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Entries By dustin wittmier

Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Shop Local Market, Ready to Climb

Well, we now sit at the base of a huge mountain. All the acclimatization, organizing, bus riding and patient waiting has brought us here. Now just one last piece of preparation, which is to have our glacier school tomorrow. Tonight, we are in the lower hut at Cayambe and enjoying a quiet evening that included a delicious, traditional Ecuadorian dinner. The team is really bonding and Joe's preamble to tomorrow night's motivational speech already has us feeling excited.

Today was also an enjoyable travel day. We left the Intiyaya residences at a reasonable hour this morning, most of us getting a great night of sleep. That was followed by using our haggling skills to shop at the Otavalo market and get some last-minute supplies or souvenirs. We then had a nice lunch at a cozy little sandwich shop in the town of Cayambe. This place is generally a relief for folks as the owners are English, so the only things lost in translation are things like "chips" (french fries) or "rocket" (arugula). And now we are settled in for an early bedtime as we adjust to the early wakeup schedule.

Our plan at this point is to be standing on top of Cayambe in less than 36 hours. Of course, Mother Nature always has the final say, but if the weather continues to hold, this team is prepared!

RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier

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Hey Dustin! Fingers crossed for clear skies and light winds!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/28/2024 at 5:09 am

Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Enjoy Fuya Fuya Hike and Evening in Otavalo

Today we traded the bustle of Quito for the serenity of the northern Ecuadorian countryside. Life is a little slower here in Otavalo where we are staying for the night. We sat down to dinner, which felt like a family dinner as we are the only party in this hacienda tonight. Even the house dogs joined us at the table, making us truly feel like we're at home.

Our day consisted of several hours of driving and another acclimatization hike, Cerro Fuya Fuya. The weather remained quite dry today and afforded us seldom seen views from the summit. To the north we could see well into Colombia, to our east a clear view of Cayambe and to our south a variety of other big mountains of Ecuador. In fact, it was nice enough that the bus driver took a swim at the lake while we hiked.

Tonight, I'm enjoying literally the best chocolate bar in the world and tomorrow an affogato at my favorite coffee shop near the Otavalo market. Some nice treats before we begin walking up very big hills.

RMI Guide Dustin Witmier

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Hey Dustin!
Those are some beautiful blue skies!! I sure hope you have that for the rest of your trip!!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/27/2024 at 3:53 am

Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Arrive in Ecuador

The whole team arrived safely in Ecuador and with bags, which is always a good first step. I think we all experienced some bit of turbulence as we escaped the North American winter, but fortunately no door panels removed themselves unexpectedly during anyone's flights.

Yesterday's city tour happened without any hitches. Due to the recent political events, the streets are a bit quiet, but it seems like life is more or less returning to normal. It was great to have our city tour guide to help answer our questions and help us sort through what may have actually happened and what is a bit sensationalized in the American news media. Along with that, we made our first steps in acclimation both to the altitude and a different culture. Some physics experiments at the Museo do Intiñan (the indigenous equator museum) were capped off with us balancing eggs on a nail before heading to old town Quito and seeing some attractions.

Team descending the rocks on Ruca. PC: Dustin Wittmier

Today, we awoke to another beautiful morning. Typically it is rainy in the afternoons here, but for our first two days we have been treated to nice days, start to finish. Blue skies made for a lovely hike up Rucu Pichincha and everyone did really well. We even had a few folks reach new altitude records, congratulations! Hopefully, there are more to come on this trip. The remainder of our evening involves cold plunging, hot tubbing, group dinner and one final night in the hotel before departing for the countryside.


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Hey Dustin!
All the best to you and your Team!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/26/2024 at 4:26 am

Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Turn Around at 18,000ft on Antisana

Monday, December 11, 2023 - 8:45 pm PT

So it goes with climbing sometimes we take what the mountain gives us and unfortunately that isn't always the summit. The team awoke around 11pm to beautiful weather and had an incredible few hours of climbing under the stars on the upper slopes of Antisana. Every member of Team Cuy Frito showed off their impressive strength navigating a breathtaking and complex glacier, it was really a sight to see. As the team got just above 18,000 feet, we encountered some instabilities in the snow and made the decision to turn around due to avalanche concerns. While we didn't get to stand on top of this one, it was still a wonderful day of climbing. It has been a joy to watch the team come together as one big goofy family over the course of this adventure. We will all be coming back with memories to last a lifetime and our head's held high knowing we kicked some serious butt in the mountains along the way. Thank you for all the support at home and we will be seeing you all soon!

RMI Guide Michael Murray

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Hey Dustin & Team!
You gave it your best and Im sure it was an Incredible experience! Being a farmer Mother Nature is always the boss and sometimes she will over rule us!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 12/14/2023 at 2:55 am

Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Arrive at Antisana Basecamp

The team has arrived at Antisana base camp and we are organizing gear for our summit attempt tonight. We are hoping for favorable weather to get this thing done. Wish us luck up there and send us some positive energy and clear, dry skies!

RMI Guide Michael Murray

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Good luck Laura, and to all of you!!!  Sending you lots of positive energy.

Posted by: Rich-E Schafer on 12/11/2023 at 9:50 am

Hey Dustin and Team!
Here is me sending Best wishes for Strength, Stamina, big Strong Lungs and legs and most of all a Star filled sky and light breeze and a Spectacular Sunrise!!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 12/11/2023 at 2:45 am

Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Enjoy Rest Day, Visit Animal Sanctuary

Well there ain't no rest for the wicked but thankfully we aren't wicked and we had ourselves a wonderful day of rest at the scenic Casa Ilayaku today. Gear was dried out while birds were watched and various animals visited during a stop at a local bird sanctuary and petting zoo, and fun was had by all. We will be checking out of the Hacienda tomorrow morning before making our way to Antisana basecamp where we will stage for another summit attempt tomorrow night. I didn't think it possible but morale has soared to unprecedented levels and we are looking forward to wrapping this trip up in good style with another strong push in the mountains. Friends and family you are certainly all missed at home and we look forward to seeing you soon.

RMI Guide Michael Murray

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Good luck to all tomorrow!!

Posted by: Karolyn Thompson on 12/10/2023 at 8:26 am

Hey Dustin!
Sending thoughts of Strength and stamina, and perfect weather for another Big Summit to you and your Team!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 12/10/2023 at 3:05 am

Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Summit Cayambe

Friday, December 8, 2023

"I don't know where I'm a gonna go when the volcano blow"

-The Late Great Jimmy Buffett

Well thankfully the volcano known as Cayambe did now blow today but it was in fact summitted by members of Team Cuy Frito! We rose early (11pm if you can call that early) to put the final touches on our gear organization and scarf down a little "breakfast" before heading out onto the mountain to make our summit attempt. Skies were cloudy with some light wind but spirits were high as we started our ascent via headlamp. As we continued to climb, the wind increased and as we climbed up into the clouds we found ourselves covered in ice but the team remained strong and continued all the way up to the top at 18,996 feet. I could not be more proud of how the team battled some less than ideal conditions to end up on the summit. We returned back to the high hut for a more traditional breakfast and treated ourselves to celebratory lunch before ending our day at the Casa Ilayaku Hacienda, where we will be relaxing and recovering before our final objective of the trip, the volcano Antisana. Something tells me we will all be sleeping well tonight, we have certainly earned it. Hope all is well back at home and we appreciate your support!

RMI Guides Dustin Wittmier & Michael Murray

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You all are amazing! Congrats on summiting!

Posted by: Jean Wittmier on 12/9/2023 at 2:44 pm

Hey Dustin and Team!
Congrats to You and your Team !!! How Awesome is that! I remember the ice fog on Cotopoxi but maybe not as much as you had! Enjoy your rest day!!!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 12/9/2023 at 8:43 am

Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Check in from High Camp

Hello! We arrived at the high camp at Cayambe and walked up to the glacier for a quick snow school followed by a relaxing afternoon. The weather seems to be cooperating and we will make our summit attempt tonight, wish us luck!

RMI Guide Michael Murray

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All the best to you! Climb Strong!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 12/8/2023 at 7:19 am

Wishing all of you the best… hope you celebrate with your Flaming Hot Cheetohs! Disfrutar!

Posted by: Patti Kay on 12/8/2023 at 5:06 am

Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Ascend Fuya Fuya

Hola amigos! Team Cuy Frito woke up a little earlier than yesterday to load up the bus and make our way to Cerro Fuya Fuya at 14,000 feet for another acclimatization hike. We walked through some clouds but stayed dry and had ourselves a swell time. We finished our day with a team dinner at the quaint hacienda Intiyaya and are now organizing gear to head to the climbing hut on Cayambe tomorrow. The search for Cheetos was fruitless today but hopes are high that we will track some of that orange goodness down as we visit the Otavalo market tomorrow for some souvenir shopping and to pick up some last minute snacks before heading to the mountain. Morale is as high as the Andes and we are all looking forward to the adventures to come. Hope all is well back at home and hasta luego!

RMI Guides Dustin Wittmier & Michael Murray

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I love Jeff Daniels! iiiJeff es muy caliente!!

Posted by: Harry on 12/6/2023 at 2:06 pm

Who’s the guy that looks like Jeff Daniels???

Posted by: Jim Carrey on 12/5/2023 at 6:35 pm

Ecuador’s Volcanoes: Team Arrives in Ecuador and Acclimates

Hello friends, all is well here in sunny Ecuador! Yesterday we kicked off our adventure with a trip to the Equator to learn some science and balance eggs on a nail (difficult, but not impossible), followed by a cultural tour of the city. After a delicious Ecuadorian dinner and some spa time, the team hit the hay to rest up before our first acclimatization hike.

We awoke to blue skies and after a nice breakfast we headed to the teleférico where we took a ride up to 13,000 feet and were able to stretch our legs on a wonderful hike to the summit of Rucu Pichincha 15,354 feet. We saw some splendid flowers along the way and even some friendly birds at the summit.

Tomorrow we will check out of our hotel and make our way to Cero Fuya Fuya for another acclimatization hike before ending our day at a lovely hacienda in Otavalo (don't worry friends and family we are certainly not roughing it on this trip). Morale is high and at dinner tonight we will be finalizing our new team name so stay tuned.

Hope all is well back at home and hasta mañana.

RMI Guides Dustin Wittmier, Michael Murray & Team

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Happy trails to the team!  Going up!

Posted by: Patti Kay on 12/5/2023 at 7:50 am

What an exciting trip to take!

Posted by: Bruce Sutphin on 12/5/2023 at 6:24 am

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