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Entries By Pete Van Deventer

Mt. McKinley: June 18th Expedition Led by Pete Van Deventer Readies in Talkeenta

Wednesday, June 19, 2013 The team is assembled and ready to go! Yesterday, we all stepped off the plane into the fire; both literally and figuratively. Alaska has been experiencing a strong heatwave, and Anchorage was toasty. We also had a lot to get done, buying the rest of our food for the mountain and making the drive to Talkeetna. We settled in to relax for the night, leaving the gear sorting and packing for today. Now, all of our gear is packed and weighed for the plane, tents have been set up and checked to make sure that they are good to go, and everyone is excited for the flight through the Alaska range. Now we just need the weather to cooperate tomorrow AM long enough to get us onto the mountain! Hopefully we'll check in from the glacier tomorrow! Cheers RMI Guides Pete, Geoff, Robby, and the team

On The Map

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Hola Guapo!
What a nice group picture! You look so happy…what a beautiful place for your third climb!
I’m so proud of you. We will be following you daily. it seems the weather is in your favor.
Love you! we are here cheering you on. I bet you wish there were sherpas and donkeys there!.....:)
XO Guapa

Posted by: marion on 6/22/2013 at 6:57 pm

hey pete have a great climb, stay safe.

Posted by: joshua hoar on 6/21/2013 at 7:14 pm

Mt. Rainier: June 15, 2013 Summit!

RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer and Geoff Schellens and the Four Day Summit Climb team reached the summit of Mt. Rainier at 7:28am this morning. The team reported clear beautiful skies, steady winds of 10 mph, and cool temperatures. The group spent some time on the summit enjoying the views and are now en route back to Camp Muir. Congrautations to today's teams!
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Congrats to our nephew Ben and the team.  We’ll enjoy the pics and the stories.  Nancy and Sherman

Posted by: Sherman Kahn on 6/16/2013 at 7:42 am

Great job Ben!  Can’t wait to see the pictures and hear about the climb.

Posted by: Barry on 6/16/2013 at 4:47 am

RMI Guides Lindsay Mann and Pete Van Deventer Sail and Ski in Norway’s Lofoten Islands

I climbed Mt. Rainier with my father last summer. After a memorable summit, my dad - a man of little words - expressed his confidence in my abilities as a mountain guide, a compliment I did not take lightly. He told me that he trusted my decision-making in the mountains and wanted me to be a part of his dream trip: combining his passion for the water and the mountains with a sailing and skiing trip in the Lofoten Islands of Norway. I immediately approached fellow RMI Guide and good friend Pete Van Deventer to see if he was interested in joining the crew. Without hesitation Pete and his wife committed to the trip. Besides being a great climbing partner, Pete had spent time in Norway in college and was eager to return. Additionally, he suggested that we invite one of his Norwegian friends to accompany us. Magnus had already completed a similar trip and was able to offer great suggestions about boat charters and finding a competent captain for our voyage. The dream trip was starting to take shape. After months of training and preparation, we headed to Norway in April. My dad and I flew to Oslo where we spent two days sightseeing before flying above the Arctic Circle to a fishing village on the west coast to meet our team. A few hours after arriving in Svolvaer, we heard ski bags rolling on pavement. Pete, Katie, Magnus and Maria, Magnus' girlfriend, arrived at the boat and our seven-day adventure began! The boat at dock. The next morning we woke up to partly cloudy skies and the realization that a 44-foot sailboat is a tight space for ski gear, sailing gear, and eight people. After organizing our gear in waves, we left the boat with skis on our packs and walked toward a favorite local ski touring peak. Successfully navigating the Svolvaer neighborhoods, we finally reached snow. With climbing skins on our skis we began our ascent up the south side of a peak named Blåtind. Partway up the mountain, it began to rain and visibility dwindled. Too excited to turn back on our first day of ski touring, we decided to continue. A few minutes after reaching the saddle on Blåtind the sun came out and we focused our attention on a ski line on east side of the peak. The conditions were spring corn snow. After a close to 2,000’ descent we put our skins back on and toured along the water to the nearest road where we hailed a taxi back to the sailboat. The following morning we set sail to the Trollfjord. The Trollfjord is an area accessible to skiers only by boat. With our sails up and Katie Van Deventer at the helm, we sailed to the entrance of the Trollfjord - a dauntingly narrow waterway surrounded by steep walls. We docked amid howling winds and a mix of rain and snow. Reaching the TrollfjordHyatta, a cabin in the Norweigan Hut System, would have to wait until the next day. We woke to improved weather and loaded our ski gear and a night’s worth of food onto the dock. The boat sailed away promising to return the following afternoon and we spent the morning skinning to the TrollfjordHyatta. The hut turned out to be a small majestic wooden cabin surrounded by peaks in every direction. Inspired by the mountains around us, we headed out to ski Peak 975. We had great views of our climb ahead and discussed our route and ski options. After an hour the terrain became too steep to skin. With skis on our packs, and clouds rolling in, we reached the top of Peak 975. Since the light was flat we used our bootpack to guide us as we skied down the same route we ascended. The visibility improved and we were reminded of the natural beauty of the Trollfjord. Taking advantage of the good weather we added a few laps to finish our day on a smaller peak just above the cabin. From there we could see the dramatic entrance to the Trollfjord and the unlimited ski options for the following day. The night in the hut was filled with wine, laughs, and Ludo, a Norweigan board game. In the morning we were able to get a few runs in on some steep north facing chutes before returning to dock where we met the boat. The TrollfjordHyatta Lindsay Mann touring into the TrollfjordHyatta. As we sailed away, inspired by the endless quantity of peaks around us, we discussed the multitude of ski options for the day and remainder of the trip. The next few days were unlike any trip I have known. The terrain and sailboat allowed for ultimate flexibility. If the weather was good, we would ski; if the weather was marginal, we would set sail waiting for the conditions to change. Once we decided upon a peak the question then became: how do we get to shore? This was often time and energy consuming. We would either dock the boat or, if that wasn’t an option, we would get ashore via dinghy. If we went by dinghy Frederik, our captain, shuttled us and our gear ashore while Iselin, the assistant captain, handled the sailboat. From the dock or shore we would skin or walk a few miles to a skiable peak, climb and ski it, and make our way back to the boat. This sometimes meant walking, other times we were able to ski within a few hundred meters of the boat. Other times it meant taking a cab to where the boat was docked. Each day was a new adventure with a new set of options. Taking the dinghy to shore As the days passed, the weather improved and we finally had the perfect Norweigan ski descent on the last day of the trip. For the first time during our adventure we woke up to bluebird skies and decided to ski a peak called Storgalten. Upon reaching the top of the peak could see mountains, water, and our sailboat. Thrilled with the descent, Pete, Katie and Magnus celebrated it with a plunge into the fjord. We then set sail back to Harstad, our final destination, with Storgalten still in view. Weeks later, I’m still amazed by the diversity and accessibility of the terrain found in the Lofoten Islands. I have been lucky enough to ski and climb in mountains all over this world and this trip was truly unique. What made it all the more special to me was being able to share it with my father and a group of close friends that got along seamlessly on a 44-foot sailboat for seven days. Pete Van Deventer skiing down Storgalten. Lindsay Mann skiing down to the water.
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Looks awesome!!  Such I tough life you guys have!!

Posted by: Dan Brockway on 6/12/2013 at 10:28 am

This. Looks. Amazing.

Posted by: Sarah on 6/11/2013 at 10:36 am

Mt. Rainier: June 6, 2013 Summit!

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir led by JJ Justman and Pete Van Deventer reached the top of Mt. Rainier this morning. The team reported excellent climbing conditions with clear skies and no wind. The team spent time on Columbia Crest celebrating and snapping photos. They have started their descent back to Camp Muir. Congratulations Team!
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Congratulations Lance!  I hope you and your team had an amazing climb!  What’s next on your bucket list?

Posted by: Pali on 6/8/2013 at 9:15 am

Way to go Lance, congrats to you and everyone on the team.

Posted by: Jackie on 6/7/2013 at 6:26 am

Mt. Rainier: Expedition Skills Seminar Camp Muir Update

The RMI Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir Team led by JJ Justman and Pete Van Deventer are spending the week on Mt. Rainier doing some Denali Prep Training. The team is doing well and having a great time learning some advanced mountaineering techniques. The team plans to make an attempt at the summit early tomorrow. Best of Luck Team!
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Good luck on your summit climb.  Love you Daddy

Posted by: Z Team on 6/6/2013 at 9:01 pm

Expedition Skills Seminar Team, you are looking good!  Best wishes for a summit tomorrow!

Posted by: Joyce Dowell on 6/5/2013 at 5:59 pm

Mt. Rainier: June 3rd Update

The Four Day Summit Climbs led by RMI Guides Andres Marin and Geoff Schellens were forced to turn at the traverse to the nose of the cleaver (11,000’) due to unstable snow. The teams performed snow tests which confirmed the snow instability. The weather this morning was clear but windy with gusts of 45 mph as the teams descended back to Camp Muir. The Expedition Skills Seminar – Muir led by RMI Guides JJ Justman and Pete Van Deventer are making their ascent to Camp Muir today to begin their week of training and climbing.
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Stay safe & enjoy every breath! So proud of you!
Good luck!

“A mountain keeps an echo deep inside. That’s how I hold your voice.”~Rumi

Posted by: Lora on 6/4/2013 at 5:34 am

Mt. Rainier: Expedition Skills Seminar Begins

Our team met this morning for our six day Mt. Rainier program. It was the first day of orientation for our Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir. We spent the day ensuring we had all the right equipment and could pack efficiently. In the afternoon we grabbed our harnesses, boots, ice tools and crampons and spent time on the climbing walls at Rainier BaseCamp. Just because we are not on the mountain doesn't mean we can't have fun. Stay tuned as our team ventures on the mountain starting tomorrow! RMI Guide JJ Justman
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Matt hope you are enjoying your climb be safe! love mom

Posted by: terri mcmahand on 6/4/2013 at 9:04 pm

Mt. Rainier: June 1st Update

The Four Day Summit Climb led by RMI Guide Pete Van Deventer turned at 11,000’ this morning due to avalanche danger. The team returned safely back to Camp Muir and did a bit of training before starting their descent to Paradise. Pete reported high clouds with good visibility below to AltaVista. Sounds like a nice, calm morning at Camp Muir. The Five Day Westminster Summit Climb team led by RMI Guide Linden Mallory will rest and train today around Camp Muir.
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Good luck to the Westminster team!  Thinking good thoughts for all!

Posted by: Julie Bassett on 6/1/2013 at 7:41 pm

Mt. Rainier- May 26th update

The Four Day Summit Climb led by Tyler Jones and the Five Day Summit Climb led by Pete Van Deventer were forced to turn their climbs at 11,000’ due to limited visibility, high avalanche conditions, and blowing snow. The teams are descending the Muir Snowfield en route to Paradise and will be back in Ashford later this morning.
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What an amazing experience.  Sorry you had to turn back, but glad you’re all safe! Can’t wait to hear about the adventure!

Posted by: Susan White, Allyson's mom on 5/27/2013 at 8:43 am

Mt. Rainier: May 18th Update - Summit!

Congratulations to the Four Day Summit Climb team led by Adam Knoff! They reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning! The team left Camp Muir with clear and pleasant weather. As the climb progressed a front moved in and the team experienced some light snowfall and 10 mph winds. They spent some time on the summit and began their descent at 9:15 a.m.
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It was great climbing with you all and thanks to all of our guides.

Posted by: Josh on 5/22/2013 at 7:22 pm

YAY good job daddy!!! and happy birthday!!! Keith Hutchinson!!!!!

Posted by: Nate Hutchinson on 5/19/2013 at 4:45 pm

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