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Entries By james bealer

Aconcagua: Scott & Team Rest Day at Basecamp

Finally! A day to rest, relax, and check out the worlds highest art gallery! Yes you read that correctly. Today, we all had a nice sleep-in before stumbling into our dining tent for a lazy breakfast. The basecamp air was cold and crisp this morning. A welcome change from the hot, dry weather down in the Horcones Valley that we trekked through the day before. After breakfast, the team was given packing lists to prepare for our gear carry to Camp 1 tomorrow. The first carry of the trip is arguably the hardest day outside of summit day due to the weight of the packs. But for now, everyone is putting the thought of back breaking loads out of their minds and focusing on acclimating to our new elevation here at basecamp. Many have already toured the art gallery and purchased a few souvenirs for those of you reading this at home in the States. We will spend the rest of the day watching the frequent mountain showers pass through camp and waiting for the next opportunity to stuff our faces with the amazing food provided by our logistics company Grajales Expeditions. Everyone is doing well and excited to move higher up the mountain! Fingers crossed we have good weather for our trip to Camp One.

RMI Guide Nick Scott

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Go team leaders Scott and James!  Get my pal Steve to the top!  Eat a bunch at the cave

Posted by: Dave Head on 1/15/2022 at 9:55 pm

Go, Andy, go! Katy and Anna

Posted by: Katy on 1/13/2022 at 6:11 pm

Aconcagua Expedition: Scott & Team Arrive at Base Camp

We woke up early today for the long hike to basecamp. The tents were wet from the fog that rolled through moments earlier and was still visible slowly making its way down valley. After a quick breakfast, we packed our duffles for the trip to basecamp began the longest walk of the climb. It would be 10.7 miles over dry, undulating terrain and across streams fed by snow and glacial melt as we slowly gained elevation. It was the clearest and sunniest day so far. Great for sightseeing, not so great when trekking through a high altitude desert. The summit of Aconcagua even managed to make a brief appearance once or twice along the way. After 10 miles of hard walking we made the final push straight up hill for the last .7 into basecamp. The team crushed the trek coming in two hours under the expected time, far outpacing both guides estimates. This team is Muy Fuerte, as they say here in Argentina. We are definitely feeling the altitude here at 14,500', but it’s nothing a rest day can’t fix. Tomorrow we relax and soak in the base camp vibes while planning our move to the upper mountain.

RMI Guide Nick Scott

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You’ve got a 71 yo man watching your progress ... hopefully I’m not too old to do this adventure did, Kili in 2017 without a problem   be safe have fun

Posted by: Stephen WAHMAN on 1/15/2022 at 5:44 pm

Sounds & looks like a great start for the whole team!  Greatly appreciate the updates.  Safe climbing & take it easy on my old(er) brother;)  Tommy

Posted by: Tom Dietz on 1/13/2022 at 7:14 am

Aconcagua Expedition: Scott & Team Day Hike to See the South Face of Aconcagua

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 - 10:22 am PT

Our acclimation day at Confluencia Camp started with a hearty breakfast and clear skies.  We then began our day hike to see the South face of Aconcagua.  The ascent was beautiful and paralleled a glacier as we approached Aconcagua.  Finally we reached the view.  Even with the upper portions of the mountain obscured by clouds, the face looked impressive.  On our way down, we found a little rain, but thankfully it let up once we returned to camp.  Now our attention turns to preparing to move to basecamp tomorrow.  

RMI Guide James Bealer

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Hooray Andy! Very excited for you!

Nope…I don’t feel lazy at all down here at sea level.

Posted by: Elsie on 1/12/2022 at 1:00 pm

Making progress!  Hope everyone stays safe and has fun.

Posted by: Ruth Baldock on 1/11/2022 at 11:06 am

Aconcagua: Scott & Team Arrive at Their First Camp

Monday, January 10, 2022 - 2:20 pm PT

Today was the big day!  We woke up in Uspallata and started our drive towards the Aconcagua.  After getting our permits and entry to the park in order, we began our trek into Confluencia Camp.  We arrived in camp and picked up our bags that were delivered by mules.  Tent sites were selected and the team quickly got moved in.  We then spent the afternoon resting and eating amazing food as we begin to adjust to the altitude.  

RMI Guide Nick Scott

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Following along as you climb ~ will be behind you all the way!  (haha!)
Best wishes to the whole team. 
Karen & Rob

Posted by: Karen and Rob Marston on 1/12/2022 at 10:17 am

Steve, thought I left a message but don’t see it. Best of luck to you and the team! Joe and Karenl

Posted by: Karen Dietz on 1/12/2022 at 6:37 am

Aconcagua: Scott & Team Prepare Gear, Ready to Enter Park

Sunday, January 9, 2022 - 7:22 pm PT

Today was our last day in Mendoza before heading closer to the mountains. At the thought of leaving the comforts of civilization all the climbers made sure to indulge in one last cup of gelato from the corner tienda. After ice cream we were required to complete one last covid test while in town before we would be approved to enter the park. Don’t worry! Everyone on the team was negative. With climbing permits in hand we moved higher into the mountains through the deep valleys of the Andes. We left the hot and dry Mendoza valley behind and entered the beautiful, lush village of Uspallata where we were relieved to find much cooler temperatures and a bit of afternoon rain. Soon after arriving at the Grand Hotel Uspallata, we got to work packing our expedition duffels for the mule team that would ferry our heavy gear up to basecamp for us. After many hours of packing and sorting group gear we sat down to a wonderful group dinner, our last indoors for awhile, before turning in for some much needed rest. Tomorrow we start our trek to basecamp and the first leg of our journey to the summit. Wish us luck and stayed tuned for the next episode of Aconcagua 2022!

RMI Guide Nick Scott

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Go Steve!!! Good luck!

Posted by: Kristi on 1/10/2022 at 4:20 pm

Good luck, stay safe I will be following your progress

Posted by: Stephen WAHMAN on 1/10/2022 at 7:02 am

Aconcagua Expedition: Scott, Bealer & Team Arrive in Mendoza

Sunday, January 9, 2022 - 5:05 am PT

Hola de Mendoza! The adventure has begun. All climbers and guides have, miraculously and with only a few delays, made it to Mendoza, Argentina, the starting point for our expedition to the summit of Aconcagua. Despite the jet lag and sleep deprivation, everyone managed to pull it together for a traditional Argentine group dinner of wine and steak followed by Mendoza’s famous gelato! Despite the late hour, it was nothing but smiles by the time everyone finished their ice cream. The food in Mendoza never ceases to delight and ice cream always helps calm the nerves. After, we all retired to our rooms for some well deserved rest before a busy day filled with more travel and packing for the trek to Basecamp. Tomorrow we head to Uspallata. Only one more night before we entire the park and start the long uphill march to the top!

RMI Guide Nick Scott

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Looks like a great start to your trip!  Cheers to a successful climb and safe travels!! XO

Posted by: Coeli Scott on 1/10/2022 at 6:16 am

Hey Andy and the rest of the team, have a great climb and take care.

Posted by: Pamela Wampler on 1/9/2022 at 10:00 pm

Mt. Shuksan: Stormy Weather Thwarts Climb for Bealer and Team

The Mt. Shuksan - Sulphide Glacier Climb led by RMI Guide James Bealer were unable to make a summit attempt on Mt. Shuskan due to rain and wind. While not the mountain experience the team hoped for, the team's time on the mountain was a true mountain experience. The team is back in town and preparing to warm up over burgers and beers.

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Mt. Baker: Bealer & Team 100% Summit Success

RMI Guide James Bealer led his team to the summit of Mt. Baker this morning!  The route was steep and icy making for a challenging day but everyone was up to the task.  They are four days into their six-day program where they are also receiving their credentials for the Leave No Trace Master Educator Course.

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Mt. Rainier: Kautz Seminar Reaches 12,500’

The Kautz Seminar, led by RMI Guide James Bealer, was stopped by route conditions this morning.  They reached 12,500' before making the call to abort their ascent.  The team is currently working their way back to high camp.  They have had a full week of training and will spend one more night on the mountain before concluding their program tomorrow.

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Mt. Baker: Bealer & Team Reach Summit via Easton Glacier

The Mt. Baker - Easton Glacier August 3 - 5 team reached the summit of Mt. Baker today around 10 am.  Along with training and preparing for this climb, this team is part of the American Lung Association Climb for Clean Air raising money for the cause.  We are excited to report that all team members reached the summit today led by RMI Guides James Bealer, David Price and Abby Westling.  They will return to camp on the mountain for a final night.  Tomorrow they will walk out to the trail and conclude their program with a small celebration.

Congratulations everyone!  Nice work!

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