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Entries from Expedition Dispatches

Bolivia: Bond & Team Reach Summit of Huayna Potosi

Monday, August 12, 2024 - 3:57 AM PT

We are on the summit of Huayna Potosi, it's a calm, beautiful, sunny day.  Summited right at sunrise. We’ll send a longer dispatch tonight or tomorrow when we are back in La Paz when we have internet and can load photos. Everyone is doing well.

RMI Guide Andy Bond

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Congratulations to the team!  Can’t wait to see the photos! 

Posted by: Kate on 8/13/2024 at 4:35 am

Way to go Rhonda, and Team…you’re a stud-ette

Posted by: Sue on 8/12/2024 at 4:33 pm

Mt. Baker: Burns & North Ridge Team Make Summit

RMI Guides Seth Burns & Leif Bergstrom led their team of Mt. Baker - North Ridge climbers to the summit yesterday. They enjoyed a nice day on the mountain and returned to camp after their summit.  They spent last night on the mountain and will be returning to the trailhead later today to conclude their program.

Nice work team!

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I just want to take this time to thanks the guides and to share my appreciation for all participants that contributed to such a lovely experience throughout the journey to the top of baker and back at camp.  It was such a pleasant experience and wish everyone all the best on their adventures to come! 


Tony C Leon

Keep climbing!

Posted by: Tony Leon on 8/13/2024 at 1:02 pm

Bolivia: Bond & Team Get Ready for summit attempt on Huayna Potosi

Sunday, August 11, 2024 - 6:00 AM PT

We said goodbye to the Condoriri mountain range, and loaded our van to head to our second mountain Huayna Potosi which stands just over 6,000 meters. We arrived at our base hut, which is actually Adriam and Domilita house that they open up to climbers. Adriam is our head porter and we leisurely packed our packs and gear for our journey up to high hut (17,000’) where will spend a little bit of time before heading for the summit.  From their house we have amazing views of the route we’ll be climbing up Huayna. As the sun began to set the winds starting cranking and we were happy to be inside than out in the tents.  Adriam built us a fire and we enjoyed a big family dinner that included a cake for Katherine’s birthday. We awoke this morning to sunny skies and calm winds. We’ll be heading to high camp in the coming hours. We’ll take a short rest before starting our summit attempt early in the morning.  Fingers crossed that the winds co-operate for us!

RMI Guide Andy Bond

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Happy belated Katherine!! 17k feet is your happy place, glad you get to spend your birthday doing what you love. Be SAFE!!

Posted by: Jessee Wyld on 8/12/2024 at 5:14 am

Happy birthday Katherine! I love reading the blogs about the mountain expeditions you’re on, amazing way to spend a b-day!

Posted by: Lori on 8/11/2024 at 9:44 pm

Machu Picchu: Grom & Team Enjoy Awesome Day on Inca Trail

Sunday, August 11, 2024 - 4:35 AM PT


Today we had an awesome day on the official Inca trail. We got an early start and headed up to Dead Woman’s Pass. We started low at 9,800ft and ascended to nearly 14,000ft. The views were beautiful and we took the time to take it all in. We got really lucky as the clouds socked in minutes after we left the pass on our descent to camp.

After over 4,000ft of gain and nearly 2,500ft of loss, we rolled into our camp with tired legs. Another delicious dinner and we are all off to an early bed. We have another big day tomorrow - traveling over two smaller passes and visiting many Inca sites along the way.

RMI Guides Jess, Casey and team

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Mt. Rainier: Teams on the summit!

The Four Day Climb August 8 - 11, 2024 led by RMI Guides Alan Davis and Jackson Breen reached the summit of Mt. Rainier today. Alan reported a beautiful day on the mountain and a good climb this morning. The teams spent a bit of time on the crater before starting their descent from the crater rim aroun 6:30 am. They are currently heading back to Camp Muir where they will take a quick break, re-pack their gear and continue the remaining 4,500' to Paradise. There program will conclude this afternoon with a celebration at Rainier BaseCamp.

Congratulations teams!

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YAYYY JULIA! We are so proud of you!!! You inspire us everyday and we know you’ve worked so hard for this

Posted by: Adora, Joseph, & Aku on 8/11/2024 at 6:53 pm

Congratulations to the whole team and a huge Thank You to the guides who helped them stay safe and encouraged them along the way! Most people just dream of things they would like to do, but this group persevered and lived their dream. It’s an experience they will never forget! Natalie, Allison, and team members, you are rockstars!!

Posted by: Geri on 8/11/2024 at 6:24 pm

Bolivia: Team Climbs Paqueño Alpamayo

Yesterday’s climb of Paqueño Alpamayo provided a full-value introduction to climbing in the Cordillera Real. A 2:30 AM and a short walk on trail brought us back to the toe of the glacier where we’d trained the day prior. We dawned our climbing gear and began working our way up the icy glacier. Each step sounded like shards of glass underfoot and required careful technique to move efficiently and securely. 

We reached the summit of Tarija shortly after sunrise, the first summit of the trip at 17,500’! The views of Huyana Potosi, our next objective, were excellent, and we could see the remainder of the route to Paqueño Alpamayo. This is where the challenge of Paqeño becomes apparent, the route really throws a little bit of everything at you! First, we descended several hundred feet of third- and fourth-class rock, followed shortly by two pitches of 45-60 degree ice up the west ridge. 

Sadly, the effects of climate change are painfully obvious in the Andes, and this peak was no different. What used to be a final pitch of steep neve below the summit is now entirely snow-free, so we removed our crampons and scrambled the final 200’ or so to the top. After a short celebration it was time to start making our way down, we still had a long day ahead of us before we could relax in camp! Some steep down climbing and a short rappel led back to the base of the east ridge of Tarija we’d descended earlier. The rock scramble back up to the summit effectively made for three summits over 5000m over the course of just a few hours! 

The descent back down the glacier was slow and a bit tedious at times given the icy conditions, but we were riding high from such an engaging and beautiful day of climbing. Everyone slept well last night after our big day. We are back at the trailhead now loading up the van to begin making our way to the base of Huyana Potosi. We’ll sleep in the base hut tonight and move up to a higher hut around 16,900’ tomorrow. After several nights sleeping up high and a big day of climbing yesterday the team is feeling stronger than ever in the thin air and we’re all looking forward to our next summit attempt on Monday! 

RMI Guides Andy Bond, Henry Coppolillo

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Machu Picchu: Grom and Team Enjoy Cool Day of Trekking

Buenos Dias Amigos!

All is well here in Peru. The team is doing great and have been enjoying the trek thus far. It was nice leisurely day with easy walking and cool temperatures as the clouds overhead kept the sun off. We had a few sprinkles as we made our way out of the Salkantay Valley and have now joined the Inca Trail proper.

We visited a massive old Incan ruin that was believed to be a check point along the way and have descended into lower altitude and the lush forest.

Hot showers, well almost, more warm than hot - but enjoyed nonetheless by almost everyone. And the incredible food continues to be produced from our gracious crew.

RMI Guides Casey, Jess and the Incan crew

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Mt. Rainier: Five Day Climb Summits!

The Five Day Climb led by RMI Guides Dominic Cifelli and Nick Sinapius reached the summit of Mt. Rainier early this morning. The team is in route to Camp Muir where they will spend another night on the mountain before starting their descent.

Congratulations Team! 

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Machu Picchu: Grom and Team Break Altitude Records on the Way to Llulluchapampa

Hola from Peru!

Today the team awoke to beautifully clear skies right beneath the massive and towering Salkantay mountain, which is 20’000’+ feet. It’s covered in snow and glaciers so much it felt like we were in the Himalayas. We then hit the trail and headed uphill to our high point of the trip at just over 16’000’ feet, which definitely was a new height for a few team members. Everyone did great and enjoyed the nice long descent to our new camp at 12’600’. It was a beautiful hike in one of the most spectacular valleys I’ve ever seen.

Our outfitter has been incredibly gracious with having camp set up each day before we arrive, along with feeding us 3 amazing meals a day.

RMI Guides Casey, Jess, and the Inca Trail crew!

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Bolivia: Bond & Team Reach Condoriri Basecamp, Ready for Summit Attempt

Thursday, August 8, 2024

We had a chilly morning packing up camp and weighing out our loads for the donkeys, but were rewarded with ideal temperatures for the short hike from the trailhead to Condoriri basecamp. After setting up tents and a short rest we continued up the trail to the toe of the glacier where we spent a few hours reviewing the basics and practicing some more advanced skills for our attempt on Pequeño Alpamayo tomorrow.  We're back in basecamp at 15,400' now, packing and resting up in anticipation of an early start. We'll be in touch tomorrow when we're back in base camp, and will be sure to share some photos when we're back to civilization on Saturday.

RMI Guide Henry Coppolillo

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This will be a very memorable way to celebrate your birthday!

Posted by: Kate on 8/10/2024 at 6:10 am

Wishing you all well as you continue on.

Happy Birthday, Katie!  This will be   a very memorable way to celebrate birthday!

Posted by: Kate on 8/10/2024 at 6:08 am

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