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Denali Expedition: Parrinello and Team Cache Gear at 9,500’

Greetings from the bottom of Ski Hill. We’ve been keeping our trend of staying on east coast time (3am wake up Alaska time) in order to keep up with the stock market and take advantage of the cooler temps and firm snow. This morning we packed up all our excess supplies and gear and headed uphill to cache them. Conditions were ideal again as we were able to climb without the aid of crampons or snow shoes. Apparently, granola breakfast was the breakfast of champions because the team crushed it! They marched uphill without tiring and kept cheerful smiles while doing it. The sunrise was incredible and even saw what could be described as a non-traditional rainbow in the distant rains near Talkeetna! We soon climbed past the traditional cache spot around 9,500 and stopped just below the last hill to 11 camp. The only reason we didn’t go all the way was to save the experience of seeing what will be our new home for tomorrow.

The afternoon was spent back at ski hill, napping, relaxing, snacking and trading stories. Some of which seemed too good to be true.

The weather is beautiful and so is the team.

Yours Truly,

RMI Guides Avery, Jack, Liam and the Team

Comments (8)

Hey Team!!! What a day! How great to be able to be a tiny part of this experience with you - thank you for sharing!  Keep up the great work and positive attitudes!  We are all behind you. Go Michael Go!  Am with you in spirit bud- Love you!!  Hugs all around team- Alicia xoxo

Posted by: Alicia Becker on

Thank you for allowing all of us on your incredible journey!!!
Sending the most amazingly brilliant positive vibes to you Michael & the whole team!!! Go team go!!! I am so proud of you!! Lots of love to all!!
Aunt Tulip

Posted by: Julee Valentine on

Heather H - stay strong and focused! What an amazing journey you all are on.

Posted by: Jonathan Fugit on

You guys are an incredible team and your endurance is amazing! Thank you for the blogs and posting, we look forward to seeing your progress. Shout out to Heather Hart! Your CBJD family is thinking of you and sending you strong

Posted by: Janine Paradiso on

Love you Michael!!! It’s incredible to be able to follow you on your guys journey! Keep pushing, we are all rooting for you. Sending love to you and your team!

Posted by: Desiree on

Go Heather H!
We are proud of you and what you are doing!

Posted by: George K on

Hey team - keep up your smiles and energy! Have a great rest of your day - hear you have some snow up there! Hi Michael!!! Kim & Jim

Posted by: Kim on

Looking forward to reading the blogs and seeing the beautiful photos you send.
It will be an education for me. Safe travels and a hug for Liam. M.

Posted by: mary pagnucco on

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