Aconcagua: Smith & Team Rest Day at Camp 1
Posted by: Hannah Smith, Avery Parrinello
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Aconcagua
Elevation: 16,200'

Sit back and relax. We let the sun warm our tents before crawling out this morning. The valley below was swallowed by clouds giving camp an almost eerie feel. We sat just above them with a clear sky above. There was nothing on our agenda besides relaxing and organizing our belongings for our move tomorrow. A big part of expeditions is self entertainment during rest days. The team occupied themselves with flying colors. Camp was quiet most of the day until a team from below carried gear to Camp 1. They lacked some self awareness and implanted themselves in the middle of our scene. It gave some comedy to the day and a topic at dinner. Everyone is looking healthy and strong after resting all day, so tomorrow we will make our move to Camp 2. We will make our new home at 18,000'. You can feel the excitment in the team as our summit day approaches. Its less than a week away...
RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team
Comments (9)
That’s a lotta days and nights up on the mountain. Enjoy every minute! Even if, and especially when, your definition of “fun” isn’t congruent with the lowlanders.
Proud of you all!
Posted by: Donna Sassaman on
Hi Tim,
Beautiful photo. Even better that you are there experiencing it! We think of you every day and know that you are making the most of the journey up the mountain. Just remember:
Getting to the top of the mountain is optional; coming home to those who love you is not!
Posted by: Dick Simpson on
Thanks for the daily blog updates, it has been something to look forward to reading daily. Amazing life achievement to get where you are and to follow through with your dreams. Cannot wait to see the summit photo!
Posted by: Mark shindler on
Hi Marc & Team!
Hope the move to 18K is going well today! We’re all living vicariously through you here in Bend!
Sending High Vibes, Alicia
Posted by: Alicia Prusinski on
Scotty you are awesome, you are an inspiration to all of us back home, not many people follow their dreams like you do! We are all routing for the team to summit and make it home safe!
Thank you for all the updates, you guys rock!!
Posted by: Gavin Bell on
Sue! Forgot! Remember when the people on the other team burnt their tent down at camp one? Enjoy your views after your move! Kick butt and remember, you can do anything! Best to everyone else, stay strong and sweet dreams.
Posted by: Rhonda McCormick on
I keep thinking about your last post about the bacon and how jealous I would have been in the other camp! These descriptive posts are wonderful, thank you. I hope the move to Camp 2 goes well. :)
Posted by: Heather Collins on
Following along with you. Thanks for the posts!
Posted by: Donna Sassaman on
I can only imagine how breathtaking it is up there (no pun intended). Beautiful photo. Enjoy the views and mountain air. We’re all cheering for you Pops! And team! Keep up the impressive work. We love you Pops!
Posted by: Noel Imfeld on