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Ecuador Volcanoes: Knoff & Team’s Acclimatization Hike on Rucu Pichincha

Today our Ecuador Volcanoes team set out on the first of many uphill travels planned for the next ten days.  We like to think that our strategic planning plays a big role in our future success, which is why I ordered up some nice weather and arranged for a cable car to whisk us from 10,000 feet to 13,000 as to not over stress many sea level lungs.  

Our goal today was to ascend the 15,400 foot Pichincha Rucu volcano, a stone's throw outside the city in order acclimate for bigger objectives down the road.  With a starting zone of 13,000 feet, this hike is usually very manageable from the top of the cable car in five hours, give or take.  Upon arriving at the upper station the weather, unsettled for the last two days, showed signs of grumpiness but played nice as we prepared go.  A wild hitchhiker latched onto Jerome’s shirt and hand, quietly calling daddy, daddy, but after five minutes of hiking changed his mind, flying to Willie thinking his orange pack looked more suiting than Jerome’s yellow shirt.  Both would make fine fathers.  

Once on the trail we could not have asked for better walking conditions.  Thick clouds kept the temps down which was nice but obscured our view of the upper mountain.  The steep parts weren’t too slick so the entire team made good and steady progress upwards until there was no more up to be had.  After a cloudy 20 minutes on top we descended down with no issues and still no rain which landed us back at the hotel around 4:00.  

We ate a great meal and then prepared for the upcoming climb tomorrow.  Stay tuned for more sports action.  

RMI Guide Adam Knoff

Comments (2)

Hey everyone…Just want you all to know I did write a comment yesterday. In fact I wrote it twice as best as I could remember what I said. I didn’t see it anywhere so Whynde…don’t think mama forgot you and the group. Today I can see my Comment so I’m thinking it’ll be good from now on. Wish I would have printed yesterday’s words of wisdom but…onward and upward. LUMTA 1TF

Posted by: Geri Kuehn on

Hello everyone…I sure hope you’re getting my words of encouragement to all of you. Love the group picture. I have a book titled “Believe in Yourself”. Today’s profound words of wisdom are thanks to Erma Bombeck. Most of you are probably too young to even know who she is. She took life with a grain of salt and a smile.

There are people who put their dreams in a little box and say, “Yes, I’ve got dreams, of course, I’ve got dreams.” Then they put the box away and bring it out once in a while and look in it, and yep, they’re still there. These are great dreams, but they never even get out of the box. It takes an uncommon amount of guts to put your dreams on the line, to hold them up and say, “How good or how bad am I?” That’s where the courage comes in.

Have a great day!!! Make good progress!!! Remember it just takes one step at a time!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU!!!  LUMTA 1TF

Posted by: Geri Kuehn on

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