to high camp in the clouds, but got incredibly lucky on summit day, as the clouds parted, and the peak showed off beautiful hues of pink. The team had a clear day for climbing. For two of the team members this summit completes their quest to climb all FIVE Washington Volcanoes!
The team will descend about seven and a half miles to the trailhead today and celebrate in Darrington.
Congratulations Team!
Posted by: James Bealer, Charlie Harrison, Lily Emerson
Categories: Expedition Dispatches North Cascades
Elevation: 10,781'

RMI Guide James Bealer checked in from the summit of Mt. Baker this morning. He reported that 100% of the team was on top! The team enjoyed a beautiful bluebird day with little to no wind on their ascent to the top.
They were beginning their descent back to camp to celebrate and will get a good nights rest before packing up camp tomorrow.
Congratulations to the climbers!
Posted by: Casey Grom, James Bealer, Jackson Breen, George Hedreen, Joey Manship, Charlie Harrison
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 10,080'

The June 13 - 16 Four Day Climb led by RMI Guides Casey Grom & James Bealer were unable to make a summit attempt due to high winds overnight as well as avalanche conditions. The Camp Muir telemetry shows winds over 70 mph. Around 7 am the weather had improved, the team was going to do some avalanche forecast training. The teams have packed up and started their descent from Camp Muir. We look forward to greeting them at Rainier BaseCamp this afternoon.
Photo: James Bealer
Posted by: James Bealer, Roland Scott, Michael Murray, Bryan Mazaika, Dominic Cifelli, Evan Sather
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'

RMI Guides James Bealer and Bryan Mazaika led their Five Day Climb teams to the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. The teams reached the crater rim at 6:15 am. It's a beautiful day with blue sky and no winds. After taking in the views and getting all the photos the team started their descent. They will return to Camp Muir, pack their gear and continue the remaining 4.5 miles back to Paradise. We look forward to greeting them at Rainier BaseCamp later this afternoon where they will celebrate their efforts and good fortune before completing their program.
Posted by: James Bealer, Ben Luedtke, Sam Hoffman, Josh McDowell, Trevor Katz, Nick Sinapius
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 11,400'
Today's Four Day Climb May 31 - June 3 reached 11,400' today before deciding to turn around due to high avalanche danger and deteriorating weather. The teams returned to Camp Muir and packed up. They started their descent to Paradise at 8:30 am. RMI Guides James Bealer and Josh McDowell reported that the winds were high and it was snowing hard as the team left Camp Muir on their descent. Once back at Paradise the teams will be shuttled back to Rainier BaseCamp for a closing ceremony.
Posted by: Brent Okita, James Bealer, Daniel May, Augi Fleer, Nick Sinapius, Jenna Burkey
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'
The Five Day Climb May 19 - 23 led by RMI Guides Brent Okita and James Bealer reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning around 8 am. The team reported windy conditions and don't intend to stay too long on the summit. This is the first RMI Team this season to reach the summit. The group will return to Camp Muir for a short break and to re-pack their gear. Then they will continue their descent to Paradise and return to Rainier BaseCamp later this afternoon.
Congratulations to today's climbers!
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Grayson Swingle, Leif Bergstrom, James Bealer, Ben Luedtke, Seth Burns
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 10,080

The Five Day Climb April 26 - 30 led by RMI Guides Avery Parrinello and James Bealer completed their Mountaineering School on April 27 and made the ascent to Camp Muir on April 28. The teams spent the last two nights at 10,080' Camp Muir. Climbers were able to ascend to Ingraham Flats but due to adverse weather conditions were unable to climb any higher. Today the team is descending from Camp Muir to Paradise. We look forward to seeing them at Rainier BaseCamp this afternoon.
Bummer guys! Sorry about the weather! It’s all about the journey and not the destination though! I hope you learned a lot, met some cool people, and are excited for the next one.
Posted by: Constantine V on 5/1/2022 at 4:16 pm
Great effort. Sorry for falling over and dropping my ski pole (to be fair, I feel I corrected both in epic style…). Guides to die for.
Posted by: Simon on 5/25/2022 at 8:14 am
Fantastic! I’m on the 4 day 2nd/3rd next week. Great job!
Posted by: Anthony zuccaro on 5/23/2022 at 9:22 am
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