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Denali Expedition: Bond and Team Pick up Cache

Today was our promised “easy day” by our guides and the jury is still out. We climbed down to 10K to grab our previously buried cache and climbed back up to camp 2. The day was and still is snowy and windy, but we got to spend a lot of it in our tents eating our newly uncovered snacks.

Tomorrow - should Denali allow, we will climb to 14,000, to bury another cache.

Happy adoption day to my dog Mav and early birthday to my best girl Alex, and lastly to my mom, we are giving it hell! I love you.

Ps I wrote a really great dispatch yesterday, but the German guy stole my blog.

Comments (3)

Thanks Mikayla! I love checking the blog and you wrote this one. You all are a crazy, dedicated bunch.  I hope Denali allows. I love you Capt., Cakes,  Baby girl.

Posted by: Michelle DeMers on

Y’all are absolutely amazing, hoping all the best to the whole team for the rest of your journey!

To Mikayla- be safe homie, I read every new blog post to kumar and the production team, they all think y’all are crazy, but also are all rooting for you all the way from South Korea…I love you and I promise we will make a cake for Mav once you get back to celebrate his adoption day, be safe Mikayla.

Posted by: Mack Thompson on

Fingers crossed Denali treats you well tomorrow

Posted by: Mack Thompson on

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