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Aconcagua: Team Prepares and hopes to Move to Camp 3

Day 15

Our team is so resilient. This storm continues to pound the mountain, but our positivity is overwhelming it! It was another really windy and cold one. Despite the bad weather, we were able to get out and stretch our legs a bit. It felt great to move around! The team kept themselves busy this afternoon sorting and preparing gear. If the weather allows, we plan to move to Camp 3 tomorrow.

Till next time,

RMI Guides Luke, David & Team

Comments (5)

I’m in awe of both the physical and mental strength you all have to push forward! Stay strong team. You can do this!

Posted by: Amanda Schimkus on

Hey Pop/Tim,
It wouldn’t be an adventure if everything went as planned!  I know you will be persevere these hardships and conquer this challenge.  Just know that we are all rooting for you and miss you.  I’ve got a laundry list of “man” projects around the house for us to complete upon your return which should motivate your prolonged stay in Aconcagua.  Take care and be safe!

Love your favorite son-in-law,


Posted by: Christopher Nicholson on

Amazing perseverance in these testing times. We are proud of you and know you will make it to the summit when the opportunity presents itself.  We love you! Jeremy and Kelly

Posted by: Jeremy and Kelly on

What major resilience and toughness required in your journey. You are all amazing. Praying for storm clearing and the weather to permit your way. The journey has been the utmost most amazing of accomplishments already so proud of you Tim and team! May safety and love light yr way! Teri

Posted by: Teri Derr on

We’re rooting for all of you. We hope the weather permits you to do what you all went there to do, while listening to what is safest of course. We are sending lots of strength and encouragement your way!

We are very proud of you Pops! We love you and miss you!! Yin, Yang, Balu, and Buddy say hi too!

Posted by: Noel on

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