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Aconcagua: Cifelli & Team Embark on Journey to Camp 2

“It’s a funny thing about life, if you refuse to accept anything but the best you very often get it.”  W. Somerset Maugham

And that’s what we have with this group, the best. Each person brings something unique which together creates something greater,  something which makes the team keep giving their all as we make consistent progress on our push towards the summit. 

Today, the team bid goodbye to Camp One and moved to Camp Two on Aconcagua.  We had a “record-breaking“ moment right before we left Camp One. The team looked forward to moving to Camp Two as we had caught a brief glimpse of the camp yesterday, dropping off our cache, refueling our bodies, maybe sneaking in a little internet and finally heading back down the mountain while surfing the scree on our boots. Now, camp two is our home for the next few nights.

This trip, at least for me and I’m sure this also echoes the sentiments of a few others, has been all about learning, not only learning about each other, but learning about our own individual physical and mental obstacles we face and have overcome and yet to be overcome. The mountain is only there to test the fortitude we already have inside and to make us stronger. 

One of my favorite books is Robert Fulghum’s “Everything I Needed To Know I Learned In Kindergarten”, and so, in the spirit of learning, I now present to you “Everything I Didn’t Want To Know But Learned Anyway On Aconcagua”

1.    The words Chardonnay and shower can sound remarkably similar at high altitude.
2.    Adults still love story time.
3.    When you’re having a hard time with the climb and searching for reasons to continue, all you have to do is remember Guide Michael’s words “Whatever motivates you”
4.    No matter what you do, no matter what people may say, always keep your spoon……..and in some cases, your fork. 
5.    Be wary of unknown salt shakers.
6.    Make sure you pass food around the table until it gets back to the person who it was originally handed to.
7.    And finally, the most important thing to remember, the one thing that you must always keep in mind, especially when you need someone in your corner to help you with that final push to the summit…… Andy Always Wins.

Climber Benjamin Koch

Comments (2)

Powerful post and you all have the fortitude to reach the top. Now I’m really curious what is in that salt shaker.  Crushed Diamox?

Posted by: Ed DaPra on

This has been amazing to read through!  What grit you all have and I am truly inspired! I have no doubt that you are all strong, prepared and will get ‘er done! Looking forward to following the rest of the adventure :-) “Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb.”  ~ Greg Child

Ben. Also in the spirit of learning I leave you with this, “Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears and never regrets.” ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Be badass!
So proud of you!

Posted by: Donna (Mackinac/Philly) Scialanca on

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