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Mt. Everest: Mark Tucker Checking in after the Puja Ceremony

Hello! Mark Tucker checking in from Everest Base Camp. We had a wonderful ceremony today. The puja altar was just as beautiful as it gets. A wonderful day. Just a real, pretty ceremony. Everybody in attendance and we all had a good time. So we packed up a lot a loads. We have our whole Sherpa staff heading up the hill to carry all the necessary provisions to get a great Camp 1 established. And our three super guides, Dave, Billy and JJ, are going to go get their feet wet and check on the route and check on the camp and get things looking up-to-snuff for the rest of the western team. We will do some maintenance down here- a little bit of hiking, maybe a shower day. We have plenty to do to prep ourselves for the near future. We are going to be up real early and get these boys off to work on their commute to Camp 1 tomorrow. So all is well and like I said, we had a really nice day. We'll check in tomorrow. RMI Guide Mark Tucker

RMI Guide Mark Tucker calls in after the puja ceremony.

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Comments (11)

You guys got Four Loko’s in Basecamp?


Posted by: Horatio C.B. on

Best of luck and prayers for the safety of all.  Be careful and have fun!! And don’t bet Tuck in cards!!

Posted by: Bill McGahan on

Nicole Lobiondo: The Puja ceremony sounds very special and amazing. I hope you are having a wonderful trip. Thinking of you and can’t wait to read that post that you arrive at Camp 1. Stay strong and Sherpa On! Love, Nicole

Posted by: Nicole Howard on

James / JJ…Check and see if you two still have rice in your hair :) from the Puja ceremony ? !...Amid all the focus and safety and exertion - Find moments to enjoy creation and what you have worked so hard for…Godspeed team…Waltero…P.S.:  If Kara was w/ RMI at Rainier in Sept 2012, I was for awhile too and “hello.”

Posted by: waltero on

What Up, Everest Enthusiasts?
It’s your favorite pregnant person, and Kara’s friend of 38 years, Dixie. Yup… still pregnant, but guess I’ve started to have contractions at only 33 weeks. If he doesn’t come early, the due date will be around 5/21. That would be really cool if that was also the date that you summited Everest, so thanks for trying to accomdate my schedule ;) Kara, I’ve been thinkining long and hard about your next move, and think you should compete on the popular “Naked and Afraid” survivor show. After all, you have major skills, plus a lot of people would enjoy seeing you naked (they do have the modesty patches for the TV broadcast). If you’re not into it, I’ll continue to brainstorm. Peace out! Dixie

Posted by: Dixie Trunko on

Fatima….We are all living this adventure through you and your fellow climbers…..The photos are awesome. Enjoy every moment….How is the hell is JJ making guacamole in Nepal????

Posted by: Debbi on

Hao: What a beautiful ceremony! You must be excited to be moving up the mountain tomorrow. Safe travels to the entire team!  - FX

Posted by: FX on

Fatima, looked like a fun day and the ceremony looked so colourful. I see it doesn’t look too cold (yet) from what everyone was wearing in the photos. You’re having lots of fun, I can tell!

Posted by: Peter Williamson on

Kara and team,

Sounds like you’re having a great time so far! Just remember if you reach the top of Everest and Chuck Norris reaches the top of Everest, he’s the only one who really summited so make sure he’s not on the trek with you! Happy Thursday…or Friday.

Posted by: Farah Hedwig on

James and Team,
Glad to hear that you have done well on base camp training and Puja ceremony was beautiful. Trust that you will reach camp 1 safely in good spirit, health and well focused. We enjoy perfect Spring weather that is in forecast thru Plam Sunday. Dogwood trails are open in K-town. Love, SC

Posted by: Soonja Choo on

James and Team;
Good to hear the important Puja ceremony is over and ready to move uphill to the First camp. Be safe and stay healthy. BC

Posted by: bc on

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