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Kilimanjaro: Hahn & Team Reach Summit, Uhuru Peak

11 PM sure seemed like it came early last night.  Some got a little sleep, some got none, but we all got up to go climbing.  We had an 11:30 “breakfast” before leaving Barafu High Camp just after midnight.  It was magically clear and calm.  We could see the lights of Moshi and a thousand other towns.  The moon didn’t rise until about three so there were plenty of stars to see as we marched by headlight.  Naturally, all the other climbing teams were getting going at the same time, so Naiman -who led the way- had to do some bobbing and weaving to get us free of traffic jams.  Eventually we broke free and were able to set our desired pace up the steep, zig zag of pumice and lava steps.  We took short breaks every 60 to 90 minutes, generally adding clothing layers as we got higher and colder.  It was still dark when we hit the crater rim at Stella Pt at 5:48. We took a short break and the guides broke out thermoses of sweet black tea which the team devoured.  Then we walked the rim to Uhuru as daylight slowly came on.  There is a lot to look at on a 19,000 ft stroll at sunrise.  We hit the tippy top… Uhuru… at 6:47 AM   There were a few tears and cheers, then a bunch of happy photographs.  We sat to eat and drink and then -after 25 minutes on the top of Africa- we began our descent.  The team made good time, boot skiing down thousands of feet of loose pumice.  In three and a half hours we were back at High Camp. Our staff welcomed us with cups of fruit juice and joyful songs.  Tosha -our chef- prepared a 15,200 ft pizza lunch to fortify us for our continued climb down.  The team pulled out of High Camp at 11:40 AM and got down 5000 ft of rocky and dusty trail in three hours.  It is clear and sunny still at 10,000 ft Mweka Camp.  Our team is tired but happy.  We’ll sit down to our final dinner on the hill in a few minutes and we’ll review the highs… and the hard parts of an excellent day.  There will certainly be a few mentions of the amazing job our guides and staff did to get us living out a dream. 

Best Regards

RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (8)

Congratulation all.
Well-written recap - Evokes memories of ‘‘09.

Posted by: Waltero Glover on

Wow! Wow! Wow!!!!! Congratulations everyone! So proud of you ALL!!!

Looking forward to hearing all about it Kim!! What a HUGE accomplishment!

Enjoy your last bit of time in Africa! Soak in that earthy smell for me!

Posted by: Alisha Palmer on

In a single word, Wow!  Congratulations to whole team!

Kim, it’s been a joy to live vicariously through you as you stepped up to achieve a major bucket list item!  I remember your interest in climbing Kilimanjaro for a while.  That must make this victory all the sweeter. 

Bella, congratulations!  I am happy that you and Kim had good friends in each other with whom to share experiences of the trip.

Posted by: Michael Brewer on

Congratulations! You did it!!! I’m so happy for you, I can’t imagine how amazing you all must feel. I’m so proud of you!

Posted by: Diana Lowe on

Reading Dave’s blog this morning filled me with emotion for the whole group. No
Matter how far you made it, you surpassed 95 percent of the world population with your accomplishment. I particularly had an emotional response for my friend Kim because I know how long this has been a dream of hers.  Of course, my greatest source of pride and emotion goes out to my wife Bella who only a few years ago had never been anywhere other than the Philippeans….now she has been many places in the USA and to the highest point on the continent of Africa.  Her youth, strength, grit and determination account for her success in this endeavor. Great job Bella!  Thank you Dave Hahn for providing a safe venue for your team to accomplish this. Paul Mann

Posted by: Paul mann on

Cue music! Celebration by Kool and the Gang!! I can’t link it here. Just know I listened and danced to it after I read that you so made it to the top of Africa!!

Congratulations!!! You did it!!! I’m so proud of your accomplishment and achieving your dream!!!

Kim: we will celebrate and dance when I see you next!! Hugs!! You are amazing! 

Posted by: Pam on

Congratulations to the entire team, and thanks to Dave and team for getting them up the hill safely and (from what I hear) with some good stories.

Kim - I am happy for you. This has been a dream of yours for as long as I have known you. All of your work and preparation paid off. That picture is amazing - it’s such a perfect capstone to this little adventure. I love you more than you know. :-)

Bella - Congratulations to you. It has to be a thrill like no other. Thanks for being Kim’s training and climbing partner. (And for all the cookies.)

Rest up and enjoy your accomplishment.


Posted by: JOHN GILMAN on

Hurray! How wonderful! Look forward to hearing (and seeing) all about it. It takes a team for such a endeavor, and this sure seems like a great one. High five, Kim!

Posted by: Kathryn Jaliman on

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