Mt. Rainier: Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz Summit!

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz team reached the summit of Mt. Rainier at around 8am this morning. RMI Guide Avery Parrinello repoted a beautiful day of climb, and the route through the Kautz Ice Chute was in great shape. The Team has started their descent and will spend another day training and practicing alpine expedition skills to prepare for future climbs like Denali or Aconcagua.
Congratulations to today's team!
Comments (5)
Woot!!! Amazing everyone!!! Just incredible! Good job Josh! And Sam, I’m proud of how far you got and your thoughtfulness on the decision to come back early. Well done too all!!!!
Posted by: Heather hobbs on
So happy and excited for you Josh & Sam!!!! Congratulations to you guys and your team!!
Posted by: Ana Zekants on
How exciting for the climbers & for those of us awaiting word! I am in complete awe of what you have accomplished these last few days. I applaud my nephew, Josh Roof, as well as the whole team for your achievements individually & as a team.
Aunt Jean
Posted by: Jean Maher on
Wonderful news
Posted by: Nancy Roof on
Congrats all! Especially josh! So excited for you!!
Posted by: Annie on