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Denali Expedition: Smith and Team Move to 17,000

Hello from 17,000' Camp!

We finally left 14,000' Camp. As fun as it was, we were all ready to leave. We woke up this morning with calm winds and no spin drifts off the ridge. It was a morning we couldn't pass up. The team packed up in record time and we hit the trail with big smiles. Since the team had already been on the fix lines, they crushed them. A well oil machine. One of the best views on the mountain is on the West Buttress. A rocky, snowy sidewalk with exposure on both sides. You can see all the vertical you have alreayd done. Its a great reward for a patient stay at 14k camp. The winds did show their presence towards the end of the day but this team is tough and pushed through. A hard day of walking was greeted by more hard work setting up camp. Ice walls were built to protect the tents from winds. Fingers crossed they subside a gove us the weather window we have been hoping for. Tomorrow looks like a good day to try for the summit. So as long as the wind doesn't pick up tomorrow is the day. The day we have been waiting for. Send all the good vibes and luck our way folks because we need it.

Please let the stars align,

RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team

Comments (6)

Best of luck Steven and team

Posted by: Larisa Pivnik on

Fair winds Hannah and team, looks like a go for Tuesday or Wednesday, be safe and take a moment on the summit to reflect all the hard work to get there. Good Luck.
Mom and Dad Fortier

Posted by: Robert Fortier on

Fingers crossed for the final ascent! So excited to hear you all made it in stellar shape!!
Love from all of us Beej!
Mom, Dad & Beanie
(Tater Tot at “Boot Camp”)

Posted by: Judy collins on

Wishing Hollie, Shane and all the team the very best, I really hope mother nature has a good day and ye can summit.. Pushing you all to the top from Ireland, love you Hollie and Shane…. Very proud Mam xxx

Posted by: Sharon on

All the best wishes for a Perfect climbing day tomorrow Hannah and Dustin!!!  You have earned it!!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on

What fantastic news that you left 14K camp! Reading this on a delay, I realize that you might be pressing to the summit as I write this. I am in awe of the dedication and hard work that you all have. I can’t wait for the next update! Best wishes and lots of love to B.

Posted by: Heather Collins on

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