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Denali Expedition: Cifelli & Crew Retrieve Cache, Secure Camp

Monday, June 19, 2023 - 8:49 pm PT

We awoke early to crisp cold air, and stepped out of our tents onto the fresh snow which was like a field of frozen Baja-blast. We then headed downhill to bring up our cache, The sound of our snowshoes crunching on the ice sounded not too unlike biting into a fresh Crunchwrap supreme. Once we reached our cache we stuffed our duffel bags like they were beefy 5-layer burritos, and then we were on our way back up the “unrelenting” hill to camp. The sight of our orange sleds sliding across the glacier resembling slices of bacon gliding across a skillet. Out in the distance we had a spectacular view of Mt. Denali, a colossal tower of ice and black rock, looking like a delicious Oreo milkshake.

Once back at camp, after a quick meal of smoked salmon and cream-cheese bagels, there was no time to rest as we prepped our  camp for some snowy and windy weather for the next few days, cutting ice blocks and building walls in an assembly line like a bunch of McDonald’s workers prepping the most delicious McDouble….And it looks like this McDouble will be our home for the next few days.

RMI Climber Joey Myers

Comments (3)

Joey I wish I had a sack full of burritos to give you for this epic writing!

Posted by: Lucy Ross on

Hey Joey…sounds like you are earning your keep and yearning for some basic food!
Enjoy your latest adventure and stay safe. Looking forward to seeing photographs, including the one at the summit!

Posted by: Doreen O'Toole on

MY JOEY WROTE THIS!!!  MIss you kid!

Posted by: Jenni on

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