Denali Expedition: Hahn and Team Back Carry
Posted by: Dave Hahn, Dominic Cifelli, Seth Burns, Tatum Whatford
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 11,000'
Easy day today! We were up at 5 AM on another fine weather day at 11,000 ft. Shortly after 7 AM we started walking downhill to retrieve our cached food and fuel at 9700 ft. The low clouds had cleared out overnight and so as we came close to Kahiltna Pass at 10,000 ft we could see well out into the tundra and an endless series of lakes and ponds down in the lowland. It took just over a half hour to reach our cache. Thankfully the ravens hadn’t disturbed it (they’ve been known to end an expedition or two) and we dug it up and loaded up. We got back up the hills in about 2 hrs. During the day it was worth doing a little review and practice with avalanche beacons, some discussion of crampon and climbing techniques and a refresher on handling the ice axe.
Tomorrow, the game changes a little as we take on steeper and more serious terrain. Out of the snowshoes and into the crampons. With all of that training we managed to fit in some excellent naps as well. After dinner and storytelling, we got our packs and sleds ready for a carry tomorrow.
Best Regards,
RMI Guide Dave Hahn & Team
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Comments (3)
Checking in on the blogs daily and cheering you all on!
Posted by: Diana Weiss on
WHAT AN ADVENTURE!!! Kudos to all…
Posted by: Ellis I. Richman on
Such excitement! Love the daily blogs! Good luck to the whole team, including Jim!!!!
Posted by: Deborah Karmozyn on