Mt. Rainier: Four Day Teams Summit on 4th of July
Posted by: Pete Van Deventer, David Price, Liam Weed, Mike King, Seth Burns, Axel Ryd
Elevation: 14,410'

RMI's Four Day Climb teams for July 1 - 4 led by RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer & Mike King reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning at 5:40 am. Pete reported a nice day with light winds, really nice climbing conditions and a great route. The climbs spent some time in the crater enjoying the views and getting all the photo ops. They began their descent from the crater rim around 7 am. Once back at Camp Muir they will repack and continue down to Paradise to conclude their climb.
We want to give a shout out to RMI Guides Henry Coppollilo and Leif Bergstrom who spent a long day on route work earlier this week and really worked hard to improve the route. Thank you!
Congratulations to today's climber
Comments (3)
Congratulations, what a great accomplishment!
Posted by: Jeff Means on
« Bravo à toute l’équipe », congratulations to all of you, from France !!!
Posted by: Philippe Deiss on
Awesome summit team!! Congratulations to all for a successful summit!! Proud!!
Posted by: Nardizzi Family on