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Mt. McKinley: Van Deventer & Team Move to 17,000’!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013 Hello all from 17 thousand feet! We made our move today through a whole mix of weather, though overall, it was a really pleasant day on the West Buttress. We left later than most groups, waiting to have some sun and warmth before we launched. As luck would have it we missed all the crowds on the fixed lines, and cruised to our cache at the base of Washburns Thumb. With our cache on board, it was one more mellow stretch, and we were rolling into camp at the perfect hour. A big dinner and hot drinks, and now we're tucking in for the night, hoping to wake up and see our summit day tomorrow! Keep your fingers crossed for good weather! Best from here, RMI Guides Pete, Geoff, Robby, and team

On The Map

Comments (10)

Derek - I hope you and the team are safe and will finally make summit in honor of the 4th of July!! 
Love, Aunt Rita

Posted by: Rita DeCamp on

So excited for you to reach the summit!
We are roasting to death in this humidity…you are far better off there!
I told you that you could make it to the top!
We can’t wait to hear all about it!
Lots Love and hugs
Guapa and Duckie

Posted by: marion and maya on

Hey Wyatt,
Camping at Cougar Rock with Marjorie, Josie, Trista, her three boys, and our dogs. Should be a good time around the campfire tonight; I’ll fill you in. I know you guys haven’t had perfect weather, but it hasn’t rained every minute for two days, has it?  Enjoy seventeen, and Good Luck!

Posted by: Joe on

Wyatt, I just want you to know how incredibly excited and proud I am of you.  This is one of those defining moments in your life and we all are praying that you and your team stay safe and that one day, real soon, you will be looking at the most incredible site ever!  Remember…one step at a time!  love…Aunt Susan

Posted by: Susan Krawiecki on

Wyatt, everyone at the lake is cheering for you!  Love you son can’t wait to give you a hug!  Mom and Dad

Posted by: Marian Evenson on

Wyatt, Everyone at the lake is cheering for you!  Can’t wait to give you a hug!  Love ya son!  Mom and Dad

Posted by: Marian Evenson on

One step, two breaths, one step, two breaths.  If you have any room, grab me a breath of that air.  I can only imagine.  If you got your break today, I’m sure you are close to the goal as I write this.  Take it all in and keep it in your heart.  Climb strong, girl.  Poppett

Posted by: Les Zimmerman on

Talking about celebrating July 4th. It is very exciting to hear about the teams progress. What a beautiful story it would be to enjoy the 4th on top of the world celebrating Americas independence from the highest point possible in the US would be great. Just remember to look east and see us all applauding your collective efforts. Be well my friend and enjoy each moment of your journey.

Posted by: Brian Coehn on

Happy 4th to all! Derek this is FANTASTIC news! So happy you were able to make the move to 17K camp.  Just took a little patience and tolerance.  I’m sure you remember Grandpa’s words of wisdom - LOL! Good luck to all and I hope the 4th is the day! Continue to be strong and more importantly safe. Love Mom & Pops

Posted by: Michael Sokoloski on

Happy 4th of July, Tommy! Awesome news! I am so excited to hear that you may be summiting today! I thought there might be a rest day before heading to the top. I had a strong feeling that you would make it to High Camp yesterday! Last night when I posted on Facebook, I didn’t have anything to report because I hadn’t seen a blog from the team; but I mentioned in the post that it may have been because ya’ll moved up, had a big meal, and were resting. That’s exactly what happened! Prayers were answered!! How amazing if you summit on July 4th! I can’t tell you how happy I am right now! I watched the parade in front of the house this morning. It’s great to be in Port Jefferson for this holiday, but I miss you. I’ll watch the fireworks tonight thinking of you and all you have accomplished! Be safe and thankful for this moment! You are my best friend, and I am so proud of you! My day just got brighter and more blessed! My love and thoughts will be with you on the way to the top! Can’t wait ‘til I can speak directly with you!

Posted by: Rhonda Kitchen on

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