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Entries By dave hahn

Vinson Massif: Dave Hahn & Team Summit!

Update at 2:45 pm PST: Dave called with a quick update: The team is back safe at High Camp and doing very well. 11:36 am PST: Hey, this is Dave Hahn, lucky enough to be on top of the Vinson Massif, highest point in Antarctica- 16,067 ft with the entire team! We've got Larry Seaton. We've got Fatima Williamson. We've got Bill and Sara McGahan. So all of us are up here. We we can't believe our luck. We've got perfect conditions. No wind. I'm going to give you a yell either by voice dispatch or a written dispatch when we get back to camp to let you know we are safe. But right now everything is going extremely well. Everybody's feeling good. Everybody's very happy. All for now. Thank you. RMI Guide Dave Hahn

RMI Guide Dave Hahn calls in from the Vinson Massif summit!

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YAY! Congratulations to the whole team. We cannot wait to hear all of the stories!
Safe travels back down the mountain.
We love and miss you and cannot wait to see you!

Posted by: Lisa McGahan on 12/17/2013 at 5:36 pm

Congratulations everyone!  Incredibly proud of you and incredibly happy for you!  Stay safe and come home soon.  Miss you, Sara and Bill!

Posted by: Martin on 12/17/2013 at 4:02 pm

Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Move to High Camp

At low camp, we woke to another thoroughly cloudy day. But it wasn't as cold as yesterday and there wasn't any wind up above that we could detect. We ate our usual late breakfast and checked in with Vinson Basecamp via the radio to hear the latest forecast (the same folks at Union Glacier who try to find weather windows for the Ilyushin also take a stab at mountain weather predictions). The forecast was just plain good. Clouds diminishing, no significant winds. We packed up low camp and headed for high camp. It was 2 PM by the time we were roped up and walking toward the fixed lines. We climbed in a murky world of cloud, between murky layers of other clouds down low and up high. But we made good and steady progress, reaching high camp at 12,300 ft by 8:30 PM. We worked to get a camp built and a kitchen going. At 10 PM we got our first sunshine of the day, which, thankfully kept on beaming down through clearing skies to make dinner and going to bed a lot easier. Tomorrow could be our big day... Depending, of course on how the weather shapes up and how the climbing team looks at breakfast. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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Congratulations on making high camp! Fingers crossed that the weather holds for a successful summit! Much love.

Posted by: Mom/Grandma on 12/17/2013 at 7:31 am

I will pray to the weather Gods for awesome weather for a beautiful summit.  Wishin y’all the best.  Cheers!!!

Posted by: Mary on 12/17/2013 at 4:25 am

Vinson Massif: Stormin’ Up High and at Low Camp

It was a storm day on Mount Vinson, so we stayed put at low camp. You might wonder how such a day differs from the rest day we took yesterday... it isn't very different. We ate, we slept, we read, we listened to music, we watched TV. The weather seemed to be improving early in the day, in that wind speeds appeared to be dropping on the peaks and ridges above us. Our latest forecasts also suggested that we'd be rewarded for waiting as the outlook is for an easing in both wind and cloud for the next few days. But none of that seemed to do us much good at low camp today. The sun continually found thick clouds and murk to hide behind and so it was a cold afternoon and evening. The team didn't hang out for long in our dining tent after dinner... back to the sleeping bags with fingers crossed for a more useful day tomorrow. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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You are very experienced with “The waiting game”!

Hang in there ... taking full advantage of “resting up” in preparation of successfully “heading up” when it becomes safe and appropriate to do so.

Take care,

Fred K

Posted by: Fred Klingbeil on 12/16/2013 at 10:07 am

Hope the weather clears soon for you. Love that you can “watch TV”. You have more power than we do in the North Georgia mountains when it hits a balmy 25 degrees+. Be safe and good luck. We’re thinking of you.

Posted by: Mom/Grandma on 12/16/2013 at 8:24 am

Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Rest Day at Low Camp

As planned, we took a break from mountain climbing today. We rested primarily to catch up on hydration and acclimatization before our assault on high camp and the summit. But since today's weather was a little on the sloppy side, with clouds at all levels, some falling snow and hints of wind aloft, it wasn't a bad day to be taking it easy at low camp. We ate, drank, rested, read, watched TV and listened to music. The teams that went to Vinson's summit yesterday came through on their descent to base today. All seemed well and happy, and of course relieved that they'd gotten to the top before this particular pulse of inclement weather came through. We will just hope it is gentle and short lived. We'd like to move up tomorrow. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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It sounds like you have a great team and hoping weather will be on your side to make it to the summit. Here we are all singing “they’ll all be home for Christmas"so God speed. Love, Deb

Posted by: debby on 12/15/2013 at 4:24 pm

Vinson Massif Expedition: Team Carries Up the Fixed Lines

We all agreed that carrying a load of food, fuel and gear 2500 vertical feet up the fixed lines was hard. It was steep (both going up and coming down) it took a long time (7 hours round trip from low camp) and it was sometimes too hot and sometimes too cold. It felt a lot like mountain climbing. Today we had crampons on our feet and axes in our hands, unlike the last couple of sled dragging days on the low angled approach glacier. So all around, it was pretty tough, but we did it. We got those unreal Antarctic views as we got higher, spawning questions like "Is that ice way out there or is it cloud?" (It was both). Our hope, of course, is that by doing such tough work today, by going so high (11,800) and by coming back down to sleep and rest through tomorrow, we'll be stronger, more familiar with the route and better acclimated to the altitude. That may be, but at any rate, it sure was fun climbing today. It was a little cloudy which seemed to hold some heat in the air, making things a bit easier. The two teams above us apparently made the summit today, which is great, we'll see them tomorrow on their descent. Best Regards RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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Congrats to the team after such a heavy effort and I hope you get time enough to rest! Supporting you all the way to the summit!
Love to Fatima,

Posted by: Peter Williamson on 12/14/2013 at 7:24 pm

WOW!  Very impessive!!  Great job!!!  Fred K

Posted by: Fred Klingbeil on 12/14/2013 at 6:22 am

Vinson Massif Expedition:  Team Moves to Low Camp

We busted out of Base Camp today. Just over five hours of walking up the Branscomb Glacier put us at "low" camp, which isn't all that low at 9300 ft above sea level. Half way along the route we picked up our cached supplies and equipment from yesterday's carry. We were alone for our day of climbing, since the other teams in our rotation have about four days head-start on us. One of those, a German team, made the top today in a speedy ascent. They were early enough in the day that they came all the way back down to low camp. So we have neighbors. The other two teams are still at high camp hoping to get a shot at the summit tomorrow. We had great conditions for coming along directly under Vinson's giant western face, and we had perfect and unobstructed views of Mounts Gardner, Epperly and Shinn. Camp was built quickly and easily and after a filling dinner, the team retired to bask in the strong, late night sun. We'll get that sun until at least three AM, but then, while it is behind the mountain, our teeth will be chattering until 11 AM. Best Regards RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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No one, I mean no one, can keep you down!  See a mountain (that is 16,000 feet or higher) and Larry will be climbing it!!  You are the poster-child for the next edition of “Younger Next Year”!!!

Please encourage those guides of yours to send some up close pics.  We all want to see determined and smiling faces!

So neat to hear how well things are progressing!!

Stay safe and united!!!

Fred K

Posted by: Fred Klingbeil on 12/13/2013 at 3:39 pm

It’s chilly in southern California but nothing compared to where you all are.  Keep warm. What an adventure you are having.  Larry, can’t wait to hear all about this trip.  Love, Mom

Posted by: Gerri Seaton on 12/13/2013 at 11:16 am

Vinson Massif: Hahn & Team Carry Halfway

We are back to great weather on Vinson. There was still a little wind apparent up high during the morning, and a few fog banks forming and dissipating down below, but by mid-day one could only describe it as "splitter". Perfect blue sky, big bright sun and no wind... splitter. Team 2 had a fine breakfast at Vinson Base and then we settled into a light training and review session. Bill, Sara, Fatima and Larry each have fine climbing resumes, so it was only necessary to run through some quick examples of crevasse rescue and anchoring systems to refresh memories. In the afternoon we went for our shakedown cruise: a carry of food and gear to half camp. It was great to stretch legs and get some views of the surrounding humongous peaks. We were back to Base by around 7 PM, in time for dinner in the strong evening sun. We turned in for bed confident that the sunshine would keep tents warm well into the night. Sometime after one or two AM the sun will go behind the mountain and life will get cool, but by then we'll be sleeping... Dreaming of the move to low camp tomorrow. Word is that the Ilyushin is flying to Union tonight, so Team 1 (Kara, Juan, Piotr, and Spencer) should have breakfast in South America. Bon Voyage. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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Larry and the gang:  Glad to know the weather is cooperating and hope it continues.  What tales you can tell us when you return.  Best wishes to all! Gerri S.

Posted by: Gerri Seaton on 12/12/2013 at 5:18 pm

Larry and Crew

Great to hear how your expedition is progressing so well!  Hope the weather continues to be good.  Excited to hear how your safely and successful move up the mountain!!  Keep each other warm and best of success!!!

Fred K

Posted by: Fred Klingbeil on 12/12/2013 at 6:35 am

Vinson Massif Expedition:  Switcheroo at Vinson Base Camp

The RMI Vinson teams traded places this evening. It was a day of wait-and-see as far as flying was concerned. High winds at Union Glacier, high winds in the intended flight path through the Ellsworth Mountains, and big winds that we could see on the upper slopes of Vinson. But things began to calm as the day went on and there was continued hope that the flight would happen before the day was out. I'd just sat down to dinner with group one at Vinson Base when news came that group two was in the air headed our way. Kara, Juan, Piotr, and Spencer packed fast and watched the ski equipped twin otter make a perfect uphill landing on the Branscomb. It was great to see Bill, Sarah, Fatima, and Larry emerge from the plane. The two teams mingled and compared notes as the plane was unloaded and reloaded. We were all happy to hear that team 2 was treated to such a fine time during their several days stay at Union. And I believe team 2 was relieved to see that team 1 had managed to come through a Vinson climb appearing happy and no worse for the wear. Then it was load up time and I said goodbye to team 1. We shared some wonderful times together. Rumor has it that there are Ilyushin flights scheduled as early as tomorrow, so perhaps they'll be luckier on their Antarctic exit than they were on their entrance. Team 2 bedded down for the night at VBC... Ready to climb. Best Regards RMI Guide Dave Hahn
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It’s great to hear that team 2 had an exciting plane trip and is now at Vinson Base. Have a great climb Larry.

Posted by: Mark on 12/11/2013 at 6:38 am

Enjoy Vinson! Hope the team has a great experience down there!
Love to Fatima,

Posted by: Peter Williamson on 12/11/2013 at 4:51 am

Vinson Massif: No Fly Zone

The storm finally hit. Crazy clouds were forming over the upper mountain as we went to bed last night. The morning at Vinson Base was devoid of sunshine and chock full of newly falling snow. It is actually a rare thing to get five inches of powder snow in this place, like rain in the desert, but that is what we got. Flying -either to get the successful summiteers out or to bring in our next team of climbers from Union Glacier- was not happening. It was a hunker down day. The word was that the teams up the mountain were doing the same. Rest and relaxation wasn't exactly an unwelcome plan for the day for my team. Most had sore feet and tired knees after the last few big days of up and down walking. Each climber is ready to be moving on when conditions permit, of course. Juan wanted to be sure that Eva Maria knew he was wishing her a very happy 21st birthday from Antarctica. Best Regards, RMI Guide Dave Hahn
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Five inches of powder snow? Is it time for skiing? Be safe and hunker down! Thinking of you.

Posted by: Mom/Grandma on 12/10/2013 at 8:16 am

Larry: Your climbing report card is full of A’s - Antarctica and Alaska and Aconcagua…Congratulation…Post pics please…Waltero

Posted by: waltero glover on 12/10/2013 at 7:03 am

Vinson Massif Expedition:Team #1 Returns to Base Camp

The day went pretty well on schedule. We were up at around 8 AM at high camp, thankful that the winds had not yet found our tents. It was obviously kicking a bit higher, with streamers of snow blowing off ridges and frozen dust devils dancing across our ascent route of the day before. But we were granted calm and sunny conditions in which to eat breakfast and pack for the descent. We bailed out of high camp at 11:20 and carefully picked our way down the fixed lines. Coming into Low Camp was a bit of a shock as there were dozens of climbers there and we'd gotten so used to having the mountain to ourselves. Folks were hanging there rather than ascending since forecasts say that the winds will build and dominate the upper mountain for several days. We shuffled our loads, repacked and headed down to Vinson Base, arriving by 5:30 PM. No flights back to Union today as the winds have the pilots hunkering down, so we set tents and enjoyed a victory dinner together at 7000 ft on the Branscomb Glacier. Best Regards RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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Congratulations, Larry.  It looks really cold in the photos, but I could not tell how technical the climb was.  Barbara in Dallas

Posted by: Barbara gunnin on 12/9/2013 at 11:04 am


Otro éxito mas y un ciclo cerrado por fin.

Recibe un fuerte abrazo de Mary,Beatriz y Alejandra

Nos vemos para festejar!!!

Posted by: alejandro on 12/9/2013 at 9:13 am

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