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Ecuador Volcanoes: Knoff & Team Summit Cayambe!

Our Ecuador Volcanoes team is pleased to announce that we reached the summit of Cayambe, Ecuador’s third highest peak, this morning at 9:30 am.  

Unfortunately we were dealt a messy hand fist thing when an electrical storm descended onto our team at 15,800 feet.  With axes, ski poles and any other metal object literally glowing from the static electricity, we had no choice but to retrace our hour long start and return to the hut. With hopes almost dashed, I suggested a second round but the caveat was we needed to move fast and efficiently putting high demands on those willing. With a long stretch already under our belts, only three climbers opted to try again. Through a full white out, many crevasses,  tired legs and burning lungs, all three made it to the top!  No matter who went and who didn’t, everyone made the right call.  

After a long drive back to town and a great late lunch we are all headed towards a rest day. We are all healthy and in good spirits. stay tuned for tomorrow’s rest day excitement.   

RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier, Adam Knoff and Team.

On The Map

Comments (3)

I can’t imagine being in an electrical storm at 15,800 feet let alone having to retrace your steps back to the hut. Whether you tried to make the summit again or not…I wish I could shake the hand of each and every one of you and tell you all to continue to believe in the greatness you have within you!!!

CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ALL!!! Sounds like a fun rest day is in store. ENJOY!!!


Posted by: Geri Kuehn on

Congrats on another summit!! Safety first for all of these mts!  Enjoy your day. Looking forward to more news.

Posted by: Jane on

Wishing everyone an exciting shopping day and a weather-friendly summit day on Cotopaxi.
Don’t forget to give each other trail names. Our guides were Jefe, Mule and Doc (Christina, Grayson, Alan) for Mexico last year, while Mychal was Endurance.
Keep pushing! Breezy

Posted by: Breezy on

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