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Entries By hannah blum

Aconcagua: Luedtke & Team Prepare to Land at Camp 1

Goooooood afternoon ladies and gentlemen, from the flight deck we would like to welcome you aboard Aconcagua 2025.

We are finishing up our final preparation before we push back from the gate. Ben and Hannah are two of RMI's finest guides and they are here primarily for your safety so please listen to their briefings even if you're a frequent climber. The climb will take approximately 10 days and hopefully reach an altitude of 22800 ft. Otherwise sit back and enjoy the trip as best as you can and we will get back to the weather and arrival information closer to our destination.

This morning's departure time was delayed for about 30 minutes due to unexpected issues but after a discussion with Maintenance, we are cleared for departure. This then began our 7hr round trip to Mountain Camp 1 to drop a large load of supplies for our climb. After 5hrs on the Mountain Stair master we started our return trip to rest and recharge at Basecamp. We had some unfortunate news today when we were told that Jim E. would not be able to continue with us due to a medical issue. We all hope for the best for him. He will be missed by our other Jim and all of us of course.


RMI Climber Nick Hanson

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Aconcagua: Luedtke & Team Take Active Rest Day at Base Camp

Rest: A period of time when you relax, sleep, or do nothing after being active.

Although this sounds nice, it's not all sunshine and rainbows doing nothing at almost 14,000 feet.  Fortunately for us, we did get to sleep in this morning, but we also got to go on a short climb along the first leg of our route to Camp 1. Active rest days are important. We take the time we need to rest our bodies and our minds, but it helps a lot to also keep those muscles busy with small activities. Mindfully, we also packed our large backpacks for our first big carry day tomorrow. It may be heavy, but we're feeling ready. We are excited to start our second half of the trip: the climb.

Per request, a huge congratulations to Daniel and Sydney on the new baby! 

RMI Guides Ben Luedtke, Hannah Blum, & Team

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Aconcagua: Luedtke & Team Arrive at Plaza Argentina, Base Camp

Today, we had an early start, however we weren’t sleepy on the trail for very long. 

We crossed the river on foot five minutes away from our last trekking camp. The frigid waters came up to our knees as we crossed. Yikes! All this before sunrise.  We quickly dried our feet and legs, and put on warmer foot wear to make our way up to Aconcagua. Six hours of hiking later, climbing 3,300 feet over seven miles, we walked into base camp.

We’re finally here!  A few days to acclimate, and we should head up to Camp 1.

RMI Climber James Esrey

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Aconcagua: Luedtke & Team Enjoy View of Aconcagua, Arrive Trek Camp 2

In the land of mountains, where peaks touch the sky,

We started the day, with a breakfast to try.

At Camp 1, the feast was a wondrous delight,

Eggs and bacon, oh my, a savory morning sight!


Ben burst into song, with a voice so bold,

He rapped like Eminem, stories untold!

We cheered and we clapped, with joy in our eyes,

What a way to start the day, with a musical surprise!


We packed up our gear, and set off with zest,

A 6-hour hike ahead, to Camp 2, we did our best.

Ten miles of trails, winding and steep,

But the scenery was breathtaking, our spirits did leap!


At last we arrived, at Camp 2's friendly door,

Where staff greeted us warmly, with treats galore!

Fruit and charcuterie, a mountain delight,

We savored each bite, in the warm sun's light.


But the best part of the day, the most wonderful sight,

Was seeing Aconcagua, our goal, shining so bright!

From afar, we gazed, with hearts full of cheer,

Our destination, so grand, drawing us near!


To William, Alina, and Julia, three silly little friends,

I hope you're having adventures that never end!

May your days be filled with laughter and glee,

And may your dreams be big, like the mountain we see!


RMI Climber James Loudin

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Aconcagua: Luedtke & Team Begin Trek to Base Camp

You’re back! Let me tell you about our day. 

We woke up early after a night of fun. We finished our packing, ate a fabulous breakfast, and hit the road. Vamonos! Not to the playa. To start our trek amidst some of the biggest mountains in the world. 

Today we walked eight miles, along a roaring river, in the blazing sun. Hoods up, sweat dripping, mouths like cotton. Overwhelmingly beautiful and entirely humbling, we made our way to Trek Camp 1. 

We were greeted at camp with fresh, juicy watermelon, lemonade, and beautiful smiles. We milled around for a bit and soaked up the place while we waited for dinner. The grill was fired up, and by early evening, we were chowing on endless meats and grilled vegetables. Such luxury! 

Of course, we ended the day with an exciting and strategic game of Farkle. Laughter, followed by big yawns, and then off to bed. Another good day awaits! 

And per special request, a very Happy Birthday to Michael & Daniel! 

RMI Guide Hannah Blum

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Aconcagua: Luedtke & Team Arrive in Mendoza, Ready for Adventure

Hello? Can anybody hear me? Maybe not, but hopefully, you are willing to read this out loud. Our climbers are counting on YOU to keep eyes and ears on our adventure as we attempt to climb the Stone Sentinel, AKA Cerro Aconcagua, here in Argentina. But don't stress, we haven't started our walkabout just yet.

Today was a day of preparations. Pack your duffle, unpack your duffle, eat some food, drink some wine, go grocery shopping, and pack your duffels again. As we complete these final preparations, we are getting more and more excited to be part of this journey and see what the mountainside really has to offer. We know it will be fun, and we know it will be challenging, and we're gonna look good doing it.

Cheers to Mendoza for being such a gracious host, but tomorrow, the real reasons we are here begin. Climbing Aconcagua begins with a three day trek to Basecamp at Plaza Argentina, so gather your loved ones for some upcoming and intense storytelling. We look forward to starting the trip and sharing it with you all every step of the way (all puns intended).

Until tomorrow, Buenas Noches.

RMI Guides Ben and Hannah & Team

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Mt. Rainier: Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir Summits

After a full week of training at Camp Muir, the Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir team reached the 14,410' Summit of Mt. Rainier. Cooler fall temperatures allowed RMI Guide Mike Bennett and Team to climb during the day and they stood on top at 1pm today. They are on the descent and will be back at Camp Muir where they will spend another night. The team will return to Rainier Basecamp tomorrow afternoon.

Congratulations Team! 

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Mt. Rainier: Five Day Teams led by Cifelli & Hoffman Reach Summit!

The September 1 - 5 Five Day Climb reached the summit of Mt. Rainier led by RMI Guides Dominic Cifelli and Sam Hoffman.  Climbers reached the summit of Mt. Rainier around 5 am and were able to enjoy some time in the summit crater.  The skies are clear and it's a bluebird day.  The teams left the crater rim at 6:10am and are currently on their descent to Camp Muir.  Once back at camp they will get to rest and enjoy the views and will spend tonight on the mountain. Tomorrow they have another 4.5 miles to descent in order to reach Paradise. There program will conclude tomorrow with a celebration of their adventure.

Nice work team!

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Very thankful to Sam and all the guides who helped me summit Rainier
So glad I did it!!
It was hard but so worth it.
Thanks to professional and experienced guides - it was a challenge worth trying

Posted by: Alex Fedorchuk on 9/10/2024 at 12:10 pm

So grateful for this opportunity to climb and summit!
Our guides Sam and his team were absolutely amazing!
They gave very precise instructions, paid attention to all of our needs and encouraged us to believe in ourselves. Very well trained and knowledgeable in mountaineering. Very professional and polite.
We felt like family.
P.S. Sam, I was able to complete my marathon three days later in 3:45 :)

Posted by: Vera Fedorchuk on 9/10/2024 at 12:08 pm

Mt. Rainier: Five Day Teams with Gately & Bergstrom Reach Summit

The Five Day Climb August 25 - 29 led by RMI Guides Steve Gately and Leif Bergstrom reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning around 6 am PT. The team did some additional training yesterday and previewed the route from Camp Muir up to Ingraham Flats. Today they put their training and fitness to the test and reached 14,410'. Climbers are currently on their descent to Camp Muir, once back at Camp they will pack gear and continue the final 4,500' to Paradise. There program will conclude this afternoon with a celebration in Ashford.

Congratulations climbers!

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Mt. Rainier: August 17th Team Turns Due To Weather

The Five Day Climb led by RMI Guides Same Marjerison and Nick Sinapius turned at 13,100' on their summit attempt of Mt. Rainier this morning. The team climbed into a cloud camp with low visibility and unstable weather. They are back at Camp Muir and will descend to Paradise soon.

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